THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 22 Friday, May 14, 1982 Custody Is Awarded to Father for Sons to Be Raised Jewish CALL MEL SHUMAN Five Point For The Best Lawn and Tree Spray In Town An Oakland County Cir- cuit Court judge had taken custody of two children from the mother one year after a divorce and awarded cus- tody to the father in order to raise the children Jewishly. Attorney Joel Schavrien said Judge George La Plata made the custody decision last week because the mother of two boys aged nine and 12 had violated the divorce settlement by inter- ferring with the boys' Jewish education. Schavrien said the mother, who was born Catholic, had a Reform con- version before her first mar- riage and a Conservative conversion before her sec- ond marriage. As part of the Conservative conversion, the mother agreed in writ- ing to raise any children of the marriage as Jewish. In recent years, Schav- rien said, the mother de- ACCU--SPRAY PROGRAM "WE DO LAWNS RIGHT" FREE Estimate — FREE Analysis Call 977-8300 ACCU-SPRAY Licensd by .the State of Michigan WE SAVED 586 1141 LAST YEAR BY, NOT SMOKING: Stop Begin to Address Special Session of UN in June Smoking , in 5 Days ! UNITED NATIONS (JTA) — Premier Menahem Begin of Israel is scheduled to address the General As- sembly's special session on disarmament June 18. Is- raeli officials noted that this will be the first time that an incumbent Israeli Premier addresses a session of the United Nations. Among other world lead- ers scheduled to address the special five-day session are President Reagan, June 17; Chancellor Helmut Schmidt of West Germany, June 14; and Prime Minis- ter Margaret Thatcher of Great Britain, June 16. Israeli officials said they do not know if Begin will meet with any of these lead- ers. They also noted that Begin's itinerary is not yet finalized and it is not yet known when h_e will arrive in New York. According to Israeli offi ,. cials, Begin decided to ad- dress the UN after he was invited to appear around the same time before the Albert Schweitzer Institute in New York as the co- winner with the late Egyp- tian President Anwar Sadat of the Nobel Prize for peace in 1978. While in New York, Begin will also meet with- Jewish leaders, Israeli offi- cials said. SAVE YOUR MONEY AND YOUR HEALTH! without withdrawals or gaining weight .. . PROVEN METHOD! WITH A MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! OURS IS A PaA-us STOP SMOKING CENTER Of Oakland County lotiNi l 29556 Southfield Rd., Suite 202, Smithfield 569-4525 CAMP YOUNG JUDAEA For Jewish Youth 8-14 Session I - June 11 to July 21 Session II - July 25 to Aug. 18 For information, write or call 1901 ACCREDITED CAMP J Mr. and Mrs. Albert (Anne) Michalowsky of De- troit were honored recently at an open house in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold (Pauline) Michaels on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. The party was given by their children, Mr. and Mrs. Michaels, Sheila Michalowsky and three grandsons. Mrs. Michalowsky is corresponding secretary of Israel Chapter of Bnai Brith Women. protections of the U.S. Con- stitution. Judge LaPlata, however, ruled after interviewing the boys that their professions of Christianity were the mother's thoughts and not the beliefs of the children. • • • • • • • • • • • • • have them • • • REMEMBER YOUR AFFAIR • • • with • • COMPUTER PORTRAITS • Call • • • Framed Pictures, • Posters, T-Shirts, Etc. • • • • BANQUETS, PARTIES • • WEDDINGS, SHOWERS • MITZVAHS, ETC. • • • , • • PHOTOGRAPHIC • • 'COMPUTER IMAGES, INC...•- (313) 851-5977 • • Also located in Tally Hall, • Farmington Hills • • • • IP • • • • • •' • • • Due to Customer Demand We are Extending the Deadline! In Addition To Our Regular 20% Discount AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER Party Consultants Offers Up To 300 PERSONALIZED NAPKINS FREE with an invitation order placed before May 31, 1982 (this ad must be presented at time of order) 352-9323 \... 29633 Franklin Rd. off Northwestern Hwy. Hours: Tues.-Fri. 10-4 or for appt. call If you're not wearing it, sell it. You can't enjoy jewelry if its sitting in your safe deposit box. Sell it for immediate cash. We pur- chase fine gems, Diamonds and Gold Jewelry. A service to private owners, banks and estates. Call 642-5575. est. 1919 30400 Telegraph Road Suites 104, 134 Birmingham, Mi. 48010 (313) 642-5575 LAWRENCE M. ALLAN President GEMOLOGIST 61 DIAMONTOLOGIST $$$$$$$$$ SAVE ENERGY) Couple Honored on Their 50th Sponsored By Hadassah 6600 West Maple Rd. West Bloomfield 661-1038 cided to become Catholic again and raise the boys as Catholic. The husband and wife were divorced last year, with custody awarded to the wife. However, as part of the divorce agreement, the judge .ordered that "the sole and exclusive reli- gious training and educa- tion of the minor children be in the Jewish faith . . ." Schavrien said he petitioned for the custody change on behalf of the father after, contrary to the judge's order, the mother interferred with the boys' Jewish education and encouraged Christian be- liefs. The mother involved the Oakland County Chapter of the American Civil Liber- ties Union in the case. The ACLU said the children had the right to make their own decision on religion, based on the First Amendment ELECTRIFY YOUR GASLIGHT NOW! ON AT DUSK OFF AT DAWN Exclusive RELITE fixture duplicates gaslight charm at 1/10th the energy cost. MICHIGAN YARDLIGHTING 968-0487 Jeffrey Schreiber