56 Friday, December 25, 1981 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 'Auschwitz and Allies' Details Holocaust Complicity , By CHARLES MADISON (Editor's note: Former Detroiter Charles A. Madison was an editor for Henry Holt and Co., later Holt, Rinehart and Winston, from 1924 to 1962. He has authored, among other books, "Cri- tics and Crusaders," "American Labor Lead- ers," "Leader's and Lib- erals in 20th Century America," "Yiddish Lit- "Eminent erature," Jews," American "Jewish Publishing in America" and "Irving to Irving.") In the preparation of "Au- schwitz and the Allies" (Holt, Rinehart and Winston), Martin Gilbert delved into the source mate- rials of the Holocaust with the acuity and erudition of the seasoned scholar and the compassionate concen- tration of humaniitarian- ism. As the official biographer (six volumes) of Winston Churchill, he had access to his private papers; in addi- tion he perused- all the available materials of the Holocaust in Israel, Europe, and the United States; he has alsd interviewed many survivors as well as the CHARLES MADISON leaders active in behalf of the refugees during the war years. The result is an almost day-to-day account of the fiendish brutality of the Nazis who were carrying out Hitler's pledge to achieve "the complete an- nihilation of the Jews." Simultaneously, he de- lineates the insensitivity and frequently the bigoted indifference of Allied' offi- cials to the cruel plight of the millions of Jews under- going extermination. The book is thus a fac- tual, graphic and pathe- tic narration of the de- velopment of the Au- schwitz extermination activities (kept secret from the world for almost two years), the frantic yet futile efforts of Jewish leaders to rescue the Nazi victims, and the various reactions to their appeals by British and American officials, diplomatic and military. Having written a prev- ious book on the Holocaust, Gilbert here deals primarily with the criminal activities in Auschwitz. Completed secretly early in 1942, the Nazis made it the largest extermination center under German control. During its infernal functioning its gas ovens worked daily to mur- der thousands of victims, mostly Jews. They were brought by train loads from every part of Europe, and most of them were sent di- rect to the crematoria. The name Auschwitz, or Oscwiecim, was almost never mentioned, so the world outside of Germany hardly knew of its exist- ence. When the horrible truth finally emerged, very few could intellectually ap- prehend its infernal de- structiveness. The first direct evidence was given by two young Slovak Jews, Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Watzler, who had succeeded in escapirig from Auschwitz in April 1944 and reached Switzer- land. Their graphically hor- rible account was at once sent to Jewish leaders in London, New York and Jerusalem, who im- mediately presented the in- formation to British and American officials. The latter remained skeptical, considering it Jewish exaggeration — until a Polish major, Czes- law Mordowitz, had also managed to escape and re- ported similarly to the Polish government in exile in London. This time the truth had become undeniable, and both Churchill and Roosevelt urged action to save the surviving Jews, Churchill giving his "per- sonal authority" to do so. But Anthony Eden consid- ered help "out of the ques- tion" in the prevailing war circumstances. The officials under him acted similarly. One of them, A. R. Dew, in response to the frantic ap- peals of Jewish leaders, stated: "In my opinion, a disproportionate amount of time of the Office is wasted in dealing with these wail- ing Jews." In the United States, MARTIN GILBERT after a personal appeal by Henry Morgenthau, Secre- tary of the Treasury, who accused officials in the State Department of indifference and bigotry, Roosevelt es- tablished the War Refugee Board — only to have its ef- forts frustrated again and again. A section of the book discusses the fate of the Jews in Hungary. In March 1944, Hitler sum- moned Horthy, the Hun- garian dictator, to Berlin to inform him that Ger- man officials were to supervise the treatment of the Jews in Hungary. Soon these Nazis began their fiendish work. Simultaneously, Adolf Eichmann informed Joel Brand, a leading Hunga- rian Zionist, of a proposed "deal" involving "goods for blood," or one truck for 100 Jews. While dangling this offer for thousands of trucks, he secretly sent 12,000 Jews almost daily to Auschwitz. Brand of course failed in his task. Before long, more than 100,000 Hungarian Jews were murdered befrsr\e Horthy, realizing that ler was losing the war ...id fearful of the Allies' threat of postwar retribution, put an end to the further depor- tation of Jews. Martin Gilbert makes painfully clear that the Al- lies were loath to permit refugee Jews into their own countries, maintaining that they feared the spread of anti-Semitism among their own people. Great Britain also insisted on limiting the number of Jews into Pales- tine in order not to alienate the Arabs. "Auschwitz and the Al- lies" has provided an au- thentic account of what Roosevelt termed one of "the blackest crimes" in all history. `Children of the Holocaust' Reveal the Horrors, Their Experiences Add to the Nazi Indictments the of "Children Holocaust" is a compilation . of the data regarding the horrors that were perpet- rated during the Nazi beg- tialities. Books have appeared under that very title, and now the youngsters who were themselves the vic- tims of the inhumanities are relating how they were tortured, how their parents and other relatives were sent to the gas chambers. Those Who survived now re- count the occurrences in the concentration and slave labor camps. Scores of books keep being published dealing with the Holocaust and its