THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 14 Friday, June 12, 1981 Downward Trend in Soviet Jewish Emigration Is Continuing is. In practice, the prisoner dered to report to the immi- is spending his entire day in gration office is invariably the toilet because there is a later than the date of expi- terrible smell from the pipe ration of their exit visas, opening. When one needs Richter said. water one must ask for it. The SSSJ also reported Near the wall is a board that only 282 Romanian which serves as a table, Jews were permitted to along with another small leave for Israel during the board for sitting. There is firstfiv6 months of 1981, an a small window covered average of 56 per month, ac- with dense grating, so the cording to Center for Rus- cell is in semi-darkness. sian and East European There is a small electric Jewry national director bulb so one's eyes are Jacob Birnbaum. constantly strained. It's,- This is in contrast to the not without reason why 250-350 monthly average Anatoly is losing his -- during the first half of the sight; one can really go 1970s when Bucharest was blind there. angling for economic and "The prisoner is brought political favors from Wash, to the cell, distressed, ask- ington. ing why? Nothing happens. Deploring this trend, After several hours, a Birnbaum appealed to sleepy officer appears and NEW COMPUTERIZED the American Jewish informs him that he was community' to make a SECURITY EQUIPMENT sentenced to the PKT for six greater effort to utilize months. He also tells the the strong leverage al.- . reason for punishment, al- forded by the upcoming ways something very Senate and House hear- laughable; the real reasons ings on the Jackson are never named. To have a Amendment reviewing motive, small infringe- the annual grant of ments are collected for Sen. Carl .Levin (D-Mich), right, congratulates Most-Favored-Nation years. Since there are regu- Yosif Mendelevich on his release after 11 years of (MFN) trading status and lations for each step the Central Station Monitoring associated economic incarceration in a Soviet prison. prisoner takes, it's no won- benefits to Romania. Thous- ands of satisfied customers quested a meeting with the Jewish community der that each inmate has ac- Meanwhile, Yosif Men- Waldheim last month. must mobilize to send large cumulated a list of small CALL THE delevich, the freed Soviet quantities of religious books shortcomings. Speaking at a press con- Jewish activist who immig- ference at the UN, spon- and articles, taleism, tefi- "Should this not be suffi- rated to Israel three months sored by Yehuda Blum, Is- lin, mezuzot and sidurim cient, the camp administra- MARTY ago, said that UN Secretary rael's ambassador to the into Russia. 17534 W. 7 MILE, DETROIT tion doesn't shirk provoca- General Kurt Waldheim UN, Mendelevich said that Men- tion. Anatoly, for example, Meanwhile, CY LICENSED BY "could not find the time to instead of a meeting with delevich led a mass SSSJ was ordered to work in an SHEL MICH. DEPT. OF STATE POLICE see me." He said that he re- Waldheim, he met with demonstration of area between fences where Under Secretary General "prayer and anger" at the the guards can shoot a pris- William Buffum and dis- Soviet UN Mission for his oner; hi,s refusal to work cussed with him the plight comrade Anatoly there was a 'severe breach of of Soviet Jews and the "cul- Scharansky, who is regime.' "All personal items are tural and religious persecu- slowly dieing in the soli- tary confinement cells of confiscated from the pris- tion" against them. Mendelevich expressed the Perm labor camp. oner except one pair of With Mrs. Avital underwear (not long ago, a disappointment that Wal- Sharansky, he affixed a prisoner was sentenced be- dheim could not see him claiming that he promised large Soviet Jewry free- cause a search disclosed a his fellow prisoners in Rus- dom flag to the mission's second pair of underwear). One may write a single let- sia to discuss their plight gates. Mendelevich has in- ter every two months; it's with the Secretary General. itiated a special program for Meridelevich also re- the prisoners of conscience, forbidden to speak about the called what he termed "Operation Pidyon conditions of