THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, February 5, 1982 61 Fanatic Church-State Separatists Injure Freedoms for All Citizens By REV. FRANKLIN LITTELL National Institute on the Holocaust rJ PHILADELPHIA — To say that the Holocaust was a breakdown of religious compassion and a triumph of evil is so banal as to bor- der on the bizarre. Before the breakdown of compas- sion there was a collapse of toleration. And Germany never had religious liberty, t ( 'It is mutual respect be- een individuals and groups secured by law. Mutual respect can only operate with constitutional guarantees, with a govern- ment wise enough to stay out of the religion business and churches wise enough not to manipulate political power against others. But above all such guarantees need public support through civility, mutual respect and even a sense of humor. One of the organizations that has done the most to exacerbate the feelings of religious communities in recent years is an outfit called "Americans and Others United for Separa- tion of Church and State." Among those who watch its operations it is frequently called "the college man's KKK." With animal earnest- ness it has often set itself to attack the shrines and sensibilities of Roman Catholic citizens, and sometimes it has reached out against other groups. The most charitable thing that can be said about "Americans and Others United" is that it has some sense that religious liberty involves avoidance of gov- ernment sponsorship of religion, but that it has no sense of the prior concern: "the free exercise of reli- gion." But its devotion to the former, carried to ex- treme, blinds its secular- minded devotees to the val- ues in voluntary and freely-exercised religion. Bar-Hand Study Is Linking Diet to Human Behavior RAMAT GAN — The na- ture of diet influences human behavior and the in- take of certain food sub- stances may have an effect on memory in old age, ac- cording to a recent study at Bar-Ilan University. Research by Profs. Shlomo Yehuda and Moussa Youdin, of the Technion, presently concen- trated on rats, has demon- strated that an iron defi- ciency in rodents causes them to be active during the day and quiet at night, in contrast to their usual be- havior patterns. Rats that receive too little iron, for example, respond to medi- cation differently from their normal peers. Prof. Yehuda has also been working on the prob- lem of acetylcholine, an in- formation transmitter, which may also be realted to memory defects in senility. It has been found that rats with memory problems fed on source substances of acetylcholine respond well. One of these source sub- stances is chocolate which contains lecitin. When rats have been allowed to choose their food "cafeteria style," after some "noshing" they often stop eating the• chocolate, al- though it is still accessible, and begin eating other foods their bodies require. While much is known about people's eating habits from common observation, more research is needed to discover the less obvious reasons for what people eat and why, according to the Bar-Ilan researcher. Lawyers Press to Eliminate Bias at Clubs CHICAGO — The Ameri- can Bar Association (ABA) voted last week to support legislation barring dis- crimination by private business clubs on the basis of race, religion, sex or na- tional origin. The resolution, proposed by the ABA's section on in- dividual rights and respon- sibilities, would affect clubs patronized by most of the nation's leading law firms. Such organizations are now exempted from the 1964 Civil Rights Act because they offer private, and not public facilities. Those who favored amending the act argued that many ostensibly pri- vate clubs were in fact ex- tensions of the marketplace. and that women and blacks who were denied access to them were deprived of valu- able business opportunities. LIFE By MADOLYN ROSENTHAL As we climb the stairway of life One step at a time We are bound to find a little strife But that will pass away in time. We all have our share of troubles But they too, will fly away like bubbles. So now, as we near the top of the stairway of life We pause for a while Look down with a smile And wonder, did we make our life worthwhile? So before it is too late Why don't we think a bit And banish all hate. Recently the organization launched a campaign and pushed a court case which was out of order in the first place and has now, under the Burger Supreme Court, led to a decision seriously crippling citizens' actions to protect basic liberties. The case was launched to stop the Valley Forge Chris- tian Academy from retain- ing a building purchased in sales of redundant govern- ment property. The Valley Forge Christian Academy, which trains clergy and laymen for the Assemblies of God, was one of hundreds of such voluntary agencies that managed to acquire a piece of property at minimum price. Americans and Others United smelled blood and moved in. And now the Supreme Court has not only held against them and for the Valley Forge Christian Academy: it has gone far beyond, to rule that outside groups without standing may not litigate at all. This threatens, of course, some of the most impor- tant defenses of basic liberties that black citi- zens, lovers of peace, and others have built up over years. A foolish organiza- tion with misguided zeal has cost all of us a great deal. The same organization is also challenging the is- suance by the U.S. Postal Service of a St. Francis of Assissi stamp to commemo- rate the 800th anniversary of that good man's birth. Americans and Others United charges that the St. Francis stamp would "create interfaith tension." What creates interfaith tension is a lack of common charity and a sense of humor! For my part I would be glad to be assured that the Arabs' Revenge CAIRO (ZINS) -- "Israel provides a good reason for every Arab, where he is a leader or an ordinary citi- zen, to act violently against any Israeli he may meet anywhere," writes Al Medina, a Saudi Arabian daily, on Dec. 4. The paper added, "Any tie between Arab and Jew is forbidden, as any peace agreement. Every Arab leader, king, president, offi- cer or ordinary citizen, must work for the destruction, liquidation and extermina- tion of Israel. This must be the legacy of every father to his sons and grandsons, and this goal must be part from generation to generation. No Arab may rest or sleep until revenge has been taken." Campus Program Names Director NEW YORK — Michael Skobac has been named field director for KIRUV, a new organization for college students established by the Rabbinical Council of America. U.S. postage stamps will not finally be confined to por- trayals of eagles, cactus plants and timber wolves. In fact I would like to see a whole new set of stamps worthy of the company of Ralph Bunche, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Fran- cis Parkman. How about Henrietta Szold and Theodor Herzl, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Reinhold Niebuhr?! Or would the fact that each of them contributed something to Jewish sur- vival be "too religious?" They would be "too reli- gious" for Americans and Others United, presumably, although the organization seems to go berserk chiefly when Roman Catholic sen- sibilities are involved. But suppose we were all as Americans loyal to religious liberty and the First Amendment to realize that sound "separation" is based on mutual respect, not only in theory but concretely toward each other's leaders worthy of remembrance and emulation? We would all be better for it. INNI ■ Ull ■ r 1 111E1i1111111PIIII I .1 141 111111111 ,till Iloi these are only a few of the features you'll find weekly in The Jewish News order a subscription or gift subscription today! r................................... m I The Jewish News 1 1 I 17515 W. 9 Mile Rd., Suite 865 1 I I Southfield, Mich. 48075 1 I I I I I Gentlemen: I I Please send a (gift) subscription: I NAME I I ADDRESS I I 1 CITY STATE ZIP I I From: I I If gift state occasion I ri $15 . enclosed .I..... ............ .. ........ I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I am as = a