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January 15, 1982 - Image 21

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1982-01-15

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Re-Issued Yerushalmi Volume on Marranos


names Fernando and
Miguel to Isaac and Ab-
raham respectively. There,
too, Isaac married.
Four years later, Isaac
and his wife moved to Ver-
ona where in 1673, at age
65, Isaac published his
magnum opus of 750 folio
pages, titled "Philosophia
libra." Written in Latin, "it
embraces the final conclu-
sions of a lifetime of thought
in science, medicine, phil-
sophy and theology."
Six years later his "Las
excelencias de los Heb-
reos" appeared.
Yerushalmi refers to it as
Cardoso's "apologia" for
it is both "a vindication of

Judaism and Jewry . . .
and a culminating justifi-
cation of his own life and
the choice he had made."
Yosef Hayim Yerushal-
mi's classic "From Spanish
Court to Italian Ghetto," as
historian Salo W. Baron
wrote, "is an illuminating
exemplar vitae humanae
and a fascinating contribu-
tion to learning."

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"In our home in New York elsewhere.
Among the "conver-
my mother brought me the
rich Jewish tradition of sos," Yerushalmi stres-
Pinsk, and my father, the ses, there were numerous
Hebrew humanism of crypto-Jews, many of
Odessa. Together they led whom fled to Amster-
me into an enchanted dam, Venice, Verona and
palace of Jewish learning, other places. They estab-
folklore, and song from lished Jewish com-
which I shall always draw munities and some be-
came Marrano rabbis,
The above passage is from scholars, authors and
Prof. Yosef Hayim even mystics.
Renowned was the Mar-
Spanish Court to Italian rano physician and
Ghetto: Isaac Cardoso, a apologist Fernando Car-
in Seventeenth- doso. Prof. Yerushalmi de-
', tury Marranism and votes the major part of his
book to a study of Cardoso's
k, wish Apologetics."
The volume, originally life and achievements.

Born in Trancoso, Por-
published in 1971 by
Columbia University Press, tugal in 1603-1604 of a New
has been reissued in 1981 by Christian family, Cardoso
University of Washington studied at the universities
of Salamanca and Val-
ladolid. The former
com- awarded him a baccalau-
mences his study with a reate degree and the latter a
review of the history of doctorate in medicine.
the New Christians and
In 1631, Cardoso pub-
Marranos both in Spain lished his first poem and a
and Portugal. He points year later his first book, ti-
out that the year 1391 was tled "Discurso sobre el
Th crucial for the Spanish Monte Vesuvio." As the title
Jewish community as indicates, it is a discourse on
0 many Jews were then the causes of the Vesuvius
either forced or voluntar- eruptions and the theories
ily converted to Chris- advanced as to the causes of
tianity as a result of the the volcano's explosions, in-
massacres that occurred cluding the one advocated
at that time. However, the by the astrologers. Accord-
Jewish community, ing to Cardoso, the astrolo-
though weakened, con- gers "lightly attribute more
tinued to function until power to the sky than that
the Expulsion in 1492.
which the Creator infused
But the situation in Por- into it at the beginning,"
tugal was totally different. and ". . . just as there can
There the entire Jewish be no universal fire or flood
population was compelled to of water produced by
accept baptism as a result of natural causes, in the same
King Manoel's decree of fashion there can be no gen-
1497. Yet, crypto-Jewish eral earthquake unless it is
life continued there until miraculous . . ."
1536 when the infamous In-
Although it is unknown
quisition was introduced when Cardoso became a
simultaneously in Spain Marrano, his Marranism,
and Portugal.
the author asserts, can be
The New Christians, in- traced through the entire
terestingly enough, were range of his literary ac-
regarded in both Iberian tivities in Spain. Thus,
countries as second class Cardoso quoted verses
citizens. And in order to and passages from the
keep them in an inferior Old Testament 23 times
position, "limpieza de and only three from the
sangre" (purity of blood) New. He never evoked
laws were enacted. Their the Virgin and only twice
aim was to exclude the Christ. Neither did he use
"conversos," inter alia, from the expressions
military orders, judicial tri- "Catholic Spain" nor
bunals, cathedrals, public "The Catholic Monar-
and municipal offices and chy."
When the Spanish writer,
Quinones, dated the erup-
dis- tion of Vesuvius that oc-
Despite these
criminatory statues, "chris- curred the same year Pliny
taos novos" were prominent died as "ano de Christi 81,"
in commerce and high fi- Cardoso marked it as "ano
nance. They almost de 81:" And at the time
monopolized foreign trade, Quinones stated that the
including "sugar, slaves, very first eruption of the
spices and other com- volcano took place "in the
modities." They even had year of the Creation 2159,
commercial connections which is 1894 before our,
with their Jewish families Redemption;" Cardoso
Holland, Italy, the Ot- wrote that it happened "in
the year of the Creation of
1857 which coincides with
i\iamed to Post
NEW YORK — David
In the year 1648, Fer-
Mersky. has been named nando Cardoso, the physi-
vice president of business cian of the Spanish Royal
development for the Court, and his brother
American-Israel Corpora- Miguel left Spain for Italy
tion (Ampal), a New York- where they became resi-
based firm which offers in- dents of the Venetian
vestments in various Israeli Jewish ghetto. There they
industrial and agricultural were circumcised and
changed their vernacular


Friday, January 15, 1982 21

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