imprisonment. The prisoner feels strong "the religious persecu- Shevuyim" ("redemption of moral suffering, yet cannot tion" in Soviet jails ā€” captives" in Hebrew), under explain to his family what is where his religious arti- SSSJ's auspices. For infor- happening or why he isn't cles and prayer books mation, write SSSJ, 210 W. writing twice a month as be- were cpnfiscated. as 91st St., New York, N.Y., fore. "Zionist propaganda" ā€” "The whole character 10024. and claimed that this of punishment has the persecution reflected the "Descent Into Hell" aim to demonstrate to the Earrings cultural and religious (The following article by Pearls oppression of Jews all Yosef Mendelevich, entitled prisoner the hopeless- ness of continuing to re- over Russia. "Descent Into Hell: The sist . . . Watches Mendelevich also said PKT," describes the condi- Bracelets "At night, the giiard that the movement towards tions under which jailed opens with a key the wooden Soviet dissident Anatoly Zionism in Russia has taken board which has been on a new dimension and has Shcharansky lives.) Diamond studs I Beads locked during the day, gives "Incarceration into the you a mattress filled with become a "Judaistic PKT is usually done thus: Zionism." rags, a soldier's blanket and Mendelevich told a joint The prisoner is taken away a meager pillow. During the meeting of the board of di- in the daytime directly from summer the cell is airlesP rectors and board of gover- his place of work so he will but in winter when the ten nors of the Union of Or- not be able to tell anyone. perature can drop to -40 de= thodox Jewish Congrega- He is led to the bunks where grees outside, hands freeze tions at Cong. Kehillath hardly anyone is present at in the cell and one can't Jeshurun in Manhattan that time. Without explana- sleep at night. But at 6 a.m. that, "Several hundred tion, he is told to collect his you have to get up. Jews are trying to be reli- belongings and is taken to a "If you were unable to giously observant today in building fenced off from the sleep it's your bad luck; it's rest of the camp by addi- Russia, compared with a forbidden to sleep during 10th of that number only a tional barbed wire. This is the day: the KGB's inner prison few years ago." "Your morning food is This upsurge in religious which holds the PKT and brought. You receive less 26400 West Twelve Mile Road yearning, said Men- punishment, cells. in Southfield's Racquetime :Mall "The cells differ little. than other prisoners, except delevich, who remained ob- for the punishment cell. In Northeast corner 12 Mile & Northwestern Hwy. servant through 11 years of Near the wall is a water practice, you get no more master charge. channel and above it a pipe. imprisonment in Soviet 357-5578 than 1,000 calories. A pris- labor camps, calls for in- The water is regulated by a oner may buy two rubles of Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat., 10-6, Thur., 10-9 creased action on the part of supervisor. This is the only (Continued on Page 15) American Jewry. He said hygenic installation there NEW YORK (JTA) ā€” Al- though the number of Jews leaving the Soviet Union increased slightly last month compared to the previous month, the general trend is downward, the Stu- dent Struggle for Soviet Jewry (SSSJ) reported. According to SSSJ spokesman Glenn Richter, 1,141 Jews arrived in Vie- nna from the USSR in May while the figure for April was 1,115. Of the latest ar- rivals, 84 percent did not proceed to Israel. That was confirmed by the Intergovernmental Mi- gration Committee in Geneva which reported that of the 1,141 arrivals in Vie- nna last month, only 250 went to Israel. Richter noted that dur- ing the 12 months of 1979, the average monthly fig- ure of Jewish emigration from the Soviet Union was 4,200 and that in 1980 it dropped to an average of 1,800. He reported that the "cur- rent tactic" of Soviet authorities is to send letters to "refuseniks" saying they can emigrate. However, the date on which they are or- BURGLAR ALARMS ALLSTATE ALARM SYSTEMS ROTT BROS 2 55- 1 54 0 Graduation Da idea check list PĀ° Give a Gift from Tapper's n I I I I I I I Pf all at discount prices 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed \ \f I i llANR CARO tut 11.4TE/, '