Friday,-Septtakt25,1911 111 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS &girt Cabinet Finaliied New Year Greetings ta.A10- 120 Mt. Elliott e,Britnit Minister' Menahem Begin's prehent Cabinet: Position Minister Party , Defense Ariel Sharon Herut koreign Affairs Itzhak Shamir Herut - PlAence Yoram Aridor Herut ChierEconomic 54-ordinator Yaacov Meridor Herut Haim Corfu Herut c t..:pnimunications Mordecai Zippori ,Herut" --; DePlitY, v Priiirie Minister mitd Housing David Levi Herut Established 1890 259-2309 — .i5949;11) Holiday Greetings -- 11tRRY & SEYBUitN e• Minister end'Agriculture Simcha Erlich WithOnt Portfolio Itzhak Modai ',litaide Moshe Nissim l 1,2Sth Floor, Fisher. Bldg , DetroltiAMIlk, 1 .:•c5%;;- = Tiade„arict Industry Gideon Patt A HAPPY NEW YEAR GURWJN'S AUTO8ODY KLINIC COMPLETE COLLISION SERVICE INSURANCE CLAIMS fIehlth" HAIR FASHIONS by RONALD :;:Ige %dims Affairs Yosef Burg OPEN SUNDAY and MONDAY mid Culture 23720 Southfield Road 'SatTal 'Welfare 557A:1880 "- ■ The Management & Staff-of Liberal Party Liberal Party Liberal•'.Pa*y, THE JEWEL BAKERY Liberal Part Avraham Sherif • 2 . Liberal Party Itzhak Berman Liberal Party Eliezer Shostak Le'am k4efiv Best Wishes for The New Year Sotithheld, Mich. Wish All Their Friends & Customers DP gtir Property Management 871-6700 Jerry, Lee & Kim Gurwin r .„'.- cikhe following persons have been named to positions in :Amsterdam PreSmjyt Millard Press and. . :'White Color Card -, 1 • . National ReligiousParty National Zevulun Hammer Religious Party Aharon Abu-Hatzeira wish all their customers Tami a healthy and haOpy , 7991110T New Year 0,01(-Peres DiffekOnees,..,,f,; Best It tshes for a :7) , 'If: 11khlighted in Biogitighte,1: :40 VOUs Seaso.r1===== 4:;* . - PAUL INMANd i • ASSOCIATE : • Best Wishes To All Our Friends. Relatives and Custorners - FOR A rmIto , Junction-McGregor Waste Paper & Metat -ge.- r 5650 McGregor: Detroit .- 554-3705 Fa n,r34osen Rosalyn & Harvey Meyer and cOildren agraaM::::::SWOMMSMSIZSMMA1?.*sw.P.::MtsW-l:WWZMUM,,\ Henry and Sonia Poslaniec and the LINCOLN BARBER SHOP Wish AU Their Friends and Custorneri A HAPPY NEW YEAR 11. UNIT E D GOOD wishes its customers a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year OAK PARK BIRMINGHAM 21:1011 COOLIDGE • TELEGRAPH at MAPLE 54600111 !NI 4222 Wishes all Tamakwans past and present a healthy and happy New Year INEW YEAR GREETINGS From Your 7 Mile Greenfield OLDSMOBILE DEALER WOODRUFF OLDSMOBILE "Still Superior Service" 15000 W. 7 Mile Rd. 342-7000 • tettnithatied Prom Page 110) there the i liinTillittill s siie of 'Peres' ,a ior tn the prime ended, "Golder *as 604years tier, Ben-Gurion pla- old ini1958cPe*es was-34. di sp etchhiS l secre- Golda waief,ektroyertad, t itzhek NaVon, to sentimental,•ititnitivts. 0' Z. , • Peres was secretive -attl- • Tzur, the XaScoi, : tional, intellectual, Gaikla eh1-1, nSg, Iffibli,„. ambassador to was of ;the old.-1 would, e, phoned Golda from Peres of the mast..•She • PaDe Iwith a complaint clung to thwidealaofithe • - apout, P, erei. NavOn hap- pioneer; Pere& was: more pe4ok,to , be meeting with interested in: the. new Goldfi. 'Sete,' she said, world of. technology. ,turtising the receiver over to Peres believed that. the tiItivoxi,..listen to what Tzur time had come for- dm .te,pay„ can' go on like older generation to step t ; Ben-Gtiriori make aside; Golds disagreed:: ey e s f oreign minister and The central theme re- dene with it.' mains intact. The heroine in ' "Allies of Golda tried to this impressive story, so -effectla reconciliation be- we . • ll told, so appropriately •tween. her and Peres. illustratdd, is Golder the • Isser.lisirel, then director Queen of Israel. She will be af; thel Mossad, Israel's in- remembered and admired i tgaigence agency, ap- and even in her disputes she .proachecl Peres in an at- was the brilliant advocate of emp.t. to make peace. justice for her people. Golda -PEKE4 „Was intractable. remains a theme of eloqu- -WhY.,dicln't he report to Oolda.about his activi- ence well-recited by Robert Slater. ties?„ tiara, had asked —P.S. Peres. !I've got approval re---t from Ben-Gurion,' he re- plied, 'and that's that.' " 'Slater interestingly con- trastdd the Golda Meir and Shimon Peres personalities, with reference also to the then prime minister, David Ben-Gurion. As Slater de- scribes them: , "The prime minister's ac- tikisin in foreign affairs had '• a *filing effect on Golda's independence.' She was de- t4iinined, however, to play . ',role in cultivating Israel's relations with Frende, its most important Ally:But even here she was stymied, indirectly by 'Ben-Gurion and directly by his, agent, a young man named Shimon Peres. ""Golda Meir and Shimon Peres- belonged to two different worlds. Both came to Palestine as immigrants (Perk from Poland in 1934), and-both had their roots in the labor' movement.- But HAPPY NEW 'YEAR Frcirn micHIGAttirtiN BARBER:s4kgri - CONTEMPORARY Haircutting—Styling—Perms etc. A Complete Service Salon Mon.-Sat. 8-6 appointment preferred 559-5930 Nagy t/e fleaceAd obrer ej - ' g,exa awe rum eft.e✓dxvy ,remet4tcoda eo-cied aue4 clevrio9 die cawie4t, g,etvz Michigan National Corporation Banks MILMBIRS I DI<