• 12 Friday, August 21, 1981 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Israel's Developing Chizbat Humor Provides Sociological and Anthropological Background The long appendix to this and to suggest their The kangaroo replied, "At "As the Chizbat tradi- Claim has always been to overlook traditions that volume is packed full of psychological and sociologi- a dollar seventy-five a drink, tion was a humorous one, made that even in times of have resulted from the so- humorous stories. Here is cal functions. severest crises, Jews were cial, political, and cultural it becomes necessary, in it's no wonder." perspective "This "The presence of an an example: Chapter 3, to assess forces operating in the set- able to laugh at themselves emerges prominently in the An Order is an Order: English - speaking, humor as a distinctive tlement of Palestine and the and their plight. scotch-drinking kan- Mardokh doesn not know analysis of contemporary Even in the Nazi concen- founding of a modern state. form of expression. In garoo in a bar is undoub- tricks. Once during the war ethnic humor. For example, Chapter 4 the content of "Folklore is not unique to tration camps there de- in concluding an analysis tedly an extraordinary he came to a mortar position, veloped a sense of humor. It primitive or preindustrial the Chizbat is surveyed in of Polish- and Italian-joke and he asked them to let him occurrence. The joke order to establish its first societies, nor is it necessar- was a sustaining factor in cycles in the United States, reinforces our attending fire one shell. They said, ily the product of level of meaning. Jewish life. the author writes: to the extraordinariness You don't know how." "Iii Chapter 5 the deeper Yet, in recent years, the homogeneous communities. " 'One possible rease- of this occurrence with He said, "Don't worry. I'm level of the symbolic If one is to fully investigate question was posed: "Are for the popularity of t such phrases as 'the bar- familiar with weapons." He structure of the Chizbat is Jews now lacking in the Israeli folklore, he must Polack (or Italian) jok, ability to make light of all look beyond the Marchen explored. The findings of tender looked at him a bit took a shell, looked at it from cycle is that it takes the curiously' and 'glancing all sides, saw written on the Chapter 4 and 5 are synthe- from Yemen, the legends obstacles and difficulties?" at the kangaroo from cover guarding the firing heat off the Negro ... This question has also from Iraq, and the songs sized in Chapter 6 in de- With the Polack cycle, it mechanism, "Remove cap been applied to Israel. from Poland to traditions lineating the basic meaning time to time.' is the lower class, not before firing." Before they kangaroo's "The of the Chizbat. While the Jewish state's generated, maintained, and Negroes, which provide could stop him, he took off presence in the bar is "Chapter 7 considers the newspapers emulate the associated with the new the outlet for aggression American press with car- sociocultural environ- fate of the Chizbat after the foregrounded, that is, the his hat from his head and and the means of feeling put the shell in the barrel. joke directs the listener dissolution of the Palmach." toons and lighter vein ment." Prof. ()ring's studies are superior.' The logical way of judging or reader to mark the For several years, Prof. items, the query whether of analysis "An extensive and draw upon presence of the kangaroo the book and its revealing Oring conducted studies there is an Israeli humor American-Jewish humor many experiences in Jewish in the bar as extraordi- factors is by a selection of to meet the many serious in Israel to gain a adopts a similar perspec- situations in the land is perspective on the sub- some of the stories that are nary and deserving of life. The eminent author- tive: anthropologist takes into explanation. When the representative of Prof. Or- ject which resulted in the often posed. Visitors in " The American Jew is Israel especially raise compilation contained in ing's research. Here is one bartender finally de- account the Freudian defensive as to his Jewish- theories. This excerpt from story with an appended ex- clares, You know, we his "Israeli Humor." that question. planation of its application don't get many kan- his "Israeli Humor" relates ness, but in a Jewish Dr. Elliott Oring, profes- gathering, there is no need His emphasis on Palmach to the Israel environment: garoos around here,' the appropriately to his text: sor of anthropology at is that "it is a distinctly na- to be apologetic. Here ar- "The techniques of jokes, listener expects some ex- A kangaroo walked into a California State University tive organization," and was mored in the security of peer to which Freud devoted con- planation as to how a drinking establishment, and research associate at not marginal in the evolu- group identification, the siderable study, are merely kangaroo has come to be the Center of Comparative tion of Israel society and walked up to the bar and American Jew is aggressive regarded as the masks for ordering drinks in a bar. Study of Folklore and "reflected a mainstream de- asked for a scotch and soda. and abrasive.' " hostile and obscene are "Expectations The bartender looked at him Mythology at UCLA, has a velopment both ideologi- The entire text of this thoughts — a superficial however, a bit curiously and then shattered, positive answer in "Istaeli cally and sociologically." volume is so voluminous, fixed the drink. "That'll be a when the kangaroo re- structure overlaying more Humor: The Content and His own analysis of the dollar seventy-five," said the sponds with a statement basic levels of. expression. the stories so varying in the Structure of the Chizbat of results of his studies is de- concerning the price of Through the techniques of nature of fields covered, the Palmach" (State Uni- fined in an explanation of bartender. drinks. At this point, if humor, tabooed thoughts that "Israeli Humor" pro- The kangaroo pulled a versity of New York Press, the contents of this interest- the listener is to `get' the -could be expressed and al- vides material for sociologi- purse from his pouch, took Albany). cal as well as anthropologi- ing volume: out the money and paid. The joke, he must