THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 25, 1981 53 Capucci's Actions Strain M.E. Peace Efforts By LEO RUDLOFF (Editor's note: Rudloff, a Benedictine priest, was in charge of the Dormi- tion Abbey in Jerusalem from 1962 until his re- tirement in 1969. This ar- ticle is reprinted from the ADL Bulletin, national publication of the Anti- Defamation League of Bnai Brith.) Melchite Archbishop Abu Sa'ada was a very lovable —an. He was simple, unpre- , atious, and lived au- (ht erely on one of the side streets in the Old City. Ar- chbishop Abu Sa'ada was loved by his faithful follow- , ers. When he died, a radical change," occurred. The first thing his suc- cessor, Hilarion Capucci, did was move his residence to a lovely villa in the sub- urbs. He was described by one journalist as a "jovial prelate with a penchant for the good life." My personal acquaintance with Capucci and some members of the Melchite Church only con- firms these impressions: ac- cording to these members, the new archibishop, in con- trast to his predecessor, didn't show a great deal of interest in his simple people and didn't care very much about their well-being. On Aug. 18, 1974, Ar- chbishop Capudci found himself in serious trouble with the Israeli authorities. He was arrested after the police discovered large quanitites of weapons and explosives hidden in his - Mercedes sedan. These are not the usual trappings of a Christian priest. Under the circum- stances, his later asser- tion that he is a disciple of Jesus — whom he calls the first fedayeen — sounds blasphemous. After being tried and con- victed, Archbishop Capucci was sentenced on Dec. 9, 1974 to 12 years in prison. The archbishop was well treated in prison, even though he complained about many inconveniences and a lack of respect. He maintained a quasi hunger-strike, but he par- took willingly of concen- trated, vitamin-packed liq- uid food. Medical sources said at the time that could continue this diet -in- definitely without adverse consequences. He was allowed to celeb- rate the liturgy in his cell. He was visited periodically by representatives of the d Cross and by members his Church. He did not ant to mix with other pris- oners and voluntarily re- mained in his solitary cell. The Vatican was de- eply concerned. When Archbishop Capucci sent a letter to Pope Paul VI, describing his "suffering in prison for peace and reconciliation among the peoples of the Middle East," the Pope re- sponded with a warm personal letter in which he conferred "a very spe- cial apostolic benedic- tion" upon Capucci. Eventually, Israel began negotiations with Vatican authorities who argued that the archbishop's failing health justified his early re- lease on humanitarian grounds. (It should be pointed out, though, that his ailments were to a great extent, self-inflicted. He re- fused to ever leave his cell, and then complained about lack of movement.) An understanding was reached between the two sides that included the fol- lowing conditions: • Capucci would not be allowed to make anti-Israeli propaganda for the Arabs; • He would be posted far from the Middle East; • The Pope's letter would not deny Capucci's guilt. So on Nov. 3, 1977, when Capucci had finished almost three years of his 12-year sentence, the Apostolic Delegate to Jerusalem, Ar- chbishop William Carew, delivered a letter from Pope Paul VI to President Katzir. It asked the President of the state of Israel in favor of Ar- chibishop HilariOn Capucci and to have him released from prison . . . we are con- fident that this release will not be detrimental to the state of Israel." His sentence com- muted, the archbishop was escorted to Ben- Gurfon Airport on No- vember 6, 1977, and put on a commercial flight to Rome. According to Vat- ican Radio, "the news was received with pro- found satisfaction by the Holy See . . . The gesture made by the President of Israel will certainly be welcomed . . . by the Christian communities in the Holy Land and in par- ticular by the Melchite community." After celebrating Mass in a Rome clinic, the Ar- chbishop held a meeting with a representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Shafik al- Hout. It was at this meeting that he said, "Jesus Christ was the first fedayeen. I am just following his example." Capucci also was quoted as saying, "In Jerusalem I left my heart. I am married to Jerusalem. Without her I am a walking corpse. The Pope had to accept Israel's conditions for Thy release, and 'God thanks him for what he did . . . but the conditions were worse than a death sentence." At the meeting with al- Hout, he said that he would have preferred to stay in prison if it meant staying in Jerusalem. But he said he was still working on a way to return. He told al-Hout to take this message back to the Palestinians: "Stay in your place and fight to get Jerusalem back." Capucci went on to Venezuela, and while there celebrated a mass "in memory of the victims of the Zionist invasion of Lebanon, and in protest against the genocide HILARION CAPUCCI perpetrated against the Arab people." Among critical voices heard was an article in Resumen: "It is one thing to treat a theme of the Arab-Israeli conflict objectively, with documentation, and it is another thing to serve propaganda pamphlets which revive the myths which make Capucci a Jesus and the Israelis deicidal mercenaries." From Venezuela, Capucci proceeded to Argentina. While the Moslem Arabs praised him as a defender of Palestinian interests, La Association Catolica pub- licly disapproved of his visit, describing Capucci as an ally of international arms smugglers. When Capucci showed up in Damascus on Jan. 16, 1979, to attend meetings of the Palestine National Council (PNC), the supreme authority of the PLO, which had elected him an honor- ary member earlier that week, his appearance caused "acute embarrass- ment to the Vatican," ac- cording to news reports. The Vatican said that -Capucci "made the trip to Damascus on his own initia- tive, without the