• 126 Friday, September 25, 1961 THE- DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Vienna Orthodox Separate From Jews in Community Vienna who identify themselves as such. There is also a financial VIENNA JTA) — The Constitutional Supreme Court here has overturned :he 1890 Law of the Israel- ites to allow Vienna's small Orthodox community to 'separate from the larger Jewish community. Benjamin Schreiber, president of the Agudat Is- rael. hailed the ruling as a victory for Orthodox Jewry. The old law required that all Jews constitute a single community. The Orthodox have been trying for de- cades to found their own community because they contend the existing estab- lishment is too liberal and its leaders lack religious angle. Orthodox Jews have had to pay their dues to the community whose facilities they refuse to use beCause they do not come up to the religious requirements. They have also had to de- pend on the general Jewish community for the dis- bursement of government subsidies. As long as they were not recognized as a separate community, the Orthodox could not receive government money. Jewish community spokesmen declined to comment on the court's rul- ing which takes effect May 31, 1982. But the Agudat Is- rael issued a statement say- ing that separation is the commitment. The Orthodox are said to represent about eight percent of the approx- imately 10,000 Jews in — best way of living together. New Office for Israeli Bank ISadore Levin,. Wfail0 Gained Fanie Dutiftg - % Versailles Peace0bnference, Dies at 88 Isadore Levin, nationally prominent attorney, who gained fame as a partici- pant in the world Zionist movement's presentation of appeals for Jewish state- hood at the Versailles Peace Conference in 1918, died in Hampton, N.Y., Sept. 17. He was 88. He is survived by his wife, Jeanne; and a daughter, Janet Leib; brothers, Ab- raham of Franklin, Mich., and Dr. Nathan P. of Los Angeles, who just turned 98. He was the brother of the late Prof. Samuel M. Levin, who headed the eco- nomics department . at Wayne State University, and the son of the late Rabbi and Mrs. Judah L. Levin. Mr. Levin, who received his undergraduate degree from Harvard in 1913 and his law degree from Har- vard Law School in 1916, joined the Butzel and Butzel law firm upon his gradua- tion. The first expanded and is now operating under the title of Butzel, Levin, Winston and Quint. - In his law practice United Nations Educa- tional, Scientific and Cul- tural Organization (UN- ESCO) on Tuesday con- demned Israel for its con- tinuation of archeological excavations in the Old City ofJerusalern. The UNESCO executive committee voted 28-1 to condemn Israel for its "persistent and deliber- ate violations" of former UNESCO resolutions on this subject. JERUSALEM (JNI) — Israeli inflation, which the government is trying to hold to a 100 percent annual rate, will also boost the cost of Rosh Hashana celebra- tions. In addition to food and drink (which rose by 15 per- cent last week), thousands of Israelis will buy synagogue seats for tradi- tional services. The Hebrew daily Yediot Achronot es- timated the average cost of a high holiday seat at $30. • Many synagogues finance their annual operation by seat subscription, prices of which vary between 50 cents and $60. But not all synagogues require celeb- rants to buy seats. The United States was the only UNESCO member state to vote against the Arab-sponsored resolution. Among the countries that abstained were all those from Western Europe, Guatemala, Jamaica and Japan. Israel is not -a member of the UNESCO executive committee. The resolution, which was voted on after a two-day debate and which will not be Presented to UNESCO's Synagogues of the Is- raeli Sephardic commu- nity cover activities by donations made in ex- change for aliyot to the Torah. In one Ramat Gan synagogue, according to Yediot Achronot, a seat costs only 50 cents, while the honor of an aliya can reach $7,600. Many congregations, par- ticularly in ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods like Mea Shearim and Bnei Brak, are located in private homes with a minimum minyan. In some synagogues, women pay more than men while in others men pay more. No sound explana- tions are offered for these customs. - Drop in Number of Noshrim SUBSCRIBE TODAY TO The Jewish News I To: The Jewish News 17515 W. 9 Mile Rd., Suite 865 Southfield, Mich-. 48075 ,t Please send a year's gift subscription to: NAME ADDRESS STATE I CITY FOR stale occasion I FROM am MN MM. ■ $15 enclosed . .41; MIN =I Ili at-1M ■ 11 ' 111..116 • kW ■ 16 . 