Friday, May 8, 1981 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS . Purely Commentary Rejoice, 0 Israel Rejoicing in Israel's Thirty-Third Anniversary; Presidential Repudiation of Lies About Holocaust and Remember, Never to Falter in Defense of Life and Truth The fifth day of Iyar, occurring this year on May 9, registers as a festival. It must be treated as a holiday because it marks the redemption, the rebirth of Jewish statehood, the miracle day 33 years ago which marked the right of Jews to master their own destiny and to strive for an end to homelessness and wanderings. It was viewed as a miracle 33 years ago. It remains one of the great historic events that marked the end of the Exile, the realization of the determined will of a people hounded through the ages, massacred, pilloried, emerging as a free nation in its ancient homeland. The 33 years have been years of struggle, the many difficulties being both internal — the battle for life and economic security — and external, the latter forcing upon Israel the duty to assure security to pfevent destruction and humiliation. . The difficulties obstacling Israel's struggles are so immense. The mounting enmities have compelled a peace-seeking people, a nation crucially dependent on amity with neighbors, to resort to arms, to create a military image vital to defense of life and the very existence of the nation that was born in an age of utter destruction, the price of which was a third of the entire Jewish people. Protection of what had been regained after milennia of homelessness, of subjection to persecutions, is not only Israel's. It is the obligation of world Jewry,`Of the justice-loving peoples of the world, of the human factor in mankind that will not abandon a people in quest of life. The rejoicing in Israel occasioning the celebrating of an anniversary will be echoed in Jewish ranks everywhere. The Big Hitler Lie and Its Embrace by Modern Villains Adolf Hitler was the creator of the definition of the big lie. The Nazi Fuehrer was frank in his assertion that a lie, if repeated often enough, becomes acceptable as truth. This is how Israel's enemies are operating. The lie is the chief weapon of those who would destroy the Jewish state. This is evident in many places, in democratic countries as well as in the dictatorial. It was evident in Detroit and in Lansing. Of all places, in East Lansing, where journalistic as- pirants should be careful not to give a platform to lies, the Michigan State University student newspaper, the State News, gave space to a lengthy article glorifying the PLO, maintaining that it is a government in exile, presenting the PLO as a democratic force with legally-elected representa- tives. Common sense should have revealed the true intention of such an article, aimed at giving credence to a movement whose chief aim is the introduction of another Genocide. This is one example of journalistic blundering. In a recent issue, the Detroit Free Press gave front- page space, in its "Q" column, to Grace Halsell, author of "Journey to Jerusalem." It contained angled questions that elicited perpetrated answers denigrating Israel, portraying the Jewish state as barbaric and as a torturer of Arabs. No one ever heard of this author before, and a jouney- created authoritativeness. That is why the guilt is as much the publisher's, Macmillan, as that of the Free Press. Both should have been cautious in selecting material for publi- cation, giving a platform to data so replete with untruth that even a novice among the publishers' book readers and the daily newspaper's editors should have detected the Big Lie. Who is the woman who described a visit to Jerusalem and what are her qualifications? How extensive are the falsehoods offered in her book? She is exposed in a review of her book in the New York Times Book Review, April 26, by Sol Stern, free lance journalist who specializes in studies on the Middle East. Stern presented a thorough study of the book in question and some of the lies he exposed include the following: It is surprising to read Grace Halsell's prologue and discover that she set out to write yet another book on the subjet "without understanding exactly what or where the West Bank is." Finally discovering where the West Bank is, Miss Halsell has portrayed it as overrun by Israeli soldiers and settlers parading around Palestinian towns with submachine guns, clubs and German Shepherds, terrorizing the local Arabs for the sole purpose of driving them out of the country. The settlers and Israeli soldiers are almost always de- scribed as "blond-haired and blue-eyed"; the four- and five-story apartment buildings erected in the settlement of Kiryat Arba are called "skys- crapers." An Israeli settler couple that the author lived with are characterized as worshiping "a God of war." They are contrasted with another Israeli couple, good Israelis who want to give up all the territories, who have a "God of peace." She writes that "Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza have no passport." In fact, virtu- ally all Palestinian Arabs on the West Bank carry Jordanian passports, and, had Miss Halsell looked, she might even have discovered the Jor- danian government office on the West Bank where those passports are renewed. In building up the terrors of the Israeli occupa- - tion (the issue of terrorism is never raised in . , By Philip Slomovitz There also must be a sharing of responsibilities that go with festivities. Israel's defense is a moral duty. For American Jews it is a special concern. It demands untiring concern that the Israel-American amity should gain strength and should never be permitted to splinter, regardless of the temptations that have made oil a guiding factor in many international considerations. There is the duty also of providing the economic encouragement, the assistance in social services, the cooperation in making the Jewish state the self-dependent unit among the nations of the world. There is a partnership to he protected. The Israel kinship with world Jewry must remain a basic factor in the unity that assures the peoplehood unifying Israel with the Diaspora. Israel at 33 is under fire. Only orre neighbor extends a hand of friendship, and that handclasp is viewed with suspicion because the kin-nations of the only amica 1 neighbor strive to undermine what is termed the Israel-Egypt good will. On the international scene, the enmities against Israel are constantly being oi-ieu into a menacing threat. There is danger everywhere and under such conditions Israel nevertheless celeb- rates with confidence. To make it ever-confident, the partners in the great venture of national freedom and security require encouragement and assistance. This is what world Jewry offers Israel, on her 33rd birthday, in the Happy Anniversary greetings that