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May 15, 1981 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1981-05-15

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Friday, May 15, 1981

Israel Celebration, Response to Nazis Old Lessons

(Continued from Page 1)
Each answered tne Nazis
in their own way.
Some forgot that the
police were there to protect

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the Jews as well as to re-
strain the Nazis and some
turned their anger and frus-
tration on the wrong target.
But the police horses didn't
seem to mind as they be-
came rude teachers in a few,
isolated cases.
We need more patient
teachers, however, for the
lesson of the future. The
Nazi lesson to American
Jews, to Detroit Jews, is




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that the future is now. In
recent years we had Nazi
bookstores on Vernor
Highway and Fenkell Ave-
nue. Now we have the SS
Action Group of Westland
demonstrating in Birming-
ham and Southfield. The
Nazis did not disappear
after World War II. They
will not disappear after
So we all learned lessons
from Israel's 33rd birthday.
In a driving rain, on a dis-
mal Sunday afternoon, the
Jewish children of Detroit,
their parents, their -friends,
the agonized survivors of
Nazi Germany, the Russian
immigrants, the Israelis in
our community: We became
One! We responded to an
ancient threat. We held our
heads high against the rain
and the taunts. And we will
have to be ready to do it
* * *
Congressman William
Brodhead (D-Mich.) told
the standing-room-only
throng who jammed the
Municipal Building
pavillion, "The way I look
at it, the fate of America is
inextricably linked to Is-
"Both stand as beacons of
hope for the world. If one
does not survive, the other
will not survive. The survi-
val of Israel depends on the
care and concern of all
"We have to look at the
proposal to sell arms to the
Saudis. Saudi Arabia is not
a stable country. They are a
threat to Israel and a threat
to the U.S. and the sale is
Brodhead asked the audi-
ence to send him their views
on the proposed arms deal so
that he could share their
letters with his Congres-
sional colleagues.
* * *
While the crowd inside
heard speeches and the
"Israel. Alive and Sing-
ing" performance, hun-
dreds who could not get
intothe _pavillion sam-

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"Righteous Gentile" at
Academy, avowed the need
for strong Christian support
for Israel.
Several years ago, Dr.
Benham was involved in a
scuffle with Nazis when he
entered the short-lived Nazi
bookstore on Fenkell.

* * *

A number of spectators
wept when the Nazis ap-
peared on the lawn. One
woman told television re-
porters, "I never thought I
would see this here . . . not
in America."
* * *
News coverage of `Sun-
day's events was exten-
sive, but not universally

Channel 4 had the most
extensive television cover-
age Sunday evening, -de-
scribing the "confronta-
tions" outside as well as the
parade itself and the cele-
brations and speeches in-
Channels 2 and 7 adver-
tised the "clash" between
Jews and Nazis throughout
the evening and reported
only that aspect on their 11
p.m. news broadcasts.

* * *

Although he was unable
to leave Washington for
Sunday's celebration, Sena-
tor Carl Levin sent a lettr
of greeting to the Israel I
dependence Day festivities:
A similar message was sent
to The Jewish News by Rep.
David Bonior.

* * *

Celebration 33' Salutes
With Songs, The Chosen'

