THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 25, 1901 43 Detroit Chapter of AIPAC Urged to Mobilize a Major Drive for Community-Wide Opposition to Saudi Arabia AWACS Critical events caused by the Reagan Administra- tion's unswerving prop- aganda in support of the $8.5 billion arms deal for Saudi Arabia, including the sale of AWACS, compels or- ganized efforts to coun- teract the menacing situa- tion, some 200 members of the Detroit Chapter of the American Israel Public Af- fairs Committee (AIPAC) were advised at a luncheon meeting at Cong. Shaarey Zedek on Monday. U.S. Senator Rudy Bos- chwitz (R—Minn.) joined Tom Dine, executive direc- tor of AIPAC, and Janet Aranoff, chairman of the Detroit AIPAC chapter, in appeals for action to con- vince members of Congress to reject the proposed sale- when it comes up for a vote in the next five weeks. Sen. Boschwitz, who heads the Middle East sub- - committee on the Senate Foreign 'Relations Commit- tee, described the dangers inherent in the proposal backed by President Re- agan and Secretary of State Alexander Haig, and encouraged a massive correspondence to members of Congress urging defeat of the Administration's atti- tude on the serious issue. The Minnesota senator was critical of the com- placency of the Admin- istration spokesmen. He gave an outline of the dangers impending from the proposed AWACS sale and expressed the hope that in addition to the 50 senators who signed the resolution in 1! WHY WORRY !! Leave Everything to Us . Wyn L Harold Landis HOME CATERING Phone 557-6157 • STYLE • ELEGANCE • BEAUTY WYN-HAROLD CATERING IHAPPY 17'NEIEIF linEArkilw* To All Our Jewish Friends From Your Friends and Neighbors at DEXTER DAVISON MARKET to • a. • • .16 FARMER JACK Cr ..110041b. SUPERMARKETS length of time, even with the AWACS. "If the motive for the sale is protection of Saudi Arabia, and not a demon- stration of its influence with the United States, hen the Western world would be better served 3y continuing the present irrangement of the U.S. kWACS and backup equipment" Boschwitz, an early cri- ic of the sale, said he is not :onvinced that U.S. officials lave a clear understanding )f why the Saudis want the ,lanes. RUDY BOSCHWITZ opposition to the sale six more may be induced to join the opposition to the President and State De- partment. Borschwitz said, "Even if the Saudi AWACS were kept flying with American help and provided addi- tional warning time, the Saudis cannot completely stop a determined bombing attack from Iran. And that, despite its internal and military problems, is this year's rationale for the con- tinued Saudi arms buil- dup." Boschwitz said that if the Saudis came under attack from a major power, such as the Soviet Union, they would need help from the United States. "The Saudis simply do not have the trained manpower in sufficient quantities necessary to maintain a credible defense for any Kreisky Urges PLO Recognition BONN (JTA) — Chancel- lor Bruno Kreisky of Au- stria is trying to convince the West German govern- ment that it should recog- nize the Palestine Libera- tion Organization, sources in the ruling Social Demo- cratic Party (SPD) said. Kreisky, visiting West Berlin, appeared on state television to explain his friendly attitude toward the PLO and his belief that PLO chief Yasir Arafat has shown "moderation." According to Kreisky, former West German Chan- cellor Willy Brandt, shares his opinion of Arafat. "If you do not believe me, ask Brandt," the Austrian view- leader told Gel* view- ers. SPD sourc re said their party is regular consultation with Kreisky on the Middle East and other issues. Kreisky is pressing Bonn to take a more active role in mediating the Arab-Israeli conflict, the sources said, and their consultations often find expression in in- itiatives by the Socialist In- ternational, currently headed by Brandt. Brandt is presently in Vienna for meetings with Kreisky, and West German Chancellor Helmut i Schmidt is expected to go there in a few days. "Some think that if w e live the Saudis what they want, the Kingdom may eventually provide the facilities needed to make it possible for us to defend them." This, according to Boschwitz, is a "vague hope," which even some U.S. officials acknowledge has not been worked out. Tom Dine similarly out- lined the existing threat to the peace in the Middle East. Both exposed the in- tolerance stemming from Saudi Arabia and its Jihad — Holy War — threats to Israel. Ridiculing the claims that Israel gets excessive Rid from the United States, Sen. Boschwitz said that Saudi Arabia benefits more in a year from U.S. dollars than Israel. Janet Aranoff reported on the progess of AIPAC in Michigan and deplored its membership has not ex- ceeded 600, in the nominal countrywide enrollment of only 12,000. She urged or- ganized tasks in behalf of Israel and expressed the hope that in Michigan the AIPAC membership will grow. "The menacing situation is too serious for us to be complacent," she declared. LARRY FREEDMAN' °reiteSin aid Eltertaillied 647-2367 Morrie, Eleanor & Gary Schwartz and the staff of MORRIE'S Service Center, Inc. 24848 Southfield Rd., Southfield corner 10 mile 557 - 1747 557 _9751 a NO \r - IV , , I --- * — --= '--1)+0 --- - ' -& 1 II* - .',"•:: , . / , .1 Wish All Their Relatives, Friends & Customers A Happy, Healthy NEW YEAR N eJ9 VrarlekT771,a2t • Would like to take this opportunity to thank our many old and new friends who have responded so graciously to our new everyday low pricing policy. If you're not familiar with Marie Newman, we invite you to shop and compare our values on the finest in gifts and china backed•by a 35 year tradition of quality service. We sincerely hope we have the pleasure of serving you soon. e2/11,7* CIPMCM 6566 Telegraph, Bloomfield Plaza 851-5880 Daily 9:30-5:30, Thursday til 9