kW*, 20 filday, Autust 14, 1901 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Peace Volunteers ETIFE'S SPECIAL EVENTSM Visit Settlements SHOULD BE RECORDED FOREVER VIDEO TAPE YOUR SPECIAL OCCASION • Weddings • Bar Mitzvas • Private Parties • Anniversaries • Birthdays • Etc. See Our FULL-SERVICE Studio ' LEGAL TAPES, INC. Established 10 years 35-Video 22530 W. 8 Mile Rd. or 353-3355 Southfield \ TEL AVIV (JNI) — Peace ship owner Abie Nathan led thousands of his volunteers ("Abie's Angels") on a goodwill pilgrimage to northern border settle- ments last month. Nathan led the convoy of 50 buses from Kiryat Shmona to Margaliyot, Misgav Am, Shlomi and Nahariya, dis- tributing flags and flowers. The Peace Ship also sailed north to anchor off Nahariya and broadcast special radio programs. Chief Rabbi Warns Archeologists (Continued from Page 1) you think we are really grave robbers? Do you think we are just excavating grounds like these just to find bones and throw them to the dogs?" he asked. "If we find human bones, we deal with them according to law, but just because you might find bones, not to ex- cavate at all?" The Department of An- tiquities confirmed that human bones found are al- ways passed on to the reli- gious authorities for rebu- rial. Goren says he stopped work at the City of David site because Shilo had broken a promise to have a rabbinical supervisor constantly at the site, even though he knew all bones had been removed from the area decades ago by other non-Israeli archeologists. He said he feared that present work might spill over to a new site where graves might be found. Shilo responded by saying he could not carry on his re- search work under such conditions. "An archeologi- cal dig or site is not like a kosher hotel or restaurant, with a mashgiakh," he said. Shilo said he would con- tinue his work at the site, for which he has received full government approval, and charged Goren with "ulterior motives" in trying to stop the work. "They have their own reasons for declaring this site as a cemetery. They are using a religious pretext to move in a political way," Shilo said. Asked if this might not mean the end of archeologi- cal research in Israel, Goren replied, "This is their prob- lem. A place where there is a chance of finding Jewish graves will not be touched without our orders — regulations . . . even if', means stopping digging in Israel altogether." Terrorism: Radical Forces 16240 TWELVE MILE ROAD SOUTHFIELD, MICHIGAN 48076 is more than a nursing home It is pleasant atmosphere with a community room where resi- dent . meet for meals, share reminiscences, planned activities, religious observances, visiting or just relaxing. Our trained professional staff provides caring support for both physical and emotional needs. Private Rooms Available For info. contact Mrs. B. Court, Administrator 557-3333 IN THE KNOW... Posh new Athletic Club opens in Southfield. SOUTHFIELD, MICH. —The Executive Athletic Club located in the Traveler s Tower is proof positive that the latest in athletic facilities can be successfully con- tained in an elegant atmosphere. Racquet- ball and squash courts, exercise gyms, whirl- pool and saunas, all in tasteful social sur- roundings. Come see for yourself. To set a tour, please call 354 8080. - IC EXECUTIVE ATHLETIC CLUB 103 TRAVELERS TOWER • 26555 EVERGREEN • SOUTHFIELD, MI 48076 • (313) 354-8080 By FRANKLIN LITTELL National Institute on the Holocaust PHILADELPHIA — Ter- rorist movements are a threat to republics and con- stitutional monarchies, which are attempting a de- licate balance between lib- erty and self-government, with the constant danger of slippling off into either anarchy or repression of legitimate dissent. Despotisms and dictator- ships do not have the prob- lem: the established ideol- ogy or creed is alone allowed to be heard, and all dissent —whether civil or terrorist — is crushed. A major series has re- cently been published in a leading German news- paper, Die Welt, showing the connection between the internal terrorist threat and international net- works. By and large Claire Sterling's position is sound: there is an international terrorist network within which members of the most diverse political/ideological bands can find assistance in plying their trade. Spanish fascists have supplied Italian Red Brigades with automatic pistols. German neo- Nazis have been trained in "leftwing" PLO camps in Lebanon. Separatists in Spain have been equipped