THE JEWISH NEWS USPS 275 520) Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 1951 Copyright © The Jewish News Publishing Co. Member of American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, National Editorial Association and National Newspaper Association and its Capital Club. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Jewish News, 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $15 a year. CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher ALAN HITSKY News Editor HEIDI PRESS Associate News Editor DREW LIEBERWITZ Advertising Manager Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the eighth day of Iyar, 5742, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Leviticus 16:1-20:27. Prophetical portion, Amos 9:7-15. Candlelighting, Friday, April 30, 8:11 p.m. VOL. LXXXI, No. 9 Page Four Friday, April 30, 1982 MIRACULOUS ISRAEL-: 34 Israel's resumption of statehood was treated as a miracle. Its functioning continues as a miracle. No other people in mankind's history had been confronted with so many obstacles, with obstructions that could be ruinous for the bravest and staunchest. At 34, as a sovereign state, Israel carries her burdens with an amazing resistance to what- ever obstacles may be in her path. Difficulties that have mounted in Israel's struggles toward the high goals of creating modern standards amidst environmental de- gradations had few friendships. It all began with acclaim from many nations, except for the neighbors and some of their allies who vowed her destruction. Now, only the United States retains a role of friendship and encouragement to the embattled people. This, too, may be among the miracles attributable to the Israel that is fact in modern history. The confrontations that continue to threaten the state's very existence have many tenden- cies. They even intruded into Jewish ranks, endangering the unity of the Jewish people which is the nation's strongest instrument for continuing progress. This, too, is a miracle, that the Jewish state functions with pride and with courage in spite of threatening divisiveness in her own ranks. In a world beset by warfare and by economic difficulties, Israel stays abreast of the most civilized in mankind. How else is this to be judged other than as a miracle! * * * Are miracles unblemised? Is there a negative approach to the vastness of the very small state of Israel? There is! It is imbedded in the legacies of prejudices as well as the ghostliness of historic experiences. Millions of Moslems, so deeply attached to a way of life that they reject the Western influ- ences brought into the area by Jews, have de- clared war on their cousins. There are two civilizations at war, and while the salutations of both are akin ; both calling for peace — Shalom and Salaam — the craved-for peace is remote. Only one of Isarel's neighbors, Egypt, opted for peace and is now itself the target of the combined enemies in Islam. Thus, the difficulties to be considered, the ironies that affect the life of a people battling to acquire security. The Moslems are more numerous, outnum- bering Israelis 100 to one. They have the oil, yet claim that it is Jewish wealth that protects Is- rael. They dominate in the UN General Assem- bly and exert power in the UN Security Council. Yet they operate as if Israel were dominating the world. That's what Israel has to contend with. This ,is among the realities to be considered while greeting kinfolk on an important date, the 34th year of sovereignty. Despite the agony thus defined, there must be adherence to the search for strength. While sur- vival is a hated term — one dare not speak as if it were endangered — it is the strived-for strength that is vital and must be viewed as a factor in the judgment Of the anniversary now at hand. * * * Even more: there is the Jewish problem, that of the differences in the Jewish approaches to the Israeli position in the world. There are the domestic controversies. The religious con- troversies do not detract from the challenges which confront Israelis on all steps. They are linked with tehhe political and they are not happy angles in the life of a people battered with problems. And the issues revolving around Arabs in Is- rael, the citizens within the land and the neighbors in administered territories, in Judea and Samaria which the outer world insists on calling the West Bank, are truly upsetting. These are all matters for concern, causing History and geography merge into an immensely definitive work tensions, compiling media interpretations that on the major faiths, their adherents, their legacies, their traditions, in are, at best, like daggers directed at the heart of "Atlas of the Bible: An Illustrated Guide to the Holy Land" (Reader's Digest Press). Israel's need to live normally. Encyclopedic, detailed in respect to Christianity, Islam and It has not helped the peace, and the threats to the historically factual, the geographic, "Atlas of the Bible" it are directed not only at Israel but also at the Judaism, was prepared by a panel of experts. Archeologists, scholars, historians