64 Friday, March 19, 1982 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS `Lost Hero' Offers New Information on Righteous Gentile Raoul Wallenberg's Arrest, Whereabouts the picture was still at an Evidence kept mounting especially revealing is the hero of the Budapest resis- neglected to take this angle, and before Green- routine legal step and that tance to the Nazis, Madame in the last few years that the following: wald could turn it full face, he then finally chose to act Kollontai, writing in excel- courageous rescuer of at "During an interview held Vogel recognized it and said only four months after Er- lent French from Moscow, least 30,000 Jews of Hun- in 1981 with one of the quickly, 'Long dead.' " gary — some estimates as authors of this book, said that as one already out lander had returned from Among the many new his June 1965 visit to the of office she could no longer much as doubled that figure Nanna Svartz, a Swedish aspects of the Wallenberg Soviet Union. _ — was still alive as re- doctor who had been the be _identified with the case. case related in "Lost "Sometime in 1970 or cently as the early 1970s. personal physician to both When the Wallenberg Hero" are the contacts 1971, Gosta Nisser told Inga Contrary to Russian denials Prime Minister Tage Er- lecture series was set up at Wallenberg made with Piltz that he had heard from and the claim made by An- lander and Madame Kollon- the University of Michigan many notables. There i drei Gromyko that Raoul tai, said that shortly after at the inspiration of a `the highest government long record of his havii„, circles' in Sweden that, dur- Wallenberg died in 1956, the 'war a member of classmate in the U-M Col- contacted Elizabeth ing his imprisonment, Wal- there were witnesses who Budapest's aristocracy- had lege of Architecture, Sol Kameny, the wife of insisted they had seen Wal- told her: 'I 'just cannot King, the hero's mother ob- lenberg had become so 'in- Gabor Kameny, who was jured' and 'damaged' that, lenberg in Russian prisons fathom why this highly in- jected to naming the series the Hungarian foreign even if they had wanted to, in 1965 and thereafter. telligent man (Wallenberg) memorial lectures. There minister during Wallen- At last Wallenberg's took all that money over to were to be tributes. She in- the Russians could not have berg efforts to rescue the returned him. name is being given proper the Russians.' Dr. Svartz sisted he was also alive. But Jews who were marked RAOUL WALLENBERG "In 1972, Swedish recognition. Elected to hon- also claimed that Erlander in the Werbell-Clarke boo,k Mozambique and thereturn for extermination by the Foreign Minister Chris- orary U.S. citizenship by and Wallenberg's step- there is already the indica- of a Communist spy to East Nazis. the, U.S. Congress, his father, Fredrik von Dardel, tion that Wallenberg is con- ter Wickman said at a Germany. He has also been "Lost Hero" is a con- labors acclaimed on that oc- also knew about the money. sidered dead by now. The press conference held in involved in negotiations tinuity of tributes. It is re- Vienna, 'As far as the casion by President Ronald "Prime Minister Erlan- latest information that Swedish government is with the Soviet Union for corded in many works, not- Reagan, the demands con- concerned the Wallen- the release of dissident ably "Righteous Gentile" by tinue for Russia to confirm John Bierman (Viking Anatoly Shcharansky. berg case is closed.' that Wallenberg was re- "For more than two de- Press), reviewed in The "Further confirmation of tained in Russian prisons the story told to Dr. Svartz cades Wolfgang Vogel has Jewiki News April 3, 1981, for unstated accusations in 1965, that Wallenberg been an important Cold and - "With Raoul Wallen- which have never been The annual Righteous Gentile-Citation awarded by had died due to a 'mistake,' War contact man. He is berg in Budapest" by Per listed. There was nothing on the Metropolitan Detroit Jewish community this year came in the course of a sec- close to Soviet ruling circles Anger (Schocken), reviewed which to pin the reason for goes to Raoul Wallenberg. ret meeting held on April and has extensive know- in The Jewish News Oct. 9, his incarceration and the Dr. John Mames announced that the annual Yom 14, 1980, between Rabbi ledge about Soviet spies and 1981. charges that he was tor- Hashoa–gathering, memorializing the victims of "Lost Hero" is a notable Ronald Greenwald and political prisoners. In 1962 tured in USSR prisons. Nazism, will be held at 1 p.m. April 18 at Cong. East German attorney he arranged the swap of U-2 work, historically valuable The belief that the great Shaarey Zedek for the presentation of the citation to Wolfgang Vogel. Green- pilot Francis Gary Powers in the Wallenberg case. It hero of the last war is still representatives of the Swedish government. wald has played a crucial (one of Wallenberg's prison adds to the tributes to a alive continues in many Shaarit Haplaytah sponsors the event, with the role in recent East-West mates at Vladimir) for Col- great personality and quarters. The background serves valuably in retaining cooperation this year of Cong. Shaarey Zedek, the spy and prisoner exchanges, onel Rudolf Abel. of the Wallenberg role, the Jewish Community Council and the Detroit Round "Greenwald and Vogel the memory of a valiant re- including the one in April record of the demands that Table of the National Conference of Christians and 1978 involving. six na- had already met on 14 occa- scuer of tens of thousands of he be freed, are reiterated in Jews. tions that resulted in the re- sions prior to April 14, 1980. Jews and represents an in- the newest of the numerous Dr. Mames will make the presentation, and there lease of an American stu- During this meeting erasable chapter in the works about Wallenberg, will be a response from the Swedish