12 Friday, October 16, 19131 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Hannah Senesh: Portrait of a Jewish Heroine By PETER HAY World Zionist Press Service JERUSALEM — Hannah Senesh would have been 60 this year had she not been shot in 1944 by the Ger- mans, at the age of 23. She is Israel's national heroine, with scores of streets, for- ests, ships and settlements named after her. Most schoolchildren can recite her famous poem, "Blessed is the Match," written when she was with the partisans in Yugoslavia. She has been called the Joan of Arc of the Jewish people. She came from the same middle-class background as did Theodor Herzl, the un- likely founder of Zionism as a world movement. Her father, Bela Szenes, was the well-known playwright and coly,innist who died when Hannah was six and her older brother, George, se- ven. In her diaries, which she began at 13, Hannah always showed a desire to be a writer. Her mother, Catherine, recounts how Hannah was unjustly de- prived of an elected position in her seventh grade liter- ary society because of the growing climate of anti- Semitism in Hungary. A year later, there is this almost casual entry in her diary: "I don't know whether I've already men- tioned that I have become a Zionist." This was not a fashionable concept in the Hungary of 1938 where Jewish leaders continued to proclaim their loyalty to a country allied with Hitler. To the end they believed that they could survive the European Holocaust that finally engulfed them — and Hannah — in 1944. She began to learn He- brew and spent every waking thought on how to get to Palestine. She got her certificate for emigration four days after her 18th birthday, following acceptance by the Nahalal Girls' Ag- ricultural School. The idea of traveling alone into the unknown might have daunted others, but Hannah's joy is only tem- pered by the sorrow she would cause her mother, whom she loved more than anybody in the world. She wrote in her diary: "For me _ the important thing is aliya." She arrived in Eretz Yisrael on Sept. 19, 1939, eight days before Nazi Germany swallowed Po- land: "I am in Nahalal, in Eretz. I am home." She was often homesick and lonely, with an inner isolation that would not go away. What kept her going was the certainty that "I had done the right thing. This is where my life's am- bition — I might even say my vocation — binds me; because I would like to feel that by being here I am ful- filling a mision ..." Meanwhile, her life con- sisted of back-breaking, monotonous labor in the dairy, in the laundry, in the orchards of the Emek Val- ley. Cut off from the im- pending catastrophe in Europe she was growing fearful for George, studying in France, and for her mother in Budapest. After two years at the school Hannah chose to join Kibutz Sdot-Yam, a group of young idealists who planned to settle near Caesarea, the an- cient Roman port on the Sea of Galilee. The next few months she worked day and night. Dur- ing her years in the kibutz, she thought about joining the British Army or, a more relevant alternative to cure her feelings of helplessness, the Palmach, the striking force of the Hagana Jewish self-defense units. In January 1943, with Hitler's "Final Solution" program in full swing, she was "suddenly struck by the idea of going to Hungary. I feel I must be there during these days in order to help organize youth emigration, – , Hannah Senesh, who tried to save Hungarian Jewry. and also to get my mother out." During a chance conver- sation six weeks later Han- nah learned that the Pal- mach was organizing a unit for just such a mission. In her usual way, she totally immersed herself in the idea. But it took a whole year of waiting, preparing and training before she left for Egypt in British uni- form. She managed to delay departure for a day to meet George in Haifa where he had just managed to arrive. The parachute com- mando group consisted of 31 men and Hannah. In early March they were flown to liberated Italy and from there dropped into Nazi-occupied Yugoslavia. Hannah al- ways volunteered to jump first. If she was af- raid, she tried not to show it. Within a week of joining the partisans in the Yugos- lav mountains, news reached them that the Ger- mans had occupied Hun- gary. From that moment Hannah knew no rest. During the three months that Hannah and her group spent with the partisans, Adolf Eichmann and his Hungarian collaborators deported almost 300,000 Jews. Each day 12,000 were taken by freight-cars towards Auschwitz where 90 percent were murdered immediately. The Germans were losing the war except against innocent and de- fenseless Jews. In the course of these weeks of utter frustration, Hannah changed from the laughing, singing, seem- ingly carefree- young girl she had been. One of her close comrades on the mis- sion, Yoel Palgi, noticed how "her eyes no longer sparkled. She was cold, sharp, her reasoning now razor-edged; she no longer trusted strangers. She was the first to suspect the par- tisans of unwillingness to help and of misleading us." On June 7, Hannah crossed the border on foot into