G Friday, Mier 30, 1961 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Israel Rea cts to Greek-PLO Ties CASH (Continued from Page 1) role in any Mideast solu- tion. Papandreou asked Arafat to Athens "at your earliest convenience so that we may have a fruitful and personal exchange of views on mat- ters of mutual interest, in- cluding the upgrading of your office here." A Greek FOR YOUR OIRMOI1OS 8. PREDOUS JEWELS Sc'e6rc; . : (zeur -. date So,e4. 755 W. Big Beouer Rd. (Is mile at 175) Troy, Michigan Phone: 313-362-4500 I VOTE FOR EXPERIENCE! RE-ELECT STEVE S. HURITE SOUTHFIELD COUNCIL VOTE NOVEMBER 3 VOTE RIGHT - VOTE HURITE' PAID FOR BY FRIENDS FOR HURITE COMMITTEE I.D. 85309 +...4FREE GIFT WITH THIS AD• ■■ •• WORLD IMPORTS, Inc.: SAVE • . ♦ 200/0 . . Featuring: . . ♦ • Swiss Music Boxes • Lovely Children's Greeting Cards • Infant Music Boxes from Switzerland • Collectible Crystal Bells (From Bohemia, Hungary) • Linden Black Forest Pendulum Clocks ♦ • • ♦ . * * ♦ PLUS A WIDE ASSORTMENT OF FINE • • ♦ GIFTS & COLLECTIBLES • FROM AROUND THE WORLD t v • (located in Birmingham Vacuum) • • ••• • Evergreen Plaza, Evergreen and 12 • Southfield 569-0070 thru 11-30 4.... FREE GIFT WrriiTHis Ab.***** e VISA • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • Mon. thru Sat. 10-8 MasterCharge government spokesman said no parallel gesture would be made for the Is- raeli diplomatic mission, "nor was such ever consid- ered." Arafat immediately an- nounced his acceptance "with great appreciation" and noted that Papan- dreou's letter to him had "included official recogni- tion of the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people." The prior Greek govern- ment led by the National Democratic Party (conser- vative) had always declined to extend this far-reaching recognition. While having anticipated a closening of ties between Greece and the PLO, Israeli officials have hoped that Is- rael's own relations with Greece will not deteriorate as a result. They point out that many states with which Israel has cordial ties also recognize the PLO. Israel and Greece have never had full diplomatic relations. As a gesture to the Arabs, Greece has always kept the ties at the level of "diplomatic representative." Never- theless, there are com- mercial ties, and Greece (one of the few non- hostile states in the region) is a favorite holi- day spot for Israeli tourists. On Sunday, Papandreou appeared on ABC-TV's "Is- sues and Answers" program and said the U.S. must deal with the PLO if it wants to achieve peace in the Middle East. Christian-Only Directory Agrees to End Bias Practice SAN FRANCISCO (JTA) — The publisher of Califor- nia Christian Yellow Pages telephone directories, which limited advertisers to "born again" Christians, has signed a court-approved agreement to cease the dis- criminatory practice, it was disclosed by the Anti- Defamation League of Bnai Brith. The agreement was reached in settlement of a discrimination suit brought by ADL on behalf of two Jewish businessmen whose advertisements were re- fused by the Orange County edition of Christian Yellow Pages. Maxwell Greenberg, ADL's national chairman, said that Richard Fandrich of San Bruno, Calif., president of Christian Yel- low Pages, Inc., (CYP) agreed to stop requiring ad- vertisers to pledge their faith in Jesus Christ and also agreed to pay $1,500 damages to the two businessmen. The George Aronek and David Pines, owners of Grecian Art Tiles in Los Angeles, sued CYP on grounds that its advertis- ing policy violated sev- eral state laws, most not- ably the Unruh Civil Rights Act. That law declared that "business establishments of any kind whatsoever shall not discriminate against, boycott or blacklist, refuse to buy from, sell to, or trade with any person in this state because of race, creed, reli- gion, color ... of such per- son." Earlier this year, ADL won a similar suit filed against the Christian Busi- ness Directory, headquar- tered in San Diego. UN Body Urges Israel Halt Digs UNITED NATIONS (JTA) — The special politi- cal committee of the. UN General Assembly de- manded that Israel desist businessmen, from further archeological excavations in Jerusalem, which are allegedly trans: forming and endangering the historical, cultural and religious-sites of the city. A resolution to that effect was adopted by a vote of 101-2 with 23. abstentions. Israel