by Libyans, passing Russian-made equipment. To the average reader, like the average journalist, raised on "leftwing" and "rightwing" dichotomies since the sophomore year in high school, this coopera- tion across political lines and ideologies is confusing. The point is that "leftw- ing" and "rightwing" are senseless terms in many if not most situations — in- cluding Lebanon, including Spain, including the inter- national terrorist networks. At least until they come to power in a given country, the goal of the terrorists, whatever their "line," is to de-stabilize a society. We should never forget that Stalin ordered the KPD (German Communists) to withhold their attacks on Hitler's Nazi Party and con- centrate on destroying the Social Democrats.- To both - fascist and Communist the "liberals" and "consymps" and "social democrats" and the "New Dealers" are the enemy to be destroyed, for occupying the middle ground, they offer a viable alternative- to dictatorship. The terrorists, unlike freedom-fighters, attack women shoppers, school children, unarmed dip- lomats, medical convoys, Olympic athletes. Their goal is to de-stabilize a society, to make it anx- ious and restless, to throw it off balance. Freedom-fighters, by con- trast, are soldiers not in uni- form who attack military targets, harassing a de- spotism, a military occupa- tion, military installations. Reasonable people can disagree as to whether freedom-fighters are fight- ing for the right goals. It could be argued, for exam- ple, that the Tories were right at the time of the American Revolution. Or it could be argued that India was better off as a British colony than it was after Gandhi's movement at- tained its goal. But no one can argue de- cently that terrorists are right in their actions, what- ever their goals. The problem with ter- rorist movements is that they sometimes come to power, and then there are terrorist governments. Idi Amin, the black Hitler, was not an isolate, although no one would know otherwise who depended upon the in- fantile journalism that "ex- plains" such matters. In fact, Idi Amin came to power in a primitive, tribal society because, he was a leader in one of the secret Muslim brotherhoods that controlled the Muslim sec- tor of Uganda's population. That sector was only eight percent of the total popula- tion, but it was the best or- ganized and the most ruth- less. Using his cohorts, he killed or expelled the Hindu traders, murdered the top court and par- liamentary and adminis- trative opposition lead- ers, and became president of the Organ- ization of African States. His visit to the UN Gen- eral Assembly, the obscene mob that "repre- sents" governments of most of which are at Idi Amin's level of civiliza- tion, was greeted with wild enthusiasm. Many of the governments in the world today are ter- rorist in origin and actively sponsor terrorist move- ments. Libya, closely tied to the Soviet Union, is a good example. Syria, which has taken over Lebanon and is now destroying the rem- nants of Christian resis- tance to the takeover, is an- other. Cuba, which supplies mercenaries for the Rus- sians in both Africa and Latin America, is another. The human tragedy is such that masses of suffer- ing humanity often pass from one misery to another. The Czarist regimes in Rus- sia were wicked, degenerate and anti-Semitic, and de- served to be overthrown. But the Soviets have proved to be more cruel, less effi- cient, just as relentlessly anti-Semitic, equally hos- tile to liberty and self- government. In Iran, the suffering masses have exchanged a 20th Century enlightened despot for a Ninth Century unenlightened despot. What is needed is some intelligent planning as to how republics and con- stitutional monarchies can crush terrorist movements before they come to power, and with- out crippling the rights of loyal citizens. At Hebrew University's - convocation in early July, former U.S. Vice President "Fritz" Mondale was one of the speakers (and hon- orees). He called for an in- ternational conference on the problem of terrorism. Dr. Gideon Hausner, p secutor of Eichmann (pr inent figure in a terro movement, the Nazi Party) and chairman of Yad Vas- hem, will be in Philadelphia in October to lecture on ter- rorism. (The National Insti- tute on the Holocaust is sponsoring his lecture.) The problem can be solved: terrorism, an inter- nal and an international threat to human liberty, dignity, integrity, can be put out of business.