THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Israeli Air Patrol Destroys Syrian MiG TEL AVIV (JTA) — Is- raeli aircraft on a routine reconnaisance mission over Lebanon on Wednesday shot down a Syrian MiG-25 fighter which tried to inter- cept them. The Israel De- fense Forces reported all Is- raeli aircraft returned safely to base. According to reports from Beirut, the brief dogfight took place some 30 miles north-east of Beirut. The Is- raeli planes were under- stood to have been watching for possible hostile moves by the Palestinians and their rganization duringthe sefire. Syria and the Palesti- nians said Tuesday they would attack any Israeli planes flying over Lebanon o as this, they claim, would be a breach of the ceasefire. But both Israel and the U.S. say that reconnaisance flights are allowed under the ceasefire arranged by U.S. special envoy Philip Habib. Israel says the flights are essential to monitor shipments of arms being sent to the Palestine Lib- eration Organization by Syria and the Soviet Union. The PLO is repor- tedly receiving . large amounts of weapons through northern Lebanese ports. There are at present about 15,000 Palestinians in Lebanon, gradually being incorporated into army units following years Reps. Ask Waldheim Ouster of terrorist formations. They are now equipped with heavier weapons, including tanks, artillery pieces and rocket launchers. Some 500 of the Palesti- nians are reported to be in the southern area between the Zaharani River and the Israeli border, with another 3,000 to 5,000 in Beirut, about 1,500 in the Sidon area, about 300 in the region controlled by UN- IFIL and about 500 in the Tripoli area of northern Lebanon. On Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin told a Knesset com- mittee that Israel had re- served the right to continue the reconnaissance flights and the U.S. was fully aware of the Israeli posi- tion. Begin said Israel's armed forces had in- flicted severe damage and losses on the Palesti- nians during the 11 days of fighting. (Israel claimed the destruction of a terrorist ammunition dump at E1-Fakhani; Palestinian bases re- cently set up in the El- He noted that Waldheim WASHINGTON (JTA) — Three members of the "chose to remain silent" House Foreign Affairs when the General Assembly Committee have written to passed the resolution equat- President Reagan urging ing Zionism with racism in the United States to initiate 1975 and that he has called a move to find a "suitable for Palestinian statehood replacement" for United and asked that Israel with- Nations Secretary General draw from occupied terri- Kurt Waldheim when his tory, including East term expires at the end of Jerusalem. this year. "Serious questions have been raised about Mr. Wal- dheim's performance of his duties both as an adminis- NEW YORK (JTA) A Force of terrorist installa- trator and, more impor- tantly, as the diplomat number of Jewish leaders tions in Beirut and other charged by the interna- issued statements last parts of Lebanon was part tional community with re- weekend hailing the cease- of the Israeli government's sponsibility for mediating fire on Israel's northern pre-emptive defense meas- difficult and dangerous dis- border with Lebanon, urg- ures as a result of so many putes across the globe," the ing the Reagan Administra- atrocities committed by the letter said. It was signed by tion to resume the delivery terrorists." He said the Israelis "have Reps. Stephen Solarz (D- of F-16s to Israel, and em- NY), David Bowen (D- phasizing that Israel's air always pleaded with the Miss.) and John LeBoutil- raid on Beirut July 17 was a terrorists to divorce them- defensive strike against the selves from continuing to lier (R-NY). Solarz, in a separate atrocities committed by the "hide behind the skirts of statement Monday, charged Palestine Liberation innocent people" Toby Willig, Emunah that Waldheim "has per- Organization in their rocket petually pandered to the attacks on villages in Women of America's vice president of public affairs, Arabs, communists and northern Israel. Frieda Lewis, president of stated that the bombing of other Third World countries at the world organization Hadassah, said, "It was Beirut "was a tragic but necessary defensive move through his consistent and generous of Israel, whose totally gratuitous criticism civilian population has been instigated by PLO at- relentlessly subjected to rocities" against Israel's of the State of Israel." northern border towns. Solarz also accused shelling, to support (special In a message to Leon Waldheim of