must assemble from the entire globe. reference to Palestinians), Miss Halsell writes that while traveling around the West Bank she was frightened to take out her camera and snap a photograph. She explains that an American woman named Terre Fleener was held in an Is- raeli jail for two years merely for taking pictures of Israeli beaches and hotels. The average reader who doesn't know the rest of the Terre Fleener story — the part Miss Halsell has left out — must find this very ominous. In fact, Miss Fleener con- fessed to having photographed Israeli beaches, on two separate visits to Israel, at the request of PLO operatives .. . After reading just the few hundred words of copy on the jacket and in the publishers press release, I began to feel that the people who pro- duced this book are hardly qualified to check on the accuracy of their authors. Among several er- rors on the jacket copy I read that "a former President of the World Jewish Congress com- ments on reports of Israeli torture of Palestinian prisoners" in the book. In fact there is no mention' of a former President of the World Jewish Con- gress in "Journey to Jerusalem." The press re- leaSe informs us that there are "three million Palestinians throughout the Middle East," this must rank as just about the biggest whopper of all. It is also a considerable exaggeration of the author's own (and inaccurate) contention that there are 1.5 million Palestinians living in exile. The challenge is immense when tackling the problem of the Big Lie. It is difficult to expose the liar. The Lie, in all its latest dimensions, was exposed and summarized in an article entitled "Hatred on the Ter- races," in which Dr. Ian Barnes, a senior lecturer in history at Kingston Polytechnic, London, writing in the London Jewish Chronicle, shows how "anti-Semitism in Britain had spilled over to pop concerts and football terraces." A danger exists of assuming that the nihilist terrorism of the right is confined to Europe, to the warfare between left and right wings in Italy, between Red Brigade and Black Order, and can- not occur in Britain. Similarly, electoral successes of the neo-fascist Italian Social Movement, with its multiplicity of MPs and Senators and two seats in the European Parliament, plus the penetration of an intellectual and political elite in France, might appear impossible in Britain. Such is an ostrich-type mentality. Although overt violence and bloodshed have not occurred here on a European scale, lower levels of psychological and violence are demon- strated regularly by British right-wing ex- tremists. Furthermore, Britain is no different from Europe in that it harbors self-styled histo- rians attempting to rewrite history and prove that two schools of scientific thought exist with re- spect to the events of the Holocaust. Many people have read Richard Harwood's "Did Six Million Really Die?" and "For Those Who Cannot Speak," by Michael McLaughlin, of the British Movement. These are just two books sold by the extreme-right Historical Review Press; others include Butz's notorious "The Hoax of the Twentieth Century" and Felderer's "Anne Frank's Diary — A Hoax." The constant attempts to present academic-looking books, and the search for respect and admiration of readers, demonstrate a revisionist evangelist strategy which has borne fruit. In France, Serge Thion, an established leftist sociologist, has published a defense of Robert Faurisson, who argues that gas chambers never existed. And the extreme-left publishing house, La Vieille Taupe, has re-edited two anti- Holocaust books by Paul Rassinier. Even Noam Chomsky supports Faurisson's rights to free speech, despite the dubious nature of the latter's "facts." It is not surprising that the London Jewish Chronicle, presenting this essay, should have accompanied it with reproduction of a cartoon, distributed in Dublin and printed in Spain, accusing Jews of resorting to Christian blood for Passover celebrations. These are the combined bigotries which revive the hatreds of the Middle Ages and the canards of the ignorant. They combine into the Big Lie, created by Hitler, embraced by his followers, once again a major challenge, to people. with a sense of decency. The Big Lie continues to make the Jewish public relations tasks very difficult. President Reagan's Denunciation of Lie-Spreading About Holocaust President Ronald Reagan last week played an impor- tant role, denouncing the lie that the Holocaust was a fabrication. On Thursday, April 30, the President spoke at the White. House, on Yom Hashoa, to 350 people marking the Holocaust Memorial Day. He showed deep emotion as he spoke to the gathering that represented the President's Commission on the Holocaust. In his deeply moving ad- dress the President said: I'm horrified today when I know that in here, that there are actually people now trying to say that the Holocaust was invented, that it never happened, that there weren't six million people whose lives were taken cruelly and needlessly in that event, that all of this is propaganda. Well, the old cliche is that a picture is worth a thousand words. In World War II, not only do we have the survivors today to tell us first-hand, but in World War II, I was in the military and assigned to a post where every week, we obtained from every branch of the service all over the world the com- bat film that was taken by every branch. And we edited this into a secret report for the general Staff. We had access to and saw that secret report. And I remember April '45. I remember seeing the first film that came in when the war was still on, but our troops had come upon the first camps and had entered those camps. And you saw, unre- touched — and no way that it could have been rehearsed — what they saw — the horror they saw. I felt the pride when, in one of those camps there was a nearby town, and the people were ordered to come and look at what had been going on, and to see them. And the reaction of horror on their faces was the greatest proof that they had not been conscious of • what was happening near to them. And that film still, I know, must exist in th, military, and there it is, living motion pictures, for anyone to see, and I won't go into the horrible scenes that we saw. But, it remains with me as confirmation of our right to rekindle these memories, because we need always guard against that king of tyranny and inhumanity, Out spirit is strengthened by remembering and our hope is in our strength. Only the most bigoted, the demented, could possibly have undertaken to pollute a great tragedy. The intention of the adherents to the Big Lie is clear: it is to degrade the Jew even in his suffering. President Reagan has added to the glory of the American principle of justice and common decency by joining those who will not permit a lie to defame history.