In both Towne Theaters Metropolitan Detroit
on Monday evening, Israel Jewry. He pointed to the
was saluted with great dig- unity in the undertaking
nity, with folksongs and of sponsoring this event ,
for the purpose of raising
The nation's most distin- funds for educational in-
guished actors, folksingers stitutions in Israel.
The audiences were
and storytellers commenced
the program with impres- greeted by Michigan's
Lieutenant Governor
sive salutes.
James Brickley who
The chief attraction was brought the good wishes of -
the advance showing of the Governor William Milliken
movie "The Chosen," based as well as his own on the
on Chaim Potok's novel.
occasion of Israel's 33rd an-
* * *
Irving Laker, chairman niversary.
The Jewish News re- of the Detroit Celebration
The 900 in attendance
ceived three reports of 33 Committee, represent- paid $100 each to attend
"police brutality," called , ing the major Jewish this event, 80 percent of the
in by persons who said organizations, greeted money going to Israel's edu-
they were pushed by the -attendees. Laker took cational and cultural
police horses or police pride in the interest causes.
officers. In two of the shown in the event by
cases the callers admit-
ted that they had refused
to heed police orders to
move away from the area.
Police arrested three per-
sons and ticketed them for
obstructing a police officer,
an ordinance violation.
Southfield police refused to
The Vatican was flooded Wednesday afternoon and
release the names of those
Thursday morning with messages of good will, with
arrested, saying only that
blessings and prayers for the speedy recovery and
two were residents of South-
well-being of Pope John Paul II.
field and one was from De-
Dignitaries in the world Jewish laity and rabbini-
troit, and none were from
cal organizations, Israel government and Chief Rab-
the Nazis, the Jewish De-
binate officials are represented in the messages that
fense League, or a Detroit
mounted into the many scores immediately after the
anti-Fascist group that had
sad news about an assassin's attempt on the Pope's
circled on the lawn.
* * *
Organizations and their leaders in the United
Celebration chairperson
States cabled their messages of cheer to the Holy
Shelly Jackier said that she
Father of the Catholic Church.
was thrilled with the
attendance for Sunday's
events. "Despite the rain,
despite the opposition, the
community turned out as a
unified community. It was
the first time in a long
JERUSALEM (JTA) — another important finding:
The ruling Likud and the The number of "-don't
Mrs. Jackier praised the opposition Labor Align- knows" is now declining.
city of Southfield and its ment are running neck to
Only 24 percent re-
police "for their fine work in neck, according to the latest fused to state a pref(
planning and the security opinion poll published in ence to the pollsters tin-
time, compared with 31
the Jerusalem Post.
* *
The figures, according to percent a month ago.
The figures for the other
Dr. Charles Benham, the Modi'in Ezrachi Applied
director of the Detroit Research Center, which main parties were: National
Round Table of the Na- conducted the poll for the Religious Party, 9; Aguda
tional Conference of Post, showed an accelera- bloc, 6; Telem, 4; Tehiya, 3;
Christians and Jews, was tion of the swing towards Civil Rights Movement, 2;
outraged by the presence Likud which has been evi- Shinui 1; others, 13. The
of the Nazis as he rode by dent since the beginning of 41-41 Likud Labor tie com-
pared to 35 for Likud and 46
on an ambulance float the year.
The poll, conducted for Labor one month ago,
sponsored by Magen
among 1,245 adults during 33-45 in March, 22-52 in
David Adom.
Dr. Benham, who was the last days of April and February, and 20-58 in
honored two weeks ago as a first days of May, showed January.

Messages of Sympathy
from Jewish Dignitaries
to Pope John Paul II

Poll Shows Likud and Labor
Are Running Neck to Neck

$5"- 4 DAYS

Movies such as

pled the foods and litera-
ture available on tables
in the hallways. The
crowd was so thick that it
took 10 minutes to move
from one end of the short
hall to the other.
* * *
Several hundred stayed
outside as the half-mile
parade of floats and mar-
chers arrived at the Civic
Center. Southfield police
escorted the band of 30
Nazis from the Municipal
Building into a roped-off
area on the lavvn. The
police, aided by mounted
officers from the Oakland
County Sheriff's Depart-
ment, kept the Nazis and
the spectators apart.
As the crowd grew, the
police escorted the Nazis
back into the basement of
the Municipal Building
after 15 minutes. Angry
spectators remained out-
side, keeping the Nazis in
the building for more than
an hour before police slip-
ped them out the south
entrance in police vans.
The spectators congre-
gated around the north
entrance, waiting for the
Nazis to re-claim their re-
nted truck. Several spec-
tators threw dirt from the
flower beds onto the truck
parked below them at the
basement entrance. The
truck was eventually taken
to the Nazis by police.

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