2 Friday, November 20, 1961 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary Washington Must Not Fall Prey to Any Programs Aimed at Israel's Destruction, Whether They Come From Riyadh and Beirut or Are Backed by Downing St. By Philip Slomovitz The Vicious Fand Plan Marked by Re-Emergence of 'Perfidious Albion' Perfidious Albion is back on the scene. is not enough that a Fand plan stemming from Riyadh, aimed at liquidating Israel, It should have received notoriety. Downing Street lends courage to the inflaming of hatreds and the encouragement to the undermining of the security of the embattled Israelis. Similar encouragement to Israel's enemies frequently comes also from Bonn. There are the Germans who are forgetting Munich and Nuremberg. They must be reminded. Jerusalem was not tardy in its repudiation of the Fand proposals which reached some American backers, the President of the United States among those who were fooled by it at the outset. It took a bit of additional scrutiny for the American spokesmen to assert David agreements will remain the basis for dealing with the Middle East that the Camp and for seeking a solution to the many problems affecting it. Israel Prime Minister Menahem Begin dealt with the eight Fand points promptly. He enumerated them and he responded. It was a long speech in the Knesset. The thrust of the Fand plan must not be ignored. of that proposal, which was not even a new Said Menahem Begin in his treatment one, whose aim is to lead to the demolition of Israel: Let us examine on the anvil of logic, the main points of the Saudi Plan of Liquidation: Israeli withdrawal to the lines of June 4, 1967: Were this plan im- plemented we would again be eight miles from the sea shore, the Knesset building too, would be in firing range of the enemy. This is how we lived for 19 years and our lot was endless bloodshed. Thousands were injured and killed. Some, perhaps, have forgotten those victims. We have not. Nor shall we forget. But there is a difference between the period then and now. Then the terrorists did not possess long-range weaponry as they do now. Also, during the 15 years that have passed since the Six-Day War, the conditions in Eretz Yisrael have undergone a radical change. Today, the terrorists have at their disposal missiles with a range of 21.6 kilometers and hundreds 2 of modern and excellent Soviet 135 mm artillery pieces with a range of kilometers. One does not need a rich imagination to know what would be our fate were we to evacuate the lines of Judea and Samaria and their hills and all that long-range weaponry would be deployed astride them. From the first point of the Saudi plan let us move to the sixth, for it is interrelated. I shall read it out again. "The establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital." What I said about with- drawal to the lines of June 4, 1967, applies also to this sixth point. Its consequence would not be peace but continual bloodshed, for this is what the terrorists promise throughout their Charter and in all their conferences since the Charter was adopted, and in all their resolutions. And Jerusalem — about which I shall say just one sentence: Nothing will prosper our enemies and their accessories. Even their billions of petro-dollars will do them no good. Jerusalem is one, the eternal capital of Israel, indivisible forever, all of it is under Israel sovereignty, for all generations to come. As for point three: Jewish settlement in Eretz Yisrael is not only our irrevocable right, it is an integral part of our national security. Any demand to remove or to ease settlement is rejected and shall be rejected. Most characteristic is point number seven: There are those, not only in Europe but also in America, who argue that by this paragraph Saudi Arabia grants "recognition" to the right of the state of Israel to live in peace. If so, why is Israel not mentioned in this paragraph? We know the reason. There are countries which still do not recognize the very existence of the state of Israel. They call us "the Zionist Entity. They have what is called a "mental reservation!" The states in the region means all but "the Zionist Entity." And if we are talking about the recognition of the right granted as it were by the Saudis, it pays to read a few sentences from an article published in a Saudi Arabian newspaper, published in the very days in which the Saudi initiative appeared and the talks, empty of all content, about recogni- tion of the state of Israel, began to circulate. The paper complains about the former American Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, as to why they began to talk about recognition of the terrorist organization after the death of Sadat. Why didn't they recognize it when they were Presidents sitting in the White House. And especially Mr. Carter — writes the paper — who was involved in the Camp David Agreements. And the article in the Saudi paper concludes we should recognize the Israelis — in their graves ... Let all those who know how to read, remember these statements. They should know they are playing with fire. If they don't do this, they seal their lips to such an interpretation. And were it otherwise, one can liquidate a state by stages; even a state that even is "recognized." And indeed, this is the true content of the Saudi eight points including Who Gets All The Armaments? Let the Record Speak for Itself To find fault with Israel, the Jewish state is often attacked as a military nation, as.benefiting unreasonably from U.S. support. In the process, the military hardware for -the Arabs fails to get sufficient analysis. Here are some figures to remember. Besides the AWACS aircraft, the C3 communi- cation and combat system and other arms just sold the Saudis, they and other Persian Gulf states, with U.S. encouragement, are acquiring military sales a massive through commercial and array of equipment, according to sources. It in- cludes: SAUDI ARABIA • Three Department of Defense C3 studies — one each for the air force, army and navy — costs unknown. • Air force underground command operations center to coordinate massive air operations, al- ready under construction in Riyadh excluding the C3 system, which was part of the AWACS the point that speaks of the establishment of a Palestinian state which- would immediately become a Soviet base. How did they put it in the Damas- cus Conference? "The strengthening of the "strategic alliance with the Socialist countries headed by the Soviet Union . .. Every child under- stands the true meaning of those words. It means complete subservience to Moscow ... Of the Saudi Liquidation Formula termed