THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 38 Friday, March 5, 1982 Energy Focus of AJCommittee Solomon Bienenfeld, De- troit Edison special counsel, and State Sen. Douglas Ross will discuss the pros and cons of "Nuclear Energy: Alternative Power Source" at an American Jewish Committee Detroit Chapter meeting 8 p.m. Thursday at the Jewish Community Center's Jimmy Prentis - Morris Branch. The public is invited. Robert Rollinger, chair- man of the chapter energy committee, reports that the national AJC energy de- partment publishes "Petro Impact," a bi-monthly which reports on petrodol- lar influence in the U.S., and "Energy Information Service," a compilation of articles from various periodicals. In addition the department has produced a series of radio spots, "Energy Today," which are used as public service an- nouncements throughout the country. `Think Summer' Party Set by WSU Hillel Students The Bnai Brith Hillel of the WSU humanities de- Foundation at Wayne State, partment, will speak. The sports league will University will have a "Who Needs Ft. Lauder- meet at 7:30 p.m. March 28 dale?" party in conjunction at the main Jewish Corn- with Alpha Epsilon Pi 8:30 munity Center. For details on Hillel ac- p.m. March 13 at Cong. tivities, call Ms. Leopold. Beth Shalom. There will be summer music. Persons who wear summer clothes will be entitled to a discount. There is an admission charge. Mr. and Mrs. Bill (Lil) The students will clean up the Hillel House dur- Utley of Oak Park were ing spring break, March honored by family and 14-19. At 7:30 p.m. March friends in Miami, Fla., re- 18, there will be a dinner cently on the occasion of - for persons who helped their 40th wedding an- clean the house, and niversary. The party, a those persons will be ad- brunch at the California mitted free of charge. Country Club in North There is an admission Miami Beach, was given by their children Mr. and Mrs. charge for all others. - To volunteer, call Sharori Michael (Judy) Saywitz and Sandy Seltzer. The couple's 'Leopold, 535-2953. , WSU Hillel will sponsor three grandchildren a brunch 11:30 a.m. March attended. Among the guests 28 at the Hillel House, Dr. were Mr. Utley's sisters and Martin Herman, chairman nieces. Activities in Society . SAM & SONS FRUIT MKT: 6718 Orchard Lake Rd. 'For Top Quality and Lowest Prices All Year Round Best Kosher SALAMLor BOLOGNA $919 LI lb. 1 or 2 !hers. Best Kosher HOT DOGS or DINNER FRANKS - $119 , while they last 4cl. DELICIOUS APPLES • 69 California Wisconsin . 24_size MUENSTER CHEESE Wilson's Domestic - 626-4656 * * • SUNDAY JEWISH SINGLES of the Jewish Community Center will hear Dr. Brenda Baker 8 p.m. March 14 in the main Jewish Center complex. Dr. Baker will speak on "Creat- ing a Healthy Relationship: Sexual and Verbal Com- munications." Dancing, re- freshments and a social hour will follow. There is a charge. Singles age 25 and up are invited. For informa- $1 69 , SOUR CREAM 1 69 Lil Bloom's Kosher Carry-Out, Foods Available at Sam 5i .' Specials Good Thru March 9th ,lb. pt. * * * BNAI BRITH ,SING- LES will have a breakfast program 10 a.m. March 14 at the MCL Cafeteria in the Tel-12 Mall. There will be a talk on "Loneliness: How to Communicate With Others." The group will have a "white elephant" auction 7 p.m. March 21 in the Bnai Brith Building. Refresh- ments will be served. There is a charge and a ."white ,elephant" item is needed to gain admission. For details, call Lillian Freedland, 546-2967. QUALItY MEATS 6720 ORCHARD LAKE RD. - South of Maple • WEST- BLOoMFIELD PLAZA 6204656 Open 7 Days Mon. thru Sat. 8 to 6 p.m. SUNDAY - 9 to 5 p.rn, NO MATTER HOW YOU SLICE IT! FELDBRO MEATS CAN'T BE BEAT. THE CHOICEST OF THE CHOICE! BEER & WINE Imported Domestic 626-4656 USDA CHOICE STRICTLY FRESH GROUND CHUCK PATTIES CHICKEN LIVERS 114 or 1 /3 #ers 10,es.1590 USDA CHOICE CENTER CUT ea. tion, call Gerrie Feingold, 968-8853; or Marge Thoryn, 399-2265. FE lb. pkg. Extra Fancy Red or Golden PASCAL CELERY . Open 7 Days Mon. thru Sat. 8 to 6 p.m. SUNDAY 9 to,5 p.m. ImpOrted Hours: 8:30-7 Daily, Sun. 7:30 to 6 freshments. There is an admission charge. Singles age 23-45 are invited. To get on the mailing list write Second Generation Singles, P.O. Box 2571, Southfield, 48037-2571. CRITERION CLUB will have a pre-spring dance 9 -p.m. Saturday at the Oak Park Community Center. Danny Venice and his or- chestra will provide music for dancing. Social mixers and refreshments will high- light the evening. Everyone is welcome. For details, call Cecile Rothenberg, 968- 5394; or Adele Simms, 358-1258. * * * SECOND GENERA- TION SINGLES will kick off spring with "Spring Bash '82" 8 p.m. March 21 at Scandals in the Ramada Inn, Southfield. The eve- ning will include dancing, a dance contest and light re- BEER & VINE 851-8020 ‘) Singles Events ( USDA CHOICE BONELESS POT ROAST $1 59 CHUCK ROAST $1 89 lb. lb. CHICKEN GIBLETS • 39c lb. l• READY TO EAT! BAR-B-Q CHICKEN1 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE!RIPING HOT! FELDBRO'S OWN CHOICE CHICKENS! ORCHARD: LAKg - -44.14LY 'FffiEPARKING 6264656 OPIV...7.DdecY tpru,Sat:, i3 to 61P:m. SUNDAY 9 to 5 PM 626-4656