being U.S. envoy Philip) Habib's "notoriously one-sided in efforts for peace by accept- Dulzin, chairman of the his approach to the Mid- ing the cease-fire even Jewish Agency Execu- dle East, engaging in though it is risky. Each time tive in Jerusalem, Max gratuitous criticism of Is- the PLO has exploited the Fisher of Detroit, chair- rael and encouraging the occasions to restore and ex- man of the Agency's participation of the ter- pand its arms and to rein- Board of Governors, rorist Palestine Libera- force and to advance its stated: "The American Jewish community is tion Organization in the positions." The Synagogue Council of grieved by the losses sus- Middle East negotia- America, commenting on tained in the continuing tions." the ceage-fire, called for reign of terror against the prayers for peace as well as villages and towns and California Man putting the critical events neighbors of those who meaningful perspective. have died in their homes An SS Captain? in -Rabbi Bernard Mandel- as a result of PLO ter- LOS ANGELES — The baum, executive vice rorist action." U.S. is preparing to start a president of the Council, • revocation of citizenship said: "Anguish at the death se against a 71-year-old of innocent victims of war — \,###/acramento man who is in Beirut or anywhere — is charged with being a Nazi felt more deeply by Israel JERUSALEM — An Is- SS captain during World and the Jewish people than raeli bus in the hills just War II. by all the Arab states. For outside Jerusalem was shot Otto Albrecht von the tragedy in Lebanon is at by, two terrorists on Wed- Bolschwing has been ac- consistent with Arab abuse nesday. Four persons on the cused of hiding his member- of its own people as helpless bus were wounded. ship in the Nazis and the SS pawns in a ruthless political The Palestine Liberation when he obtained U.S. citi- war to destroy Israel." Organization announced in zenship 22 years ago. Paul Zuckerman of De- Beirut that it would con- Von Bolschwing claims troit, former national tinue attacks inside Israel he served in the U.S. Office chairman of the United while observing the cease- of Str a tegic Services and Jewish Appeal, said the fire along the Israel- parachuted into Austria. bombing by Israel's Air Lebanon border. # , - •- = 1 Leaders Hail Cease-Fire, Urge Delivery of F-16s Bus Attacked Friday, July 31, 1981 Tennis Complex for Jerusalem Jenah area in Beirut; six 130 mm and 155mm field artillery batteries; eight mobile Katyusha rocket launchers used by El Fatah; an anti-aircraft missile battery near the Shtila and Sabra camps; 80 military vehicles on the outskirts of the Sabra camp; an Arab Libera- tion Front position; and a Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine position. Listed as damaged were El Fatah command head- quarters; two houses be- longing to "Abu Jihad," the senior El Fatah comman- der; buildings in El Fakhani housing the Democratic Front and Arab Liberation Front headquarters; and El Fatah's main operational room. The army said PLO men killed included Abu El- Kefah, the,E1 Fatah officer in charge of weapons • and ammunition, and about 20 officers and men of the Democratic Front. Nevertheless, former Premier Yitzhak Rabin of the Labor Alignment told the Knesset that Israel could not annihilate the ter- rorists or achieve its politi- cal objectives by means of its air force. He stressed that he favored the cease- fire as long as the Palesti- nians observed it but if they struck against Israel, Israel would strike back. JERUSALEM (JNI) — The Jerusalem Tennis Cen- ter opened this week with 1,000 children starting their summer training pro- gram at the 11 courts in the Katamon-Tet Quarter. The complex, funded by th e q eti ti-, United Appeal, is the sixth of seven facilities being built by the Israel Tennis Centers (ITC). The ITC opened the largest complex earlier this month in Ash- kelon, financed by British Jewry. T. OVER 40 YEARS DEPENDABLE SERVICE your Office Boy' "Your Office Girl" SUPPLIES FURNITURE FOR OFFICE & HOME Design & Planning Printing • Rubber Stamps Wedding & social Invitations Gifts Large Display Areas 14 MILE RD. 642-5600 31535 SOUTHFIELD ROAD BETWEEN 13 & 14 MILE ROADS RAPID DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-FRI. 8-5 AMPLE PARKING 13 MILE RD. TRADITION KRAJENKE BUICK SALES, INC. 12801 Joseph Campau Detroit, MI 48212 891-2700 Where your Grandfather bought his BUICK! Where your Father bought his BUICK! WHY DON'T YOU? NOTHING HAS CHANGED Still the Lowest Prices and Great Service! KRAJENKE BUICK d . '., . :r 4 , i t4 • • 0 , it ) 0 . 4 It 1