THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS USSR Prison Life Exposed (Continued from Page 14) certain food each month; at the first breach of regula- tions you're deprived of that right. No food parcels or food from visitors are per- mitted. "You're then brought to the neighboring 'working' cell, where for eight hours you execute some monoton- ous, exhausting work, under constant surveil- lance. If you stop working because the quotas are im- possible to fulfill even by trying very hard, the ad- ministration has a wide field for more punishment. In the evening you're returned to your live-in cell, each of which is iso- . lated from the other. No sound can penetrate the very thick walls. Any at- tempt to communicate with prisoners in other cells is punished. Friday, June 12, 1981 15 THE ULTIMATE RES RT! "Theoretically, you're entitled to medical assis- tance, but if you're ill the doctor doesn't appear for days. When he does come and gives a prescription, you can't have the medicine, because it's forbidden to have any in the cell. It's especially difficult concern- ing teeth, a complaint Anatoly has, and the dentist appears only three times a year, but not for those in the PKT. "In the PKT, it's permit- ted to receive Soviet news- papers, have five Soviet books and hear radio prop- aganda programs from Moscow at prescribed times, another channel of psychological pressure. One has nothing in the punish- ment cell. "Time spent in the punishment cell is added to the time spent in the PKT. Since the punishment cell is the most popular punish- ment, prisoners often stay in the prison building for seven-nine months, instead of six, sometimes longer." Danot Pancreas Could Replace Insulin Injections JERUSALEM (JNI) — Israel's Danot Industries has concluded a license agreement for the develop- ment of an artificial pan- creas conceived by Univer- sity of Southern California scientists. Within two years- Danot estimates the man- ufacture of an implantable artificial pancreas which regulates the blood-sugar level of diabetics through a constant discharge of insu- lin — replacing daily injec- tions. After implantation, the patient can lead a com- pletely normal life, except for an insulin shot every 4-6 weeks to fill the internal re- servoir of the system. The number of diabetics depen- dent on insulin totals five million in the U.S., Europe and Japan. In the U.S. alone, that number grows by 60,000 annually. RESORT ALL YEAR LONG, JUST MINUTES FROM YOUR HOME. Hamilton Place Athletic Club in - Southfield is the Ultimate Resort. Indoor and outdoor pools, tennis courts, indoor and outdoor tracks, sandy beach, nautilus, free aerobic dancing, gourmet food and much much more. Join now and enjoy your own personal resort seven days a _ week, all year long. Hamilton Place ... Don't Resort Anywhere Else. Call 646-8990 NOW! or drop in anytime between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. 30333 Southfield between 12 and 13 Mile Rds. HAMILTON PLACE COUPON." I I $300 OFF* ' 1 ALL FULL FAMILY MEMBERSHIPS i OFF* I $150 OFF* 1 I $ 250 1 ALL FULL COUPLES MEMBERSHIPS I HAMILTON PLACE 1 ATHLETIC CLUB L ALL FULL INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIPS IN I HURRY! LIMITED I INITIATION ONLY, FULL MEMBERSHIPS. ONE COUPON PER NEW MEMBERSHIP. ow= =WE