11‘1011111.110 He was one of the or- ganizers, with the late Prof. I. Leo Sharfman, of the Uni- versity of Michigan, who then was also a student at Harvard, and Henry Hur-- wits, of the Menora Society which preceded Hillel as the university Jewish student movement. With represen- tatives from 13 other uni- UNESCO Condemn s Israel PARIS (JTA) — The Israeli Synagogues Are Hit by Inflation The Bank of Israel moved into new headquarters during 5741. The contemporary structure is part of the Jerusalem quarter which houses the Knesset and many other government offices. here, before leaving to take, up residence in Palm Beach, Fla., Mr. Levin represented many leading firms and organ- izations, including the Detroit Times. JERUSALEM (JTA) — The recently announced Jewish Agency plan to re- duce the number of Soviet Jews who decide to settle in countries other than Israel after they leave the Soviet Union received support last week from a group of writers and university pro- fessors associated with the Zionist Council in Israel. At a meeting with- the group, Leon Dulzin, chair- man of the Jewish Agency Executive, reported that the Agency plan has already had positive results. The dropout rate, he noted, de- creased to half of what it was before the plan was put into effect last month. In July, for example, nearly 85 percent of Jews who left the Soviet Union did not go to Israel. tinuing dl cline - in the number of Jews leaving the USSR. Last month, he re- ported, only 295 Jews left the USSR, an unprece- dented low for the past- 10 years. About 10 percent of them received assistance to go to the United States by the Ray Tov organization which is operated -by the Satmar Hasidim.. But Christian organizations which offered assistance were turned down by the emigrants. . According to the Agency plan, which Dulzin an- nounced in Jerusalem in August, Soviet Jewish refu- gees who arrive in Vienna general conference for ratification, said that "the excavations and transfor- mations seriously threaten the historic and cultural sites of the city." It also claimed that the digs now in progress "have never reached such a pitch in in- tensity and growth as to- day." Iushewitz, Union Leader M. NEW YORK (JTA) — Morris Iushewitz, a union leader for several decades, died Sept. 18 at age 79. Born in the Ukraine and brought to the United States when he was a year old, he enlisted in the Cana- dian army in 1916 during World War land saw action in France, Italy and pre- state Israel. After graduating from - the University of Wisconsin he worked for newspapers in Milwaukee and Chicago in the 1920s. In 1930, Mr. Iushewitz moved to New York and worked for the Jewish Telegraphid Agency as a free lance reporter and then as the JTA's cable editor. He later worked on union publications, was a found- ing member of the News- versity Menora Societies, he helped organize the Intes- collegiate Menora Societies and served as its national president. He became an active participant in the world Zionist leaders' presenta- tion of the Jewish appeals for statehood in whatwas then Palestine with Jewish delegations from all free countries in the world and helped prepare the Jewish case together with Felix Frankfurter, who later be- came a member of the -U.S. Supreme Court as an ap- pointee of President Franklin D. Roosevelt: He served them in the capacity of Frankfurter's personal secretary and associate in the Zionist delegation. George' Haas Hebrew U. Prof JERUSALEM (JTA) Prof. George Haas, Hebre* University professor emeritus of zoologyand one of Israel's leading scientists and scholars, died Sept. 14 at age 76. Born in Vienna where he received his PhD degree tit age 23, Haas joined the He- brew University in 1932. During the next four. de- cades he influenced several generations of scientists: Prof. Haas was regarded as the pioneer in zoological research in Israel and one of the country's leading ex- perts in the fields of biology, cytology, histology, dcini- parative anatomy, zoogeog- raphy and the evolution of chordates and other groups of invertebrates. Prof. Haas, who had -a broad classic education,wiS also an expert on Greek lit- erature and history and the Roman period. Ruth Beresh Ruth Beresh, an active • member of Jewish:cons-' munal organizations, dierd Sept. 23 at age' 58. paper - Guild and later held Born ineDetroit, Mrs.' Bi various posts in the New York City AFL-CIO Coun- resh was a member of C04. Shaarey Zedek and Hadass its' sis- cil. ' terhood, UAHC Publishes Women's AmericanMI T:. National Council of Jewish \ Book on Torah Women, Brandeis Univer- NEW YORK — The first . sity National Women's Jewish commentary on the Committee and Sinai Hos- Torah produced in America pital Guild. has been published by the . She leaves her husband, Union of American Hebrew Harry; two sons, Bruce and Congregations. Bryan; her parents, Mr.and The Torah: A Modern Mrs. Seymour (Belle) Commentary," an 1,824- page volume that took 18 years to complete, was in- troduced at a luncheon last week in New York. PLO Blackmail CAIRO (ZINS) — Abu Mar, a leader of the Pales- tine Liberation Organiza- tion, reportedly has threatened to sabotage Saudi Arabia's oil fields un- less the Saudis participate more actively in the strug- gle against Israel and the United States. and do not want to go to Is- rael will nb longer be re- ferred to HIAS, which pro- vides assistance to help emigrants settle in toun- , tries other than Israelom- • The report was carried in Pulzin _added, SwF vere , less they t hvefirst de:grec the Egyptian _newspaper ' that the•e hasi tiI•eri . a &MI relatiVes in other countribS.'' " Ravid; a brother, Richard Ravid; and a sister, MA.. Sherman (Sandra) Kane. i Julien Samuel Led French UJA- PARIS (JTA) — Julien Samuel, the former director general of the Fonds SOdial Juif Unifie and founder- of the United Jewish Appeal of France, died recently aVage 67. Mr. Samuel, who was a member of the resistance movement during World ' War., II.,„help,ecl, french .,, j Jstrry" to re-establish: itself t inAttliNkttNetiLiftgialittruffri4 k ,