THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Boris Smolar's `Between You . . . and Me' Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, JTA (Copyright 1982, JTA, inc.) THE FALASHA ISSUE: A serious dispute is now developing in the American Jewish community over the rescuing of more than 25,000 black Jews — the Falashas — from Ethiopia. They have been living there in slavery and inhuman degradation ever since the their ancestors left the of Israel — more than 2,500 years ago, after the / estruction of the First Temple — and trekked through Egypt to Ethiopia. Decimated by slavery and starvation from a commu- nity of about 200,000 to their present number, the Jews in Ethiopia are now "in a desperate situation which calls for rescue efforts of highest priority," according to a resolution adopted by the General Assembly of the Council of Jewish Federations last November. Efforts in this direction are being made by the Jewish Agency which attempts to bring them to Israel, but these efforts are meet- ing with extreme difficultues. The present regime in Ethiopia is strongly pro-Soviet and anti-Zionist. Diploma- tic relations with Israel have been broken. Black Jews are arrested, and tortured, when discovered writing letters to Israel or receiving letters from there. Involved is the risk of lives for these seeking emigration to Israel and for mem- bers of their families. Some 1,200 Ethiopian Jews have reached Israel during the last few years, but since May 1981 only seven arrived in Israel. There is no way of influencing the Ethiopian gov- ernment through friendly governments to permit Falasha emigration as has been done by U.S. intervention with the Kremlin in the case of Jewish emigration from the Soviet Union. BAN ON ORT-JDC OPERATIONS: Meanwhile, the situation of the Jews in Ethiopia is going from bad to worse, especially in the province of Gondar where most of them are concentrated in remote villages as sharecroppers working on the land which they are not permitted to own under a decree issued in the 15th Century. The governor of this province is a ruthless dictator. In 1976 the Ethiopian government permitted ORT to develop a joint ORT-JDC program of constructive relief, including Jewish education, health services and religious activities for the Falashas. However, last year the governor of Gondar province revoked the permission. During the five years of ORT-JDC operations, the Falashas were provided with cattle, seed and fertilizer, tools and modern agricul- tural instruction. Others were trained in carpentry, metal work, Welding, pottery, sewing and other crafts.. A flour mill was established in a building constructed by the vil- lagers themselves. In this brief five-year period, 22 schools were estab- lished under the ORT-JDC program in the Gondar prov- ince, with 83 classes and an enrollment of 3,000 students. Water projects, combined with improvement in sanitation and hygiene — and intensification by the ORT-JDC of the maintenance of 19 wells — have considerably lowered the infant mortality rate among Falashas, which ran in the past as high as 40 percent, due largely to water-borne diseases. But then came the ban on ORT-JDC. ISRAEL'S STAND: The Jews in Ethiopia — they don't like to be called Falashas because the word "Falasha" means "stranger" or "sharecropper" — have been hoping for emigration to Israel ever since the state of Israel was established. To them the Land of Israel is the land of their forefathers. There is no doubt that the Israel government and the Jewish Agency would like to see all of them brought to Israel. The rabbinate in Israel has ruled that the Falashas are not just a sect practicing Judaism, but descendants of the ancient Hebrews; They are Torah-religious and prac- tice holidays mentioned in the Bible. They do not observe Hanuka and Purim because the events marking these holi- ays took place after the destruction of the First Temple. For this reason they also don't know of the Talmud. REVERBERATIONS IN THE U.S.: An organiza- tion named American Association for Ethiopian Jews (AAEJ) is now functioning in the United States. It claims a national membership of 7,000 and it is the principal critic of the Jewish Agency which, it claims, is not doing enough to rescue the Ethiopian Jews from annihilation. The AAEJ also charges certain leading American Jewish bodies with following the line of the Jewish Agency, and with not presenting to the American public — not even to American Jews — the tragic situation of the Jews in Ethiopia. It demands that the major Jewish organizations in this country should organize demonstrations and mas- sive protests against Ethiopia's treatment of the Falashas in the same manner as this is being done for the Jews in the Soviet Union. Synagogues Asked to Push Aliya From North America TEL AVIV (JTA) — Sev- eral proposals on how more American Jews might be induced to settle in Israel were presented at the an- nual conference of the Asso- ciation of Americans and Canadians in Israel. One suggestion was that every synagogue in the U.S. and Canada purchase an apartment in Israel and allo* each family in the congregation to spend a half-year in it. The idea is that at least some of the families would decide to stay on in apartments of Shostack OKs Controversial Cancer Drug their own. Other suggestions were for synagogues to offer each Bar Mitzva boy a gift in the form of a free trip to Israel and for American Jewish communities to sponsor the first year in Israel for new immigrants from their area. Hungary Grants Status to PLO BUDAPEST — The Palestine Liberation Organization office here has been granted official dip- lomatic status by the Hun- garian Government. The move was made as Yasir Arafat, head of the PLO, vi- sited the country. Friday, February 5, 1982 MOVING? Priced Sale of Household Furnishings Professionally Conducted In Your Home Estate Liquidators EDMUND FRANK & Co. Liquidators 368-4044 Appraisers 875-7650 „ ma _ NEW HOURSN. NEW HOURS Aihin euieter SELECTED JEWELRY P( 1 • SERN ICE C()N11)1.1,111., JEN\ 13720 W. 9 Mile Rd., Oak Park, Mich. Near Post Office LI 7-5068 OPEN WED. CLOSED SAT. TEL AVIV (JTA) — Health Minister Eliezer Shostak has approved the controlled use of the Israel- developed anti-cancer drug, DMBG, denied to Reuven Maayan, a terminal cancer patient, because of legal complications. Maayan died Saturday, a day after the Supreme Court, to which he had ap- pealed for permission to be given the drug, issued its decision upholding the ban on legal grounds. Shostak said he was giv- ing the go-ahead order at the express request of Pre- mier Menahem Begin, who was reportedly deeply moved by dramatic and emotional radio and televi- sion interviews with Maayan only days before his death. But the Weizmann Insti- tute of Science, where the drug is being tested, said Tuesday its researchers thought it was still too early to license the drug for human use, as a number of animal experiments still remained to be completed. But an Institute scientist said the drug appeared not to be dangerous. It has re- portedly been administered to several cancer patients abroad. 4tg,zeezied AMW Launches Member Drive NEW YORK — The American Mizrachi Women (AMW) will launch its 1982 membership campaign with an "AMW Shabat" to be marked in synagogues across the country Satur- day. On Sunday, AMW will re- ceive the Jewish National Fund's Maccabean Award at the 42nd annual Macca- bean Award Dinner in New York. Percentage Down TEL AVIV (ZINS) — The percentage of the Jewish population in Israel de- clined between 1969-1979 from 85.6 percent to 83.9 percent. In 1979, the Jewish popu- lation was 3,218,400 and the non-Jewish population 617,000 (16.1 percent). Every time you open your mouth you let men look into your mind. Breaking bread" •as a symbol of peace, friendship, warmth and hos- pitality is a tradition that is as old as the Bible itself. Although far from being as old as the Bible, Maxwell House® Coffee has been part of that tradition for over a half a century. 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