12 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, October 30, 1381 Triumphant Reagan Believes AWACS Will Boost Peace THE SMART CHARTER TO LAS VEGAS H.M.H. & F. (Continued from Page 1) tion containing agreements with Saudi Arabia" that certain conditions have been met. These conditions, outlined by the President previously, included guarantees to protect the security of the equipment being sold the Saudis to ensure the information will be shared with no one but the U.S. and to ensure that the five AWACS planes would only fly over the area needed to protect the Saudi oilfields and would not endanger Israel. In his letter, Reagan said on the command structure of the AWACS planes, "agreements as they con- cern organizational com- mand control structure_ for the operation of AWACS are of such a nature to guarantee that the com- mitments" on the AWACS "will be honored." Gorton took this to mean that this guarantees joint crewing of the plane. Reagan in his let- ter noted that since skilled Saudi personnel are in short supply, the U.S. involve- ment in the Saudi AWACS operation will extend well into the 1990s. Another guarantee listed by Reagan that was stressed by Gorton was his promise in the letter that he will cer- tify in writing "that the sale contributes directly to the stability and security of the area, enhances the atmos- phere and prospects for pro- gress toward peace and that initiatives toward the peaceful resolution in the region have either been suc- cessfully completed or sig- nificant progress toward that goal has been accom- 557-5145 2 HOURS MORE OF SUNSHINE DAILY SCHECHTER'S KOSHER HOTEL QVGLATT "YOUR HOME AWA Y FROM HOME, No nearby Nakano. shade our heated fresh venter pool. 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Claiborne Pell (D- R.I.), the ranking Demo- crat on the Senate Foreign Relations Com- mittee, called the sale a "series of botches" which began with the Carter Administration and con- tinued with the present Administration. He again called on the President to withdraw the sale and work with Congress for a more acceptable pro- posal. Pell oted that the Foreign Relations Commit- tee, in urging the Senate to reject the sale by a 9-8 vote, Unselfishness of Israelis Seen in Rise of Volunteers By SIMON GRIVER World Zionist . Press Service JERUSALEM — There is more active care and con- cern for fellow citizens in Is- rael than in any other Western society. This is the claim of Sara Meltzer, chairman of Israel Volun- tary Services and a former secretary to David Ben- Gurion. She cites the im- pressive statistic that one in every four Israelis are in- volved in voluntary work. Israel Voluntary Services was established in 1972 by the government, because such an agency was badly needed to cope with the flood of people who were volunteering to do social work of some sort. The IVS is a non-profit making organization that receives an annual budget from the prime minister's office, but is independent of the gov- ernment. Those who volunteer their time can come to the IVS offices, where they dis- cuss their skills and inter- ests and can be steered into one of the country's 200 vol- unteer organizations where their talents might be best tapped. Your Life-Long Dream of a Trip A, -q;k to Israel Can Be a Reality! GO WITH THE BEST Low fares and highest quality service on scheduled airlines or charters Call Us For Travel ANYWHERE in The World. Airline tickets to all destinations issued immediately. Appointed A.T.C. &•.A.T.A. Agents. Specialists for commercial & corporate business accounts. 24700 Northwestern Hwy. (in lobby of American Savings Blgs.) Mon. thru Fri. 9 to 5:30 p.m. Sat. 10 to 2 -358-3320 BSH Travel, rum Benny Hershltotitz. yeses es gave four reasons. He out- lined these as: that sophisti- cated equipment, particu- larly the AWACS and the' Sidewinder missiles could fall into unfriendly hands; that the AWACS being sold are a downgraded version of the plane and that the best way to safeguard the oil- fields would be to maintain the four U.S. AWACS that are presently there; that the sale would escalate the Middle East arms race and that the sale would under- mine the security of Israel. Pell charged that he be- lieves "the main reason for this sale is to salve Saudi Arabia's ego." He said that this proposal, the arms sale, "never should have been allowed to become a litmus test of U.S.