only participant in a peace effort, Egypt. and geographers were led in this task by the late Dr. Harry Thomas Such are the accumulated difficulties not to Frank, Danforth Professor of Religion and chairman of the depart- be ignored as the hearty greetings pour out, ment of religion at Oberlin College. joining with Israel in observing the 34th year of The cartographic branch of the Israel Ministry of Labor assisted in preparing the maps which form a major portion of this volume. sovereignty. * * * There is an introductory comment to the "Atlas" that has special Chronicling events and achievements, in the merit. It commences with: "The narrow land bridge between Asia and Africa — historic story of Israel and the Zionist ideal that brought Palestine, a region divided between Israel and its Arab it into being, world Jewry has good cause to be neighbors -- today is among the most important geographic areas on earth. proud of the spiritual-cultural accom- A link between the earliest civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt, it plishments. became the highway for conquering armies, a pawn in the power The universities in Israel continue to gain struggle waged for centuries, even millennia, by the great empires high-ranking roles in the academic world as a that rose and fell in the Near East. And today it is almost daily in result of the contributions that are made to sci- newspaper headlines as rival nations assert their claims to the area. "The true significance of this ancient land, of course, lies outside ence and literature, Israel's technology having any geographical or political considerations. For this is the Holy Land reached a stage that matches the most creative. — birthplace of both Judaism and Christianity, sacred also to the It is this rather than the military which gains followers of Muhammad. To a devout reader of the Bible, it is as acclaim under most tragic conditions that is familiar as his own neighborhood. He has stood with Abraham at the especially to Israel's credit. oak of Moreh and heard the Lord promise, 'To your descendants I will At the same time, the Israeli nation has give this land.' With Moses he had climbed Mount Nebo, to be shown raised the standards of the tens of thousands `a good land, a lang od brooks of water, of fountains and springs, who have been settled from underdeveloped flowing forth in valleys and hills . . "He has marched with Joshua as he 'defeated the whole land, the countries, thus giving the country the status of hill country and the Hegev and the lowland and the slopes . . .' He has rescuer of the oppressed and provider of a haven followed Jesus along the shores of the Sea of Galilee as he gathered his for excapees from persecution. `fishers of men' and accompanied him on his last, fateful journey into * * * With the cheers to the celebrant of 34 years of Jerusalem." Commencing with "Digging Up the Past," the volume carri on revived statehood go Many obligations. The Is- A with historic analyses, profusely illustrated, providing the mai. raelis will contend with their own. They must - make an atlas a genuine treasure. avoid internal rifts. Politiczation of the basic Kings and judges, invasions and endless conflicts, the ancient, obligations to act unitedly in the nation's de- "-the events of the Middle Ages, the present — all are part of the history fense must develop, must be adhered to. that is also specified as geography. rt is the Jewish Diaspora that has a very defi- If it were not for any other reason than the inclusion of a 32-page nite duty. It, especially, with emphasis on gazeteer, the "Atlas of the Bible" would merit particular considera- tion. It is defined in part: American Jewry, must stand firmly for justice, "The_gazetteer . . . is an alphabetical guide to places in the bibli- for kinship with Israel, never abandoning the aim of upholding the hands of the battlers for cal world. The names of villages, towns, and cities mentioned in the Revised Standard Version of the Bible and in the Apocrypha are life and for justice. listed. There are also entries for places that figured prominently in In that process, there is the specific duty of the history of the Jewish people and in the rise of Christianity but retaining the friendship with the United States, which are not named in the Bible — for example, Machaerus in the of keeping this nation on the side of an embat- Transjordan, where, according to the historian JOsephus, John the tled people that stands alone and needs a friend. Baptist was put to death." The U.S. is that friend. With the Jewish citizens The seriousness with which the religious backgrounds are and their Christian supporters they are the treated in this volume is commendable. It is a volume whose contents bulwark of strength for Israel. So must it re- will, indeed, serve as a guide for all faiths. It will be valued as a main as Israel is greeted on an important natal treasure for all who seek information about the Holy Land and the faithful of three major religious denominations. day. `Atlas of Bible' Enriches Studies of the Holy Land