THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 2 Friday; July. 3, 190 Purely Commentary Israel's 'Taking Law Into Its Own Hands' and Matter of 'Security' A Wall Street Journal follow-up editorial to the one in which it commended Israel's bombing of Iraq's nuclear reactor is entitled "Mushy-Mindedness." This editorial analyzed the French position, discussed the American atti- tude and commented on the attitudes by nations and their agencies "most directly involved in policing the spread of nuclear weapons," and asks, "is it any wonder that Israel should decide to take its own security into its own hands?" With the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), the U.S. State Department and the like not stopping the spread of nuclear weapons but providing protective coloration for it, there is no reason to expect the Israelis to desist from using the means they have in their hands to knock out the Iraqi bomb. At the UN and elsewhere, we are now engaged in a fatuous debate about the moral- ity of the Israeli decision, which is like a debate over the morality of night following day. Of course the world would be a better place if Israel were not flying fighter-bomber strikes at its neighbors; the Israeli raid is indeed a disturbing symptom of gathering instability in the Middle East and elsewhere. But if we do not want small nations like Israel to take desperate gambles in pursuit of their own security, the alternative is buildling a more stable world by the efforts of the democracies in general and the U.S. in particular. Our feckless efforts at an anti-proliferation pol- icy are merely one aspect of the irresolution we have displayed since Vietnam. One of the great sources of instability today is the triumph of mushy-mindedness so evident in the apology for the Iraqi bomb program. In consideration of this approach to the issue that has become so vital as a matter of international debate, the attitude of U.S. Senator John Glenn of Ohio must be taken into consideration. Senator Glenn has taken the lead in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to condemn Israel by stating that "Israel took the law into its own hands." He called it vigilante violence. Judging the first portion of his attack, all who know the situation as it has existed in the Middle East for 33 years have a right to say, "of course," otherwise, who would come to Israel's assistance militar- ily? Is it contemptible vigilantism for a nation that is treated with hypocrisy in the world organization (UN) to defend herself? There is much more sense to the Wall Street Journal's definition of the crisis than the Ohio Senator's bias. Let it be stated, incidentally, that U.S. Senator Alan Cranston of California is displaying lots of courage in his consistent defense of Israel and his condemnation of the Iraqi role as a nation that pursues war against Israel. Let this statement by Cranston serve as the American way of saying "Justice to Israel": Israel, because of its small size and vulnerabil- ity,-has historically looked upon the pre-emptive first strike as essential to its security and survival. Israelis have repeatedly used that tactic in their military operations when faced with looming The Ticklish Issue of Israel 'Taking the Law Into Its OWn Hands' and Israel's Duty to Take Action for Self-Protection ... Saudi Domination a Universal Threat threats by forces pledged to their destruction. This was well-known to our government and to others. The Israeli strike against the Iraqi nuclear facilities should not have come as any big sur- prise. I have been warning about the dangerous de- velopment of Iraqi nuclear facilities. So long as Iraq pursued its nuclear ambitions and so long as the U.S. government was unable, or unwilling, to persuade France and Italy to halt their transfer- ence of nuclear technology and materials to Iraq, it was inevitable that this type of action would take place. Thus I am willing neither to condemn nor con- done a defensive action by Israel that was virtu- ally certain to occur, if it was not inevitable, due to the situation in the Middle East. But this is only the latest, though perhaps the most dramatic and ominous, sign of the dangers that uncontrolled nuclear proliferation presents to U.S. security and to world peace. What happens next? There will probably be a second nuclear test by India. There will probably be a first bomb test by Pakistan, a dictatorship and another Moslem nation hostile to Israel. And what about Libya? No one can ex- pect Israel to stand idly by if Libya, the most unstable, terroristic nation of all, develops a nuclear capability. Nuclear and con- ventional arms prolif- eration in the Middle East creates a hair- trigger situation in which U.S. interests in the stability and secu- rity of the area are con- stantly threatened, as are the stability and se- curity of Israel, our only stable ally and the only democracy in that section of the world. ALAN CRANSTON A Warning of Impending Saudi Threat of Monetary Domination A frightening threat of Saudi Arabia's domination of the International Monetary Fund is contained in a reveal- ing New York Times Op-Ed Page article by Rand H. Fish- bein, doctoral candidate in international relations at Johns Hopkins University, Writing under the headline of "The Saudis' Monetary Fund Power," Mr. Fishbein points out that the dozens of representatives to the International Monetary Fund as- sented to Saudi Arabia's lending the sum of $4.9 billion to the IMF. The major factors in the transaction and the control now gained by the Saudis are defined by the author of this expose as follows: What makes this loan controversial is that the Saudis, in exchange for their petrodollars, are now able to exert greater influence over the oper- By Philip Slomovitz ation of the world's most important financial in- stitution. As a lender of last resort, the International Monetary Fund is responsible for helping ailing member countries correct distortions in their balance of payments that result from financial shocks. One major cause of these shocks has been the high price of imported oil and the actions of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Coun- tries and its most influential member, Saudi Arabia. How odd it is that now the tiger will help play host to the lamb. Under the terms of the agreement, the loan is to be considered as a formal increase in the size of Saudi Arabia's overall quota, or membership subscription in the fund. The voting power of a nation is based upon the full amount