authoriza- tion of the Holy See and without having previously informed the Holy See." In an interview with a Lebanese newspaper, Capucci claimed there was nothing in the Israel- Vatican deal to prevent him from making short visits to the Middle East. Neverthe- less, Pope John Paul II or- dered a two-pronged inves- tigation: to bring to light the circumstances in which Capucci left the country where he had agreed to live; to determine 'whether Capucci intended to obey the Vatican order to return immediately to South America. Capucci was sum- moned to Rome, but first stopped off in Teheran to congratulate Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini on the Iranian revolution. Prior to Capucci's arrival in Rome, Msgr. Ibrahim Ayad (an official of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem and himself a member of the PNC) ex- plained the trip as Capucci's attempt "to clarify with the Pope his open support for the Palestinian cause." On May 7, 1979, Capucci was received in private audience by Pope John Paul II, together with Patriarch Maximos V Hakim of Anti- och. Capucci was assigned by the Pope as a visitor or inspector of Greek-Melchite communities in Western Europe; his residence would be in Rome. The NeW York Times re- ported several days later: "After the audience, the Vatican's Secretary of State presented a statement to the Israeli Embassy in Rome outlining the com- mitments that the Bishop has assumed . . . Israeli diplomats expressed satis- faction over the way the Pontiff and his aides had treated the matter." After meeting John Paul II, Capucci made a declara- tion to the effect that the Pope, "who fought in his country against the Nazis," had "understood" Capucci's "problem." But according to reliable sources, when Capucci told the Pope, "I de- fended my people just as you did yours in Poland," the Pope raised his finger at him and said, "In Poland we defended morality without engaging in politics whereas you engaged in politics without taking morality into account." . According to Patriarch Maximos, Capucci's attendance at the Palesti- nian talks in Damascus had not been discussed. "That is water under the bridge." Capucci showed little interest in his new job with the Melchite com- munities of France, Swit- zerland, Belgium and the Netherlands. He said, in an interview published in the Rome daily Il Tiempo: "My ties to Jerusalem. have not been cut . . . What counts is that I, a Bishop in exile, have not been cut off from Jerusalem. My patriarch assured me that once political problems are solved, I will return to work as his vicar in Jerusalem." Capucci's political activi- ties persisted in Western Europe. When Yasir Arafat visited Spain in September 1979, Archbishop Capucci appeared with him. The fol- lowing February, Capucci visited the American hos- tages in Teheran. He as- serted that "despite the poisonous American public- ity, the hostages were in perfect health. During his Easter visit to the hostages, the Ar- chbishop again stated, "The hostages enjoy freedom. My food in the prison of the Is- raeli executioners was worse than animals get, but the food served to the .hos- tages is better than my meals in Rome at present." Israel's Foreign Minister, Yitzhak Shamir, stated in the Knesset on July 2, 1980 that the Vatican had in- formed Israel that it was taking steps to honor the agreement under which Ar- chbishop Capucci was re- leased by Israel from prison. One could say that Capucci up to this point had Defamation League in its acted without the immediate condemnation, authorization of the Vati- the encounter was "ill- can, which appeared em- considered" at a time when barrassed by his activities. "international terrorism, As late as May, 1980, the -spearheaded by the PLO, is Vatican had expressed dis- on the rise . . . when nuns approval of Capucci's visits and a Roman Catholic to Iran. bishop are senselessly mur- A turning point came in dered (in El Salvador) and August 1980, when Pope voices raised in alarm John Paul II entrusted around the world." Capucci with a delicate The man who arranged job in Iran. The small the meeting was none Roman Catholic commu- other than Archbishop nity in that country had Hilarion Capucci. become the target of Within months of ADL's strong official pressure. and other protests, an Priests and nuns had encouraging sign appeared been deported, others to be coming from the Vati- were held in detention, can — the appointment of and the 14 Catholic Archimandrite Lufti schools faced almost cer- Laham, administrator of tain closure. the Melchite Church in The Pope entrusted Jerusalem, to succeed Capucci with the tricky job Capucci as archbishop. * of resolving the problem. After an audience with the Pontiff, the archbishop Israeli Officials traveled to Teheran. The Cancel Meeting Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, was re- With New Vicar ported to be "clearly im- • JERUSALEM — Israeli pressed and is understood to officials have cancelled a have repoi-ted favorably to meeting with Lufti Laham, the successor to Hilarion the Vatican." On his return to Rome the Capucci as Greek Catholic vicar archibishop told reporters patriarchal in that "seven of the 14 Roman Jerusalem. The cancella- Catholic schools occupied by tion was made in the wake Muslim revolutionary of Lufti's inaugural address guards earlier in the year earlier this month, which would be allowed to re- officials regarded .,as politi- cal and hostile. open." "He (Lufti) referred fre- On March 18, 1981, a meeting in Rome was held quently to Capucci . . . and between Cardinal Agostino kept emphasizing his own Casaroli, the Vatican Secre- Arab origins," one Israeli of- tary of State, and Farouk ficial said. "The speech had Kaddoumi, head of the a political tone that was un- PLO's political department:. seemly for a religious As stated by the Anti- event." r -V To: The Jewish News 17515 W. 9 Mile Rd. Suite 865 Southfield, Mich. 48075 WEI JUST from: Paste in old label To NAME Effective Date