•••••••■•■•111....,....... • .0.1. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Yiddish Lexicon Is a Monumental Work By ALLEN A. WARSEN The last of the eight vol- umes of the "Biographical Dictionary of Modern Yid- dish Literature" has re- cently been published by the Congress of Jewish Cul- ture. It is composed of 808 numbered columns, two per page, and includes the Yid- dish authors whose last names begin with the let- ters "koof, resh, shin and tov." Among the individuals who helped finance the pub- lication are Detroiters Moshe and Sarah Friedman and the late Benjamin Leikin. The contributing organizations include the Yiddish Pen Club of New York and the Yiddish Thea- ter Association of Detroit. According to the volume's foreword, the "Biographi- cal Dictionary of Modern Yiddish Literature" is a "multi-volume lexicon which contains biographies, bibliographies, and evalua- tions of the men and women who shaped Yiddish litera- ture in the preceding two centuries. Although Yid- dish literature in its totality is much older, its most crea- tive period extended from the middle of the 19th Century to the pre- sent." The eight volumes con- tain more than 7,000 entries. Among those in the eighth volume are the names of Detroiters Dr. Shmarya Kleinman, Ezra Korman and Wolf Snyder. Dr. Kleinman, born in 1892 in Russia, studied medicine. He came to the United States in 1923. He contributed articles on health and hygiene and var- ious other topics to Yiddish periodicals• in Europe and America. He has been a resident of Detroit for over half-a-century where he has practiced medicine and had been involved in the labor and civil rights movements. He served two terms as president of the Jewish Community Council. Ezra Korman, born in Kiev in 1888, died in Detroit in 1959. He came to Detroit in 1925. Korman was a poet, anthologist and translator. His poems titled "Shkie" ("Sunset") are exquisite and replete with imagery, and his translation of Sergei Yessenin's "Lieder un Poemes" ("Verse and Poems") reads almost like the original. The anthology "Di Yid- dishe Dickhterins" ("The Jewish Poetesses"), com- prising 70 poetesses of the old and new Jewish litera- ture "is considered as Kor- man's most important liter- ary achievement." Wolf Snyder, born in 1899 in Russia; studied philology and history at the University of Kiev. He came to the United States in 1923 where he taught in Yiddish schools, including the Yiddish Sem- inary in New York. Snyder studied at the New York City College and the University of Pennsyl- vania where he majored in pedagogy and American history. In 1933 he received his master's degree. Snyder contributed pedagogic and literary arti- cles to various Yiddish journals, authored a syl- labus on Jewish history, and since 1976 has served as co-editor of the literary quarterly "Undzer Aygn Vort" ("Our Own Word"). He also wrote ai insightful essay on Moses Hess. The lexicon's largest entry is that of Sholem Aleichem, 1859-1916. It consists of 43 columns and is divided into two parts: life and literary creativity; and critique and research. Sholem Aleichem is con- sidered as one of the three founders of the modern Yid- dish literature. The other two were Mendele Mocher Seforim and I.L. Peretz. Sholem Aleichem, an early active Zionist, in 1898, a year after the found- ing of the World Zionist Organization, published three brochures: "Oyf Vos Badarfen Yuden a Land" ("Why Jews Need a Land"); "Tsu Unzere Shvesters in Tsion" ("To Our Sisters in Zion"); and "Der Yiddisher Congress in Bezel" ("The Jewish Congress in Basel"). It is generally agreed that his principal works include "Menahem Mendl;' "Toyvie der Milkhiker" (Toyvie the Dairyman"); and "Motl Peyse dem Khazns" ("Motl Peyse the Cantor's Son"). Among the authors listed in the eighth vol- ume of the lexicon, two were martyred on Sta- lin's orders: Moshe Kul- bak and Leyb Kvitko. Kulbak, murdered in 1940, was a novelist, poet and playwright. His first novel, "Meshiekh ben Ef- rayim" ("Messiah Son of Ephraim"), is imbued with the spirit of the Kabala. Many of his other works are permeated with Jewish mystic and folklore ele- ments and are influenced by Russian symbolism and West European Ex- pressionism. Kvitko, born in 1899, was a poet and story teller. Well known are his poetry collec- tions "Trit" ("The Step") and "Green Gross" ("Green Grass"). Kvitko, moreover, was noted as a children's poet and composer of stories