48 Friday, January 1, 1982 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Synagogue Origin Defined in Gutmann-Edited Book Acknowledged as em- o phasizing the centrality of Jewish life everywhere, the synagogue has nevertheless remained somewhat shrouded as to its historic background and develop- ment. Under the guidance of Dr. Joseph Gutmann, professor of art history at Wayne State University, research into the beginnings and de- velopment is accounted for in an important new vol- ume, "Ancient Synagogues: The State of Research" (Scholars Press, Chico, Calif.). Seven prominent au- torities joined with Dr. Gutmann in writing essays for this volume. Their basic theme is explained by Dr. Gutmann in the preface: "No one, I believe, will argue that the synagogue has been anything but the central institution of Judaism for the last 2,000 years; hardly anyone will be minded to refute the claim that the synagogue and its mode of worship are crucial for an adequate under- standing of Christianity and Islam. The synagogue, truly the spiritual mother of its two daughters — the church and the mosque — is pivotal for the development of two of the most important and influential world reli- gions. "Although we know a great deal about the history of the synagogue and many scholarly books and articles have been devoted to it, there are still many aspects of the institution that are unclear or in dispute. Even so, amazing archeological discoveries in the 20th Cen- tury and refined historical methodologies, have dic- tated re-evaluation of the origins, development, architecture, symbolism and liturgy of the synagogue. "We recognize now that the synagogue reflects a major revolution in Judaism. The centralized Temple in Jerusalem was the residence of divinity to whom hereditary priests of- fered prescribed daily sac- rifices in order to assure the fertility of the Land of Is- rael. "The synagogue, on the other hand, was simply a decentralized place of as- sembly where divinity was symbolically invoked by lay worshippers through reg- ularized prayers and cere- monial rites. The goal of the synagogal gatherings was to help the individual wor- shipper achieve salvation of his soul after death and re- surrection in the messianic age. "It has also become in- creasingly clear that the major documents of early rabbinic Judaism — the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds — preserve only isolated fragments of con- temporary Jewish praxis. Were we to judge by the Babylonian Talmud, for example, we would have no idea of the existing art of the synagogue, which the ar- cheological spade has been unearthing for us, nor do the extant texts offer a true picture of the pervasiveness of mysticism and popular superstitions which flourished among Jews at that time. "The seven scholarly pap- ers which follow address themselves to four signific- ant areas of synagogal re- search in need of re- examination and reassess- ment. All, with the excep- tion of the essay by Jacob Neusner, were read at the annual meeting of the Socitey of Biblical Litera- ture/American Academy of Religion held in New York on Nov. 18, 1979. "The four areas under discussion are: DR. JOSEPH GUTMANN Origins of the "1. Synagogue: Though still commonly attributed to Sixth Century Babylonia, the synagogue's origins, ac- cording to the latest re- search, are probably trace- able now to Second Century BCE Palestine. "2. Symbols of the Synagogue: What is be- coming increasingly evi- dent is a continuum of sym- bolic choice. The symbolism of the Jerusalem Temple and its sacrificial cult was purposely appropriated by the synagogue. Ancient Temple symbols were rein- terpreted and utilized in the synagogue as meaningful salvationary symbols. - "3. Liturgy of the Synagogue: Recent re- search indicates the words of many early synagogal prayers have no objective, verifiable meaning, but functioned simply as sym- bolic verbal vehicles, all leading the worshipper to mystic contemplation of the divine image. It is further pointed out that the liturgi- cal language and practices were not uniform in the early synagogue, but re- sponded with infinite variety to local and regional cultural influences. "4. Archeology of the Synagogue: The pervasive picture, so common in scholarly accounts, of a uni- form or normative rabbinic Judaism prevailing in the Roman and Byzantine periods now has to be aban- doned. Archeological evi- dence of the last 60 years makes it abundantly clear that a rich diversity existed in the Judaism of Palestine and the Diaspora. "The symbols, decorative styles and architectural forms employed in the synagogue buildings all point to distinct local and regional Jewish traditions in both the art and the prac- tices of the synagogue. It is for future research to dis- cover the manifold diver- sity of rabbinic Judaism in the Roman-Byzantine periods. "One hopes that the areas of synagogal research so penetratingly, if sketchily, set forth by the present writers will soon be fleshed out by fresh research deepening our knowledge in this significant field." The variety of topics re- lating to the synagogue his- tory and background are best defined in the list of es- says and their authors: "Synagogue Origins: Theories and Facts," Joseph Gutmann, "The Symbolism of Ancient Judaism: The the of Evidence Synagogues," -Jacob Neusner; "Censoring In and Censoring Out: A Function of Liturgical Language," Lawrence A. Hoffman; "An- cient Synagogue Architec- ture: An Overview," An- drew R. Seager. Also, "First-Century Synagogue Architecture: Methodological Problems," Marilyn -J. Chiat; "Ancient Gush Halav Giscala, Pales- tinian Synagogues and the Eastern Diaspora," Eric M. Meyers: and "Social Sys- tems of Six Diaspora Syna- gogues," A. , Thomas Kraabel. Dealing with the theories and facts about the origin of the synagogue, Dr. Gut- mann asserts that the emergence of the synagogue "most likely" was brought about by the "Hasmonean revolution in Second Cen- tury BCE Judea." He adds: "Just as Alexandrian and other Diaspora Jewries met the challenges of Hellenism by adapting pentateuchal- theocratic Judaism to Hel- lenistic concepts, so Judean Jewry too rose to the chal- lenge of Hellenism. The Judaism of Judea, however, was more than an adapta- tion of the existing Judaism to Hellenism; it