and the U.S. voted against the measure. Thirty other countries did not par- ticipate. The resolution must be endorsed by the General Assembly plenary to become effective. - Submitted by the Islamic countries last Friday, the draft resolution called on the Secretary General of the UN to report to the General Assembly and the Security - Council on Israel's com- pliance no later than Nov. 23. • • BEST RENT IN TOWN RENT VIDEO MOVIES 1st MOVIE ti l FOR 4 DAYS ($1.25 Per Dt•,-1 • 2nd MOVIE 4 FOR 4 DAYS ($1.00 Per Day) • VIDEO + • 12 Mile at Evergreen • Evergreen Plaza • Southfield • 569-2330 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Aid Soviet Jews • PARIS (JTA) — Jewish • leaders from 11 West Euro- • pean countries here called • a joint world petition to • for be underwritten by millions • of private citizens and as • many governments as • possible on behalf of Soviet Jewry. AWACS and PLO AWACS defenders were not all in the ranks of prophets of doom who foresaw an end to U.S.- Israel friendships. Nor were they among the excoriating who found Menahem Begin to be an available scapegoat for their attacks in an at- tempt to defend President Reagan. A different picture was drawn by George Will, writ- ing in Newsweek under the title "Who Is Our Mideast 'Pillar'?" and in the Detroit News under "AWACS Dis- torts Political Language." William F. Buckley Jr. had another tale to relate in "What good is talking with PLO?" It should be remem- bered that Buckley is the brother of U.S. Senator James Buckley who was the front for the Adminis- tration in the campaign in favor of the AWACS sale to Saudi Arabia. "It isn't established that the PLO was directly re- sponsible for the 'death Of the man whose funeral the two former presidents were coming back from. But if the I PLO had no hand in the as- sassination, it was simply because the opportunity didn't present itself... "Sadat died having em- braced the American posi- tion on the Middle East which boils down to: peace in the area, and security for Israel. If the PLO is going to be jubilant over the assassi- nation of the head of a state that made concessions exactly of the character we ask for in the area, then what really is there to dis- cuss?" SAVE MORE THIS AD BIRMINGHAM In his two articles, Will wrote: "Sadat's death suggested that being America's friend can be fatal. The (Reagan) Administration's solicit- ousness toward Saudi Arabia suggests that a na- tion need not be friendly to garner the benefits of U.S. friendship. But if the Ad- ministration is determined to treat Saudi Arabia as the keystone of U.S. policy, it must try to sanitize the PLO, which Saudi Arabia finances. "Candidate Reagan said: 'Unlike President Carter, I have no hesitation branding the PLO as a terrorist organization.' President- elect Reagan said: 'I think the PLO has proven that it is a terrorist organization.' "Yet President Reagan allows the PLO to maintain an office in Washington ... VACUUM CLEANER INC. Rainbow Square 29429 W.12 Mile (Near Middebelt) Farmington Hills 476-8480 19827 W. 12 Mile, Southfield 552-8480 CURB SERVICE Open 7 Days Buy 2 Pkgs. of Vacuum Bags & GET ONE FREE $5 OFF LABOR ON The President's pro- posal — to deploy a new capacity for violence, for the purpose of counter- ing the enemy's capacity — is not war, but it is in- dicative of a condition closer to war than to peace. "Similarly, Israel has never known a day of peace. Israel has suffered four wars, but the intervals be- tween have not been peace. "Saudi Arabia, whose 'moderation' is cited by proponents of the AWACS sale, is among the foremost contributors to the climate of war and, hence, to the de- stabilization of the region." Buckley, in a nationally- syndicated article in the De- troit Free Press, under the headline "What Good Is Talking to the PLO?" stated: "Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, it struck this observer, chose an odd platform from which to tell the world we needed, really, to negotiate with the PLO. Excessive indulgence has made many a young man prematurely old, and changed a noble nature to that of the beast. —Armstrong ANY VACUUM REPAIR (Of 510 or More) With This Ad $3.00 OFF PARTS Mn MOM w VI 01 NME with TN/ Ad I BOND COPIES MADE 5* each Buy 2 Vacuum Betts & GET ONE FREE With This Ad $5 OFF ANY TV REPAIR With This Ad BUY TWO KEYS GET ONE FREE With This Ad I