for children. Popular were the collections "In Wald" ("In Forest") and "Der Groysser Knish" ("The Big Knish"). His children's stories were translated into Russian and other languages. In 1939, Kvitko was awarded "The Order of the Red Labor Flag." Ten years later he was ar- rested and in 1952 exe- cuted by the NKVD. The third largest entry in the lexicon (13 columns) is that of Shomer, pseudonym of Nochum Meir Shaykowitch, 1846-1905. The second largest is that of Abraham Reisen (20 col- umns). Shomer wrote Yiddish and 15 Hebrew novels, 50 plays and numerous poems and short stories. Before long, however, Jewish scholars began at- tacking his books as literary trash; and Sholem Aleichem, in his pamphlet Volume Tells of Russian 'Death Beam' Aimed at U.S. "Death Beam" (Crown) by Robert Moss is a fast-paced novel based on research into within the KBG. While the Washington intelligence community debates the is- sue, time is running out. and on classified studies of the Soviet program of beam weapons development. Only a few weeks be- fore the attack, a secret fraternity of Western operatives swings into -action to sabotage the launch. The fraternity in- cludes an unorthodox CIA veteran, a suave British spy and a pas- sionately dedicated Is- raeli agent. Robert Moss, a columnist the KBG's efforts to penet- rate Western secret services The story, which presents a chilling account of the new superweapons, begins with a senior Soviet military offi- cer's decision to defect to the United States. He reports that hawkish generals in the Kremlin plan to fire a killer beam from a space battle station and inflict a "technological Pearl Har- bor" on this country. At first, the CIA refuses to believe that the death beam weapon is a reality. To do so, they would have to admit that they had been duped by their top source for the London Daily Tele- graph, is co-author of the best-selling novel "The Spike." He has also au- thored several non-fiction books and magazine arti- cles. His work has appeared in Harper's, Commentary, National Review and the New York Times Magazine. • . • "Shomer's Myshpot" ("Somer's Trial"), claimed that Shomer's books were replete with "obscenities and cynicism." Neverthe- less, I. Gladstone, the poet and essayist, referred to Shomer as the grand-uncle of Yiddish literature. The "Biographical Dic- tionary of Modern Yid- dish Literature" is a monumental work and a gold mine of infOrmation on Yiddish poets, novelists, essayists and publicists. The editors deserve to be congratulated for exercis- ing painstaking care to the minutest details of this project and for producing a magnificent edition of the lexicon's concluding vol- ume. Evangelicals Meet in Israel JERUSALEM — Nearly 3,000 evangelical Chris- tians gathered in Jerusalem last week to demonstrate their support for Israel. The group, which in- cluded evangelicals from the United States, Western Europe and elsewhere, was brought to Israel under the auspices of the Interna- tional Christian Embassy in Jerusalem. The embassy was set up in September of 1980 after 13 countries re- moved their embassies from mated $4 million to open a television station in south- ern Lebanon. Members of Rabbi Meir Kahane's Kach movement greeted the group by tear- ing down one of their ban- ners. A Kach spokesman claimed that Van Willem van der Hoe ven, the Dutchman who heads the Jerusalem International Christian Embassy, was a "devout missionary" who was trying to convert Jews to Christianity. Jerusalem to protest Israeli legislation proclaiming Jerusalem as the country's BB 'Soviet Plea' "united and indivisible" Slated for Dec. capital. Evangelical Christian WASHINGTON — Bnai backing for Israel has in- Brith Women will sponsor a creased during the previous "Women's Plea for Soviet year. U.S. Christian groups Jewry" in some 80 North have contributed an esti- American cities Dec. 10. Dead Sea Minerals Turn a Profit By SIMON GRIVER "But the government's recognition of the min- eral wealth to be de- SDOM, ISRAEL — The veloped has prevented Dead Sea is renowned for its closure. Potash, for excessive amount of salts, example," says Drori, which prevent a swimmer "was giving low yields from sinking. The profitable due to difficulties of ex- resources of the Dead Sea traction, but today, with might also be a big boost in perseverance, we are keeping the Israeli economy producing three times as afloat. much potash as we did 20 This is the belief