representative. dent from East Germany Greenwald pulled out a pic- story of the most courageous "Lost Hero: The Mystery of and an Israeli froraprison in ture of Wallenberg. While fighters against Nazism. Raoul Wallenberg" * * * der and Ambassador Wallenberg is no longer (McGraw-Hill). Soderblom have indicated among the living is re- Of interest in the au- during interviews with one corded, thus, in "Lost Hero": thorship of "Lost Hero" is of the authors of this book "Since 1965 there has that there was a collab- that they were both made been other evidence which A New York Times re- that Nanna Svartz should prompted the Swedish oration that included a aware of the question of the tends to confirm that Wal- government on two occa- view of "Lost Hero" received have mentioned to me any- former Swedish rabbi. missing valuables. This lenberg died in the middle thing about Raoul Wallen- sions to direct inquiries the following critical re- Frederick E. Werbell, a may be one reason 1960s, and because of a berg's having died in 1965. to the Soviet government native of Sweden who Soderblom made such a `mistake' on the part of his sponse in the New York Prof. Svartz and I have met Times Book Review section " • was ordained in the U.S., half-hearted attempt to captors. and talked many times last Sunday. "There is, indeed, much devoted several years to secure Wallenberg's im-' "Inga Piltz is a Swedish Excerpts from the letter about this remarkable man evidence, well beyond 1965, the gathering of Wallen- mediate release from Rus- attorney who, in addition appear below. The writer is and his fate, but on no occa- that Wallenberg is lan- berg data. His interviews sia." to being a close friend of Lena Biorck Kaplan, presi- sion did she say anything guishing deep within the with Swedish officials The speculative about the Wallenberg family, about his having died.' bowels of the Soviet Gulag. and his search for evi- Wallenberg's detention has also worked in the dent of the Raoul Wallen- "Moreover, it appears dence about Wallenberg by the Russians upon same office as Gosta Nis- berg Committee of the Un- obvious that the Swedish This evidence comes from those within the Soviet serves the cause in behalf their defeat of the Nazis ser, one of Wallenberg's ited States: ". . .We wish to point out government does not be- Union as well as those for- of Wallenberg more ef- in Hungary are very cousins and the confid- lieve that Wallenberg has fectively than the previ- numerous, yet this reve- ant and attorney of the serious misstatements of died. In 1979, Sweden's tunate to have been given fact by the authors which exit visas and who have left ous works. He was joined aling note is most impres- von Dardels and at one Minister for Foreign Af- in writing "Lost Hero" by sive and if true as claimed time court-appointed led to the erroneous conclu- fairs, Ola Ullsten, issued a Russia. Thurston Clarke, author may throw much light on legal guardian for Raoul sion that Raoul Wallenberg statement calling the Soviet "The negative impact of died in 1965. of several books dealing the Wallenberg tragedy. Wallenberg. silence over Raoul Wallen- Werbell's and Clarke's book "Mr. Werbell and Mr. with major world issues. "Piltz recalls that in 1965 Clarke seem to base their berg's whereabouts deplor- is most unfortunate. As The reference in the Nisser became extremely conclusion on conversa- able, and this charge was there is no conclusive evi- above quotation to. Madame So extensive has been the previous emphasis given Kollontai is also of added in- gloomy and pessimistic tions Mr. Werbell held repeated in 1980 at the dence whatsoever that Wal- the Wallenberg case,, in terest. It refers to about Wallenberg and said with Nanna Svartz and Madrid Conference on Sec- lenberg has died, the book's many books, -that the Alexandra Michaelovna that Prime Minister Erlan- former Swedish Prime " urity and Cooperation in thesis does an injustice to newest, "Lost Hero," Kollontai, USSR ambas- der had just given him a.re- Minister Tage Erlander. Europe, which reviewed the the, thousands of people of emerges especially signific- sador to Sweden, who gave port on Wallenberg that Both have denied the Helsinki Agreements. Also, goodwill throughout the ant because of additional in- assurances - in the early was of 'a devastating na- veracity of the conversa- in 1981, Mr. Ullsten stated: world who are working formation that appears re- `years of Wallenberg's arrest ture.' " 'In the last few years and night for Raoul tions as reported by the "On Oct. 19, 1965, Fred- authors. In fact, in a new information has lenberg's releast." velatory. Why was Wallen- by her compatriots that he berg arrested by the Rus- was alive and would be well rik von Dardel successfully signed statement, Prime sians, held incommunicado, taken care of by the Rus- petitioned a Swedish court Minister Erlander wrote: imprisoned in the USSR, his sians. But when a distant to validate a will made out " 'When I read Werbell's whereabouts kept secret? cousin of Wallenberg, Mar- by Raoul Wallenberg in description of my conversa- 1939. It is significant that tion with him, I was upset. There are many items of in- cus Wallenberg, pursured for 20 years von Dardel had There are in his report terest in the new book and inquiries regarding the hardly any traces of truth. He is right in one respect only: in 1965 I met with Premier Kosygin in Moscow and brought up the case of Raoul Wallenberg, as I used to do in talks with Soviet granting honorary Miami leaders in order to clarify Beach citizenship to Raoul Wallenberg are, from left, commissioner Sy Eisenberg, Rep. and Mrs. Tom Lan- his fate. " 'There is no truth either tor who were saved from the Nazis by Wallenberg, and Rabbi Rubin Dobin. in the author's assertion Righteous Gentile Award Honors Raoul Wallenberg `Lost Hero' Volume Criticized ,