-Saudi relations or a referendum on the prestige of the American Presidency." Sen. Charles Percy (R- These organizations undertake a wide range of activities, in many cases helping the old, the poor and the sick. "Al Samim" is a group that offers educational infor- mation on the problems and pitfalls of drug addiction. It was started several years ago by par- ents whose own children had gotten into trouble with drugs. A road safety society has contributed to the decrease in Israel's notoriously high number of traffic casualties. Many of its members have had relatives killed or in- jured on the road. Dentists have banded - to- gether to give free treat- ment to the poor, while other organizations work to advance Arab-Jewish coexistence. Then there are ad hoc organizations to help iii international emergen- cies. At the end of 1979 mil- lions of dollars were col- lected to help the Cambo- dian refugees. Eva Zamir is a 66-year- old volunteer in the pediat- ric surgery ward at Jerusalem's Hadassah Hos- pital. She makes beds, brings the laundry, plays with the children and cheers up their parents. Her only regret is that she can- not speak Arabic in order to communicate better with the hospital's Arab patients. IVS is running a slogan campaign with the catch phrase "to give is also to re- ceive" which aims to reflect the way in which members of a society are interdepen- dent. Named to Post NEW YORK — Fred Sichel of West Orange, N.J., has been elected president of the Jewish Education Service of North America. The highest pleasure which nature has indulged to sensitive perception is that of rest after fatigue. —Johnson Ill.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Commit- tee, said rejection of the sale would hinder the President's ability to con- duct foreign policy. He said it makes achieving Middle East peace "more difficult" and would confirm the per- ception in the Arab world that the U.S. cannot have a Balanced policy in the Mid- dle East. He said approval of the AWACS will not make the Saudis more willing to join the Camp David process but may make them more willing to join an expanded peace proc- ess in the Middle East. Percy said that rejection would "jeopardize efforts to bring greater stability to the Middle East and the Persian Gulf." Sen. Barry Goldwater (R- Ariz.), said that rejection of the sale "could lead to war in the Middle East." Two of the final vote switches which helped push the sale to victory were by -- Republican William Cohen of Maine, who is half- Jewish, and Democrat Ed- ward Zorinsky of Nebraska, who is Jewish. Others were Mark Andrews (R-N.D.) and Russell Long (D-La.). Last weekend, President Reagan sent a letter to Prime Minister Menahem Begin of Israel, assuring him that the U.S. would honor the strategic coopera- tion agreements forged with Israel this summer. At the same time, speak- ing in television interviews, Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker (R-Tenn.) and former U.S. Vice President Walter Mondale dismissed reports that a Se- nate veto of AWACS would lead to an increase in anti- Semitism in the U.S. Baker said that those like him who would "grieve" if the AWACS sale was rejected would "immediately under- stand that there is a first prime responsibility to see that no such result (anti-Semitism) ensues. And I don't believe it would. And I think the leadership of both sides of the aisle, the White House and throughout the country will recog- nize that this would have such devestating conse- quences that it is unac- ceptable." Mondale, while also re- jecting a backlash added, "I deeply resent the attempt to introduce that kind of dis- cussion into the debate." He said the warnings by former President Nixon that there would be "consequences" to the American Jewish com- munity and Israel if the sale was rejected was "totally inappropriate." Mondale added that "the AWACS sale above all stands as an example of the influence of the Saudis in American foreign policy." WINTERIIAYEN HOTEL 1400 Ocean Drive Miami Beach, Fla. 33139 Efficiencies, Color TV Now to May 1, 1982 From PASO 2 blocks to Lincoln Rd . Monthly or yearly Miriam, Rabin & Hama Write or Call (305) 531-5571 (305) 456-7145 Evenings: 456-7145 aldmaz ) Hotel Miami Beach's Finest Glatt Kosher Cuisine • Pool. Private Beach • Color TV and Radio • Free Chaise Lounges • Gala Entertainment Program • Daily Religious Services • All Special Diets RESERVE EARLY See Your Travel Agent or call Sam Waldman TOLL FREE 1,800-327-4735 On The Ocean at 43rd BOSTON ROUND TRIP AIR ONLY 118 00 • YOU CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO GO • Greotways Travel Corporation 26711 Northwestern Hwy. 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