THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 4, 19131 17 AWACS Sale May Fall Through Even After Push from President By DAVID FRIEDMAN (Copyright 1981, JTA, Inc.) President Reagan's un- usual letter to the leaders of the House and Senate urg- ing members of Congress, as they were about to depart Washington for their sum- mer vacations, not to "pre- judge" the Administration's proposed sale of AWACS re- connaissance planes to Saudi Arabia may be a sig- nal that the President plans to use his demonstrated personal political skills to prevent Congress from re- jecting the sale. Otrtainly there are mem- bers of the Administration who feel that a strong per- sonal effort by Reagan, such as he used to get his eco- nomic program approved, is necessary because of the op- positiOn to the AWACS sale on Capitol Hill. But the suc- cessful methods used to get the President's budget pro- posals and tax program adopted may not work this time. At the latest count there was still a majority in both the Senate and House against selling the Saudis five AWACS planes and enhancement equipment for the 62 F-15 jet fighters Saudi Arabia bought in 1978. This majority has held despite the criticism in Congress of Israel's bomb- ing of Iraq's nuclear plant and the Palestinian ter- rorist headquarters in Be- irut. Reagan's victories on his economic program were achieved because he had a Republican- controlled Senate and he received support from conservative Democrats in the Democratic- controlled House. But support for Israel and opposition to the AWACS sale cuts across all party lines and runs the com- plete ideological spec- trum in Congress. For example, one of the lead- Embassy Changes Migration Report WASHINGTON — The Israel Embassy has issued a statement correcting an ar- ticle in the New York Times which claimed that 510,528 Israelis emigrated in the period 1969-79. The embassy said the fig- ure was based on an error in the newspaper Yediot Aharonot which was cor- rected the day after it ap- peared. The embassy said the correct figure for emig- ration during that 10-year period is 126,464. Orthodox Protest Possible Autopsy JERUSALEM (JTA) — Police fired tear gas to dis- perse a crowd of ultra- Orthodox Jews in the city's religious Mekor Barukh quarter last week when they tried to prevent police from removing the body of a suspected murder victim. The crowd feared othat an autopsy would be performed on the body, in violation of halakha. ing opponents of the entire arms package proposed for the Saudis is Rep. Jack Kemp (R- N.Y.), co-author of the Kemp-Roth Bill which was the basis for Reagan's tax program. In his letter — addressed to Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker (R-Tenn.), Senate Minority Leader Robert Byrd (D-W. Va.), House Speaker Thomas O'Neill (D-Mass.) and House Minority Leader Robert Michel (R-Ill.) Re- agan did not say when the proposal would be submit- ted to Congress, although Administration spokesmen have said it would be after the summer recess. The Administration has been postponing submitting the proposal since last May on the advice of Baker and other Congressional leaders who warned that it could be rejected. Both the Senate and the House must adopt resolutions rejecting the sale in order to prevent it from going through. Baker has been urging the Administration to pro- vide safeguards in the sale proposal to ensure that the AWACS will not endanger Israel and that the highly sophisticated weaponry will not fall into Soviet or other unfriendly hands. Reagan's letter indi- cated that an attempt to provide safeguards was ne reason for the delay. said another was the "p *ty" the Adminis- tration gave to the adop- tion of its economic pro- gram. But the timing of the let- ter was somewhat startling. The text was distributed in the White House briefing room crowded with report- ers who had just come from the South Lawn welcoming ceremonies for Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. White House spokesthen categorically denied that the letter had anything to do with the Sadat visit. They said it was just a re- minder to Congressmen be- fore they went on vacation to keep an open mind. There was some suspicion that the letter was part of the Administration's efforts to reassure the Saudis. Re- agan, Secretary of State Alexander Haig and numerous Administration spokesmen have been stres- s sing in recent weeks how helpful the Saudis have been,in Lebanon. This reassurance appar- ently took on added inten- sity when the Saudis, read more than there was in Haig's firing of Robert Neumann, the U.S. Ambas- sador to Saudi Arabia. Mat- ters were not helped much when some American jour- nalists, such as the colum- nists Roland Evans and Robert Novak attributed Neumann's ouster to the "Israel lobby." Actually Neumann's ouster can be attributed to nothing but bad- mouthing his boss before Senators.. After all, the 65-year-old foreign pol- icy analyst had been brought back to Wash- ington by the Adminis- tration, presumably with Haig's-approval, to lobby for the AWACS before Congress. It is true that Neumann had policy differences with the Administration and wanted a more pro- Palestinian stand. It is also true that Haig was not happy with the State De- partment transition com- mittee which Neumann headed and dismissed it as soon as he took office. It is also true that Neumann is a close friend of National Se- curity Adviser Richard Al- len, considered Haig's rival in the Admitistration, and reportedly 11'61 carried out back channel communica- tions with Allen from Saudi Arabia. But when Neumann told Senate Foreign Relations Committee members that Haig's appearance on a television interview pro- gram made him want to throw up and the remarks got back to Haig, Neumann's days were numbered. After all, Haig himself had been repri- manded for not being a team player and it is not difficult to imagine him telling Re- agan that he cannot permit such remarks from his own insubordinates. But don't weep for Neumann. He was ap- pointed a senior consultant to the State Department at $192 a day or $51,112 a year and presumably even steamy Washington in the summer is preferable to Riyadh. MEMORIAL SERVICE Will Be Earlier Shabbat, Sept. 5th, 9 A.M. at CONGREGATION B'NAI MOSHE For Men, Women and Children Killed by the NAZIS in MASS GRAVES 14 DAYS IN Elul 1942 Cities Ghettos, Sarney, 011over, Wolline, Polesie Europe. 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