was a revo- lutionary restructing of Pentateuchalism. "A scholar class, known as Pharisees, came to power, intellectuals who for the first time used the Pen- tateuchas proof text to forge new institutions and a novel two-fold legal system; known as the Written Law and the Oral Law. The goal of the priestly, cultic reli- gion, as spelled out in the Pentateuch, had been to in- sure fertility of the land through animal sacrifices offered at the centralized Temple in Jerusalem. "The goal of the new Pharisaic religion was to assure the individual's sal- vation after death and his bodily resurrection in the messianic age. All this was to be achieved by each indi- vidual without sacrifices or priests but through the ob- servance of the laws (the halakhot), systematically set forth in the divinely re- vealed two-fold Law. "The synagogue, one or the unique Pharisaic in- stitutions, became an im- portant meeting place where through prayers and ceremonial practices the in- dividual Jew could affirm his loyalty to the two-fold Pharisaic law, with the guarantee that its obser- vance would bring about salvation of his soul and re- surrection. "Thus a major historical event in Second Century BCE Judea ushered in the Pharisees and their new in- stitution — the synagogue — whose existence is not historically demonstrable prior to the Hasmonean re- volt." Dr. Gutmann expresses appreciation to Dr. Jacob Neusner and the Max Rich- ter Foundation for having made possible the publica- tion of this volume. Richly illustrated with photographs of ancient synagogues and maps, the Gutmann-edited volume marks another impressive contribution by the eminent Wayne State University professor towards acquisi- tion of knowledge about the roots of the synagogue. The findings incorporated in this book emphasize anew the leadership assumed in Jewish life by the house of worship. —P.S. Prague Jewish Community Is Blend of Past, Present and Future By. ALVIN GILENS - Joint Distribution Committee (Editor's note: In 1981 the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), the overseas arm of the American Jewish com- munity, renewed contact with the Jews of Czechos- lovakia after a lapse of some 30 years. The ob- servations were made during a visit in August 1981.) PRAGUE — The Jewish community of Czechos- lovakia is a unique blend of what was and what will be. The richest storehouse of Judaica in Europe, perhaps in the world, rests undis- turbed in the State Jewish Museum in Prague. The Nazis gathered from all over Bohemia and Moravia an extensive col- lection of the finest silver, the most ornate tapestries, tzedaka boxes, clocks, paintings, and it was all brought to Prague: it was their intent to make it a , museum — perhaps a mausoleum — to a people they had destroyed. The people yet live, but row upon row upon -row of Torah breastplates, crowns, kidush cups standing side-by-side in their sterile glass cases, like headstones in a cemetery, testify to the terrible success of the Nazis. The Starenova (Altenau) Synagogue (the oldest one in Prague) is not yet a museum. This shul, built some 700 years ago, has been shelter for a minyan continuously since then — the oldest synagogue so used in Europe. My presence meant a mi- nyan on Saturday morning. By the time services were concluded we numbered six- teen men. The Jewish com- munity of Prague is esti- mated at about 4,000 but few come to services. I asked the community shohet, the local butcher, how often his services are needed for kashering meat; "perhaps once a month," he said, "per- haPs less often." At the conclusion of serv- ices on Tisha b'Av, a fast day, the congregation tradi- tionally walks the block from their beautiful, Gothic synagogue to the ancient cemetery which even pre- dates the shul, there to pay homage to the most revered of the great Jewish sages of Prague. There is a kosher kitchen in Prague, in the Jewish Community Building, oper- ated by the Council of Jewish Religious Com- munities in the Czech Socialist Republic. There, some of the Jewish commu- nity gathers after Friday evening services for their Shabat dinner. The Secre- tary General of the Council, a warm, personable, energetic, smiling Jew with numbers on his arm, told me of two weddings and a brit in the week before I arrived. It rained the day I went to Theresienstadt, an appropriate environ- ment. More than 30,000 prisoners passed through this prison, many perishing from the inhuman conditions here, many more in the death camps to which they were sent. There are no gas cham- bers here, no ovens, for this was the "model" prison dis- played to the Red Cross. Here was a never-used row of shaving sinks and mir- rors; here, there was a swimming pool for the guards and an "exercise" yard in which prisoners' were executed. As I drove through the town of Terezin (a "model" village), I saw no evidence that these buildings had once been a ghetto, crowded with tens of thousands of Jews. The little park in which the orchestra had performed for the Nazis still grows green grass, the trees still provide shade from the' sun or a little protection from the rain. I walked the quiet streets of Prague again after returning from Terezin, walked to the town square, looked at the old city hall tower with its ancient and re- markable clock. Even here in the city hall is evi- dence of the importance of the Jewish contribu- tion to Prague's heritage, for the coat of arms of the city includes the Magen David, representing the Jewish section. It is. said that the heritage of Prague is equally domi- nated by three cultures — Czech, German, Jewish. Its greatest authors are the Jews, Franz Werfel and Franz Kafka. Today its leading tourist attraction is the State Jewish Museum which attracts 700,000 vis- itors each year. I walked across the Charles Bridge with its rows of sculptures on either side and paused in front of the crucifixion to look at the Hebrew letters over it, s; ling out "Kadosh, Kadosh." I walked on Meiselova Street, named after. Rabbi Meisel, and Josefova Street, and was struck constantly with the beauty and quiet of this stunning Gothic city. At mid-day or late at night the city is understated to the ear and overwhelming to the eye. It is to the heart, however, tnat the Jewish community speaks — what was . . . and what will be. LT