sufferers. Collectively they serve the purpose of keeping the crime on the record, to prevent its repetition. It is when the experi- ences of the youngest of the sufferers are de- scribed that the subject becomes most deeply moving. This is ascriba- ble to the account of the terror while in Amster- dam, Holland, during the two-year agony in Bergen-Belsen, told in the narrative by Barry Spanjaard in "Don't Fence Me In" (B. and B. Publishers, Saugus, Calif.) This is the story of a child born in New York, accom- panied his parents to his father's native Holland, trapped there, subjected to the insults- heaped on non- Germans and especially Jews by the German oc- cupying forces. He was Bar Mitzva in Antwerp, in a ceremony under dire cir- cumstances. Then began the incarcer- ations, the German camps, life in Bergen-Belsen, he and his parents finally being sent to Switzerland in an exchange in behalf of the U.S. for German prisoners — five Americans for one German! His father did not survive the journey and died in Switzerland. He returned to the U.S. with his mother, where she died in 1955, after rendering important services to the United Jewish Appeal but suffering from depression in her final years. Barry wrote his story at the age of 16, when he left Belsen. He was freed and returned to the U.S. with the aid of U.S. military authorities in 1945. He wrote his story in 1946 but kept it to himself. He later married, served in the U.S. Army, was as- signed to Germany, lived there with his first wife and their child. He was divorced and his remarriage in 1972 became an important event in his life. His second wife induced him to correct and publish this deeply moving story. In the prologue to the book, Bunnie Gurmain Spanjaard tells how her husband had written his tale while a student in the Virginia Military Institute in 1946. Bunnie asserts that Barry wrote his notes for himself, as if he had kept a secret. Not a literary gem, she asserts, it is difficult to explain why he had not told his story for the public to hear. It was after she had got- ten the secret out of her husband to be, when she first met him, that she in- duced him to publish his re- collections. The story as he had scribbled it was resur- rected from the bottom of a carton in 1978. Bunnie joined in cor- recting the text now available as "Don't Fence Me In." Barry Spanjaard now also travels to relate his story to interested audiences. His book is filled with so many horror stories that they create amazement over the manner of the cruelties imposed by Nazism. To re- late them would be utterly heartrending. But the story must not be ignored. Barry- was born in New York in 1929, was taken by his father to Holland on a business trip at the age of two. 'They remained there, through the years of Ger- man occupation. The re- markable memory of the sufferer and the author of this book is evident as he describes every detail, re- calls the family's neighbors in Amsterdam, tells of the journeys to and from the German prison camps until the shipment to Belsen. * * * 31/2 years in Sweden be- fore coming to the U.S., in 1948. Specializing in social an- thropology, Miss Siegal has hosted radio programs dur- ing which she related the story of the horror of her life under the Nazis- in Hun- gary. Aranka's story is also one of survival, despite loss of friends, rationing, witness- ing the capture of her sister and the knowledge that her parents were sent to the Au- schwitz death camp. This is another of the de- eply moving stories, con- taining the account of Aranka Siegal, who spoke trilingually as a child, grandmother encouraging Yiddish. Once again, in this tale, there is evidence of de- termination, under sub- mission to a terrorizing Nazism, to survive. Miss Siegal's story is Hungarian Jewish philosophical, questioning Family's Destruction how the terrors could have Told in Volume occurred and the scapegoat Bergen-Belsen figures in and Chosen People aspects another deeply-moving are scrutinized. It is a very human story, story, that of Aranka Siegal, who was an Hunga- compelling in its approach, rian Jewish girl who was a volume to be read for trapped, at the age of nine, further understanding of at her grandmother's farm what happened to Hunga- on the Ukrainian border. rian Jewry under the heels She relates the story of her of Nazism. Youth learns the mean- family's destruction under Nazism in "Upon the Head ing of Auschwitz, while of the Goat" (Farrar, Straus being subjected to the taunting and search for lust & Giroux). Aranka's parents died on the part of the ruling be- in Auschwitz; she sun- asts in the Holocaust vived, was liberated by drama. Here, too, there is mem- the British and lived for ory of terror — an adven- ture leading to the horror and suffering of youth who survived while witnessing the mass murder of the el- ders. The resort to memory lends added significance also to the Siegal volume. * * * Partisans' Narrative Is Added to the Holocaust Library Schocken books is the leader in the publishing field as producers of the Holocaust Library. Among its titles is the story of the partisans. In "A Voice From the Forest," Nahum Kohn and Howard Roiter relate the incidents that led to resistance, to the heroic determination to survive in dignity. Kohn, - a watchmaker, stemming from a reli- gious fanfily in Sieradz, Poland, went to the for- est. There he was among those who battled for life by refusing to yield to agonies and thre death. He joined the Soviet par- tisan Medvedev and the network of resistance fight- ers. Together with the legen- dary partisan Nikolai Kuz- netsov, the linguist who managed to infiltrate into enemy territory, he was an activist against Nazism. His story is related here by Howard Roiter, the co- author who is a University of Montreal professor. -