a "Peace Plan," we have heard disturbing words not only in Europe but also in America. Therefore, we announce today simply: Those eight points cannot serve as any basis for any discussion-whatsoever. They are rejected from start to finish. There is no in the world with whom we will be ready to conduct discussions on a plan designed for Israel's liquidation. The Camp David agreements are the only ones that commit us. Those we have fulfilled and shall fulfil — and none others exist. The tragedy is that there are those who read into the Fand plan, which was first proposed in August — and rejected summarily at the time! — and repeated two months later, that there are the British who sponsor it, the Germans who condone it, people in the State Department who give it credence. It keeps requiring emphasis on the urgency of strengthening the American friend- ship for and with Israel. That is why Prime Minister Begin concluded his expose of the Fand bluffs with the declaration: Permit me a few words on the American-Saudi two-fold arms deal. It is my duty to reiterate that it creates a serious danger to Israel in the future and we shall have to do everything we can to overcome it. We shall —and we shall overcome. But this, too, I must say — grating tones were interposed into the propaganda campaign which continued many months against those who rejected this arms deal. Whether they did so because of the American interest or from the standpoint of Israel's security, I shall refrain from quoting. The facts are known. I express the hope that those grating tones will cease and the friendship and alliance between Arnericluand Israel will be carried forth in deed as well as in word and that the promises given by the President of the United Satates in his letter of Oct. 28, 1981, but a few hours after the Senate vote, will be carried into practice. The debates nevertheless continue under the slogan "Camp David is Dead!" Such a calamity can only happen if the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak were to abandon hope and faith, were to submit to the terrorism of an opposition that assassinated Anwar Sadat; and if the Free World were to be misled by the Lord Carrington in London and their associates elsewhere. Therefore, the duty of all freedom and justice lovers not to fall prey to the true intentions of those accepted as posing for peace. The latter have an easy road to peace: by abandoning their venom, by joining the peace process, with a willing- ness to come to Jerusalem with courage and true intentions, thereby welcoming return visits to the Arab capitals by Israelis — as the Jerusalem-to-Cairo and Jerusalem-to- Alexandria were performed. These can be realized, if White House and State Department remain truly firm in the Camp David commitment. Else, there can be further calamities, under titles like the Fand Plan. For those who treat seriously the Saudi idea, just because President Reagan gave it a ates- nod, there is one basic rebuke: the President fell into the same trap as most "st ans wer, people." They keep repeating the condition that Israel must be recognized. The where there is fair play: Israel exists and doesn't pose that plea to anyone. Since when does a nation that has resumed sovereignty ask for the right to breath? This admonition, Washington. Mister President, is also addressed to you at the White House in allusion is a reminder of the British role in Palestine during The Perfidious Albion the Mandatory years when the Zionist activities for the establishment of the pledged Jewish National Home were being undermined by inexcusable prejudices. The bias is now being repeated and the British accreditation of decency to the PLO, in the current crisis, is thus described in the New York Times: The assassination of President Anwar el-Sadat of Egypt appears to have heightened these fears. A British official said today that Mr. Sadat had "been left dangling by American reluctance to lean on the Israelis, with the result that he was sent to his death by an American Administration whose prisoner he had all to unwittingly become." In the particular case of the British, such feelings are heightened by the tradition of Arabism in the Foreign Office, where the Israeli cause has been short of friends since before World War II. As for the Iftst-minute snag in participation by Britian, France, Italy and the Netherlands in the projected Sinai peacekeeping force, British and other European officials deny that they were acting in bad faith in insisting upon a statement making clear that in taking part they were not reneging on their 1980 call for a role for the PLO. is it. If an explanation for ascribing perfidy to Albion is necessary, this Saudi navy C3 ties ships and communications • package — $500 million. stations at Jidda, Jubail, and Riyadh , to military • Air force construction Cr five sector com- headquarters in Riyadh — more than $1 billion. mand centers and five sector operation centers • Naval facility construction — Corps of that will conduct air operations in five regions, Engineers supervised construction of two new each tied to major bases, local radar sites, naval facilities, one on the Red Sea near Jidda, the surface-to-air missiles, smaller bases, two opera- other on the Persian Gulf at Jubail built to U.S. tion centers, and to sector operation centers Navy requirements— $5.2 billion. where data is collected and processed; each can • JTIDS/Rave Quick — US. and foreign handle more than a wing (70) F15 fighters using sources say these and - otker„ equipment will be the $1.3 billion; includes reinforced runways, used to-upgrade - the Sandi-system as dream; • parking ramps, shelters, spare parts, munitions stances dictate" — costs unknown. storage, oversized storage facilities for U.S. use in • Satellite and hookup for the C31 system dedi- each corner of the country — $1 billion plus. cated to military use; estimated cost — $200 mil- lion to $300 million. • Saudi army C3 system designed by Litton Data Command Systems tying army units, bases . • Civil aviation ground radar — In addition to and Hawk missile system to master C3 network at the 10 sets of long-range radars and ground entry central command in Riyadh — $1.6 billion. stations sold under AWACS, there are 12 more . sets being commercially sold by the Civil Aviation Land forces facility construction — The King • Adininistration and tied into military as well as Khalid Military City at Al Batin in the northeast will be army command center and potential sixth civilian network — $700 million plus. sector command and operations center in C3 sys- (Continued on Page 7) tem — $6.3 billion.