of its quota. weighed according to a set formula. So large is this single injection of capital into the fund that out of 141 member states, Saudi Arabia will move from 13th to sixth in voting power. Only the United States, Britain; West Germany, France and Japan will exert a greater influence over the fund's activities. Yet, as a direct consequence of the loan, the United States will lose a fractional portion of its voting power (but retain a veto on major actions). What is more important, the magnitude of the Saudis' total contribution entitled them to a per- manent seat on the executive board, which runs the fund's day-to-day operations and decides which countries will get financial assistance. An explanatory note in the Fishbein article merits special attention. He points out that in September 1980 Jacques de Larosiere, managing director of the Interna- tional Monetary Fund, was told by the Saudis and Kuwait that: Pending a decision by the International Mone- tary Fund to allow the PLO to be given observer status at its annual meeting, they (the Saudis) would no longer consider extending further loans to the organization. Then late last March the Saudis apparently reversed themselves. Despite United States objections to granting observer status to the PLO, and repeated denials by Mr. de Larosiere that the issue was part of the negotiated agreement, one cannot help but won- der what suddenly prompted the Saudis into an apparent change of heart. After all, recent history has shown that Saudi ambitions are not easily discouraged. So far as I know, not a cry has been raised over the relative decline of United States power in an organization that it helped to create and in which it has such a large financial stake. Does the power assumption by the Saudis in the world monetary structure serve as a warning to this nation? Is it a warning in the AWACS and PLO threats to peace and decency? Perhaps the 54 Senators and 224 members of the House of Representatives will be able to enroll many more of their associates in Congress as an indication that even to oil and monetary controls there are restrictions when human values are at stake. AIPAC Report Defends Israeli Air Strike at Osirak (Continued from Page 1) tion agreement with Brazil, and has been stockpiling raw natural uranium from mines in Portugal, Brazil, Niger and Somalia. One uranium industry source estimated the size of these purchases to be as high as 200 tons. All of this can be placed in the reactor to pro- duce plutonium. Last year, Prof. Albert Wohlstetter, one of Ameri- ca's most eminent authorities on nuclear pro- liferation and disarma- ment, warned, in "National Security in the 1980s: From Weakness to Strength:" "The highly enriched uranium which the French announced they will sell and deliver to Iraq has only the remotest application in the civilian economy of Iraq, but such concentrated fis- sile material is the most im- portant and hardest to pro- duce component of nuclear weapons and can be quickly incorporated in a weapons assembly. Highly enriched uranium ' makes feasible weapons of the simplest de- sign — the gun as distinct from the implosion-type es- sential for plutonium." Even French nuclear ex- perts have expressed con- cern over Osirak. Francis Perrin, the former high commissioner for Atomic Energy and the president of the European Society of Atomic Energy, warned in August 1980 that "the nu- clear cooperation treaty be- tween France and Iraq could lead to the develop- ment of a nuclear weapon." (London Times, Aug. 6, 1980) Just two weeks ago, three officials of the French Na- tional Center for Scientific Research released a 32-page report which warned that "the high-flux Osirak reac- tor, capable of significant and efficient radiation levels, is well suited for pro- ducing plutonium with a potential for the production of explosives." Before deciding on the air strike, did Israel exhaust all possible dip- lomatic means to stop the Iraqi atom bomb pro- gram? In 1976, not long after the French-Iraqi deal became public, Shimon Peres, then Defense Minister in the Is- rael government headed by Yitzhak Rabin, made a spe- cial trip to Paris to persuade the Giscard government to change its policy. In the past two years, Prime Minister Begin undertook a secret diplomatic campaign, through personal letters and emissaries to the heads of European governments, to persuade- them to cut off support of the project. France and Italy refused. Only the Netherlands re- sponded positively. Last year, Israel sent representatives to Europe and the U.S. to try to inter- est the press and mass media in Iraq's program; very few evinced any inter- est. Israel has for years been raising the issue at every available world forum. Israel waited until after the French elections to see if there would be a change of policy. The declarations of President Mitterrand and Foreign Minister Cheysson that they intend to fulfill their nuclear contract with Iraq shattered any such hope. Wasn't Israel's strike precipitous? Sources close to the U.S. nuclear industry have said 'that the $100-million Iraqi reactor was to be loaded with uranium fuel and to be minorities have been in operation in less than a hounded and persecuted. month. The 25 pounds of Saddam Hussein and a few uranium fuel that was to be members of his family rule imminently loaded is the country, as a result of a weapons-grade, and capable series of purges that of producing plutonium for brought violent ends to bombs. The best plutonium scores of his former col- for bombs is produced in the laborators. Fifty-thousand first three months; the innocent men, women and Iraqis could easily have children — members of the shut down the reactor and Shi'ite Muslim majority — secretly removed the were rounded up and plutonium. The enriched dumped on the desert bor- uranium was at the site. der with Iran a few yea' Once the technology was in ago, and left to die there. Opponents of the regime place, Iraq could have bought the fuel elsewhere, have been hunted across in- even in the unlikely even- ternational borders, and tuality that France would murdered in cities like have ceased to supply it in Paris and London. Most Arab nations view the future. Saddam Hussein with fear Is Iraq a force for peace and suspicion. To them he is and stability in the Mid- known as the "Butcher of dle East? Baghdad." Iraq is a brutally oppres- His record of violations of sive tyranny, in which human rights is one of the Kurds, Jews and other (Continued on Page 64) ethnic and religious