Hungary, as- sisted not by trained par- tisans or one of the five others in her section, but by two frightened Jewish youths and a French prisoner of war who had escaped the Germans. Hannah's one-woman ef- fort to save Hungarian Jewry was under way. Everything went wrong very quickly. The two Hun- garian youths were picked up for questioning. One of them committed suicide which prompted the Ger- 'mans to comb the coun- tryside. They came upon mother for forgiveness.:. Then she was taken into the courtyard and tied to a stake. Simon offered a blindfold. She scornfully re- fused. When Captain Simon told Catherine that Hannah's sentence had been carried out, he blurted out: "I must pay tribute to your daugh- ter's exceptional courage and strength of character, both of which she main- tained until her very last moment." Then he added with puzzled admiration, "She was truly proud of being a Jew." Catherine -survived the fascist reign of terror and . after the war she joined George in Palestine. Both live now in Haifa. In 1950 the remains of Hannah Senesh were taken from the martyrs' section of the Jewish cemetery in Budapest to Mount Herzl where a grateful state of Is- rael gave her a hero's fun- eral and lasting memorial. In June 1942, Hannah had written in her diary a quote from the Jewish writer Hazaa: "All the darkness can't extinguish a single candle, yet one can- dle can illuminate all its darkness." Hannah's life was such a candle. - Hannah and her French instruct Catherine in He- companion pretending to be brew with sign language lovers. Under questioning from her window, making and torture, Hannah did not dolls and presents for little reveal the code for her radio children in the prison, who clung to her. Her strength transmitter. Taken under guard to and courage were infecti- Budapest, the city which ous. Hannah was tried for she had dreamed so often about returning to, she tried treason. The judges were to hurl herself from the divided and postponed a decision for eight days. train. In the next few days she During those days, the was beaten and tortured Germans and Hungarian almost continuously. She military began to only gave her name and evacuate their offices number. The worst day and leave the capital be- fore the Soviet forces. As came on June 17. A police Blessed Is the Match Catherine ran from office detective called on Han- By HANNAH SENESH to office looking for nah's mother, Catherine, Blessed is the match con- somebody in charge, a for a routine summons. At sumed Captain Simon entered military headquarters she in kindling flame. Hannah's cell to inform was persistently interro- her about a death sen- Blessed is the flame that gated about her children's burns tence. Unless she ap- whereabouts. They were in the secret fastness pealed for clemency, she safe, she replied, thank God, of the heart. had one hour to prepare. in Palestine. Four guards led Han- This was a lie; the court Blessed is the heart with strength to stop nah in, barely recogniza- had made no decision. its beating for honor's ble even to her mother Hannah was not the kind sake. after an absence of al- of person to ask for mercy. Blessed is the match con- most five years. She flew She wrote some final let- into Catherine's arms ters, one of them asking her sumed in kindling flame. and kept sobbing: "Mother, please forgive me!" All Catherine could think of was, "Why? Why?" The interrogators wanted to know the same thing and hoped Catherine would use her maternal influence on the stubborn Hannah. Soon Catherine too was arrested and for several months held in the same jail, separated from her • i• daughter. Meanwhile, two of Hannah's companions, Yoel Palgi and Peretz Gold- stein, made it to Budapest, where they got in touch with the Jewish leadership, including the controversial Kasztner, who was busy negotiating with Eichrnann to save 'a special consign- ment of 1,700 out of one mil- lion Jews. For weeks Palgi went to the pre-arranged meeting Jews of Sandor village in Iraqi Kurdistan are place in the fading hope that shown in a 1930s photograph. Hagar — Hannah's code name — would show up. JERUSALEM — The Is- life of Kurdish Jews: the By July 9, after 437,402 rael Museum has opened an synagogue, the home and Jews had been transported exhibit on the Jews of Kur- the market. from the country to Au- distan, based on photo- Kurdistan is divided be- schwitz, only Budapest graphs and artifacts col- tween Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Jewry remained. Under lected during the last seven Syria and Russia. Hungarian jurisdiction, years. Hannah was considered a Museum curators inter- Scholars believe the Kur- British prisoner of war. She viewed Kurdish Jews in 50 dish Jews are "the lost ones kept herself busy and even villages in Israel and visited in thd land of Assyria" cheerful, teaching her Iranian Kurdistan in 1977. (Isaiah 27:13), with a. cellmates about Zionism The exhibit focusses on 2,700-year tradition dating and Palestine, offering to three main centers of daily to the First Temple period. Museum Opens Exhibit on Jews of Kurdistan