quickly re- lies for these thoughts re- cal discussions. Dr. Oring's The word Chizbat is the cruited. view and re-mark the bartender went on about his "Chapter 1 attempts to Arabic for lie. It was is an impressive contribu- "Contemporary students utilized by the Palmach as contextualize the Palmach business, glancing at the joke. He must mark that a tion to the study of humor- of humor have been pro- the narrative joke ex- within the development of kangaroo from time to time, dollar seventy-five is a foundly influenced by ous aspects as they relate to high price for a highball, who stood sipping his drink. changed by the volunteer the Yishuv, particularly the many elements in Is- Freud's insights, and they and he must mark that _defense forces that operated within the evolution of After about five minutes the rael's population, to the have repeatedly attempted in defense of the Jewish set- Yishuv defense. Chapter 2 bartender went over to the the particular formula- to demonstrate the sexual/ military and the civic and to tion of the bartender's tlements priof to the attempts to contextualize kangaroo and said, "You Jewish life in general. aggressive nature of var- emergence of Israel, from the Chizbat within the know, we don't get-many statement bears two in- ious humorous repertoires —P•S• terpretations." kangaroos around here." world of the Palmach. 1941 to 1948. A distinct Israeli identity: emerges from the definitive Chizbat humor as outlined That is what the UN Gen- capable bulwark against that many have been be- By FRANKLIN LITTELL by Prof. Oring. eral AsseMbly will do in re- total Russian takeover in aten and some killed by National Institute Devoting his research sponse to the appeal of the the area. on the Holocaust local mobs worked up by into the thousands of Lebanon is shattered, Bahai and the information the Muslim "revolu- PHILADELPHIA — available sources, the on their martyred believers: an adjunct to Greater tionaries." Every few days we receive vast accumulation of Syria. Iraq is in the Rus- they will pass a declaration. An appeal has been Yemenite, Tunisian and reports of new massacres in sian orbit too. Iran, once In the meantime, the entered with Kurt Wal- Lithuanian tales, Prof. Khomeini's Iran, with real situation in the Near the mob has run its dheim, calling upon the UN executions of leaders of Oring explains: East gets steadily worse. course, will have only the "to investigate a systematic "This collecting, annotat- groups not submissive to plan to exterminate the Syria and the USSR have Communist Party with ing, and publishing ac- the mob rule of the mullahs Bahai in Iran." My advice: just completed joint an infra-structure capa- proceeding relentlessly. tivity, which is mainly car- Don't hold your breath. The naval and landing ma- ble of running the coun- Just one sector's experi- ried on by the Israel UN, which will blow its neuvers in the eastern try, its oil and industry. Folktale Archives, proceeds ence will summarize the Holding Egypt in the noses in unison if a petty Mediterranean. There meaning of clerical fascism from the application of his- peace column depends were 53 Russian ships in- sheikh or communist ap- torical, geographical, and to those who refuse to run volved. Before World largely upon President paratchik sneezes, and with the mobs. Take the comparativistic perspec- weep in chorus if a terrorist War II the Russians Sadat: like Jordan and tives to the traditions of a Bahai faith. The Bahai faith didn't have a single war- Saudi Arabia, Egypt has no nest is destroyed or terrorist society whose primary proc- was launched in the middle ship in the Mediterra- significant military poten- agent is incarcerated by Is- of the last century, rising ess and principle of forma- tial in a conflict involving nean. REV. LITTELL rael, will certainly say noth- tion has been kibbuz out of Shiite Islam in Persia. major forces. The same is Through Arab League oil true of Greece and Turkey,' goluyyot, `ingathering of Deeply devoted to peace be- have, of course, suffered ing to offend the perse- cutors of the Bahai. Nor will savage persecution. Over 60 tween groups and nations, blackmail the European exiles.' But hand in hand where the value of the al- of their leaders have been they do anything. heads of government have liance lies in keeping f 1 with this ingathering of teaching interracial amity killed since Khomeini took exiles has been the building and international justice, Or perhaps that should be been induced to race each over, 40 are still in prison corrected, in view of a other to kiss first the san- territory open to us of a new society and a new the Bahai have as high as awaiting charge, and do- printed report which just dals of the desert princes, closed to Russian expan- ethical teaching and fine a culture. sion. "In their efforts to docu- spiritual practice as any of zens have been fired from arrived in the mail from the and to prefer PLO terrorism Israel — and only Israel! to a democratic Israel in the jobs. ment the range and depth of the major religions. "World Conference of Reli- — is a factor of significance Although information gion and Peace." The con- balance of power. Under the clerical fas- imported folklore tradi- in restraining Russian ex- is incomplete, it is known Worse than that, the U.S. cism of the mullahs they tions, scholars have tended ference's newsletter of pansion in that section of government has let itself be June, 1981, is headlined: the globe. "UN Drafts Religious Dec- seduced — in deference to We Americans should be oil cartels and munitions laration." Later on there is entitled to an administra- published a "Draft .Declara- manufacturers — into lean- tion in Washington that tion on the Elimination of ing on Israel to check its de- leaves no doubt in the minds All Forms of Intolerance fensive actions against ter- of either friend or foe as to and of Discrimination rorist centers. In sheer military terms what kind of government Based on Religion or Be- Israel is worth at least two we are allied with, and what lief." It is a beautiful state- million NATO soldiers, as kind we tolerate only to the ment, said to be the result of the only dependable and extent necessary. 20 years of committee work. Minorities Are Targets in World, Middle East 'Morality' •