of years ago. Sales of Shlomo Drori, the man re- bromine, which we ex- sponsible for promoting in- ported mainly as an aid to dustry in the Dead Sea ba- improve the performance sin. "Mineral exploitation, of certain oil products, solar energy and tourism were hard hit by Arab could - put the Israeli boycotts, but Israeli sci- economy firmly on its feet," entists have discovered explains Drori, head of the various other uses for information department of bromine and today the Israeli bromine plant is the Dead Sea Works. the largest in the world." Israel Government Press Ser- vice "The mineral richness of the Dead Sea is no new dis- covery. Development is another story. Industry has been deterred by previous failures and for years, the Dead Sea Works, a government-owned com- pany extracting minerals, has suffered big losses. Dead Sea potash, which netted Israel $3 million in 1978 and $25 million in 1979, will soon be a leader in the world market. A third potash plant in the Dead Sea area, using a unique Is- raeli method of processing based on solar energy, was inaugurated in July 1981, making the potash works one of the most profitable in the world. Scientists report that there is enough potash and bromine in Israel to last thousands of years. This situation has important im- plications for the hungry "Third World," considering the usefulness of potash as a fertilizer and new ways that have been found of using bromine in the production of more effective pesticides and fumigants. The Dead Sea contains equally vast amounts of magnesium and lithium. Magnesium is a metal ex- pected to replace aluminum in industrial use. It is capa- ble of resisting tempera- tures of up to 320 degrees fahrenheit and it could be the ideal metal for building aircraft and rockets if it were less expensive. Lithium is considered to be an element which could replace uranium in a number of nuclear proces- ses. Manual for Holocaust Programs Is Published by JWB and AAJE NEW YORK — "Holocaust Education in In- formal Settings," a program resource manual designed as a practical guide for de- veloping Holocaust educa- tion programs, has been published by the Jewish Welfare Board and the American Association for Jewish Education. Jewish education set- tings such as camps, youth groups, synagogues and Jewish Community Centers," Greenberg said. Detroiter Hugh Green- berg, chairman of JWB's Program Services Commit- tee, said, "The information Sale of JWV Post Nixed in the manual is based on a three - year project made possible by a grant from the Moss at Book Fair Nov. 15 Jewish Culture." Robert Moss, author of "Death Beam" (Crown) will be the guest speaker at the Book Fair 8:30 p.m. Nov. 15. His appearance will be co-sponsored by the various men's clubs of temples and synagogues in Metropolitan Detroit. "The JWB-AAJE pro- ject developed and tested creative program models designed to increase knowledge about the Holocaust among Jewish teenagers. The three- year project conducted its study in informal Moss, a frequent lecturer at NATO military colleges and a one-time adviser to British— Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, will speak on "The Secret Link Between Third World Ter- rorism and Soviet Anti- Semitism." Friday, October 23, 1981 11 Memorial Foundation for The five program models that underwent testing were: intergenerational oral history project, Holocaust program center, NEW YORK (JTA) — The lengthy controversy about plans of some mem- bers of the Kelkey Jewish War Veterans post in Philadelphia to sell the post building to a Christian mis- sionary group appears to have been settled. Harry Rubin, judge advo- cate of the Kelkey post, sent a copy of an agreement ter- minating the sale to the at- torney representing two dissident groups of post members who had filed law- experimental exercises, use of the creative and perform- ing arts and new personal and communal commem- orations of the Holocaust. Copies of the manual are available each from the JWB Program Services De- partment, 15 E. 26th St., New York, N.Y.10010. There is a charge. suits to stop the transaction. The reported sale price for the building was $200,000. The would-be buyer was the Messiah Missions As- semblies of God. Communes Meet JERUSALEM 4JNI) — Representatives of 50 com- munes in 16 North Ameri- can and European countries and Japan were in Israel last week for the first inter- national gathering of com- munes and kibutzim.