THE puROIT, 1EKSH NEWS Parents Protest YK War Film r-C-7 JERUSALEM (JNI) — Deputy Defense Minister Mordehai Zipori has asked the Censorship Board to hear complaints by repre- sentatives of the Yad Lebanim parents of war dead organization on "The Vulture," a film about the aftermath of the Yom Kip- pur War which opened two weeks ago in Tel Aviv. / The controversial film depicts the struggles of a young war veteran who drifts from compiling a memorial album dedicated to a friend into producing such albums on order for be- reaved parents. His success in comforting the parents of other dead soldiers turns the hero into a "vulture" in his own eyes — feeding on the memory of corpses. Described by Israeli cri- tics as technically good, but extremely controversial, the film has been selected for directors' showings at the Cannes Festival. In Tel Aviv; however, the theater screening the film has re- ceived bomb threats and its entrance was vandalized. Hebrew U. Friends to Hear Dr. Prawer on Jerusalem The Michigan Chapter of American Friends of He- brew University announces that Dr. Joshua Prawer, professor of medieval his- tory at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, will speak at the main Jewish Commu- nity Center Tuesday at 8 p.m. Dr. Prawer, world authority on the Crusades, will speak on "Jerusalem — The Fountainhead." In January, Dr. Prawer's latest volume on the Crusades, "Crusader In- stitutions," was published by Oxford University's Clarendon Press. Prawer had been editor-in-chief of the Encyclopaedia Hebraica for the past 10 years. His involvement in Is- raeli education, particu- larly the junior high inte- he had not done so sooner. Last week, Richardson ac- knowledged having written the Times' Op-Ed article, but claimed that the anti- Semitic paragraph had been inserted before publication by someone else at "Liberty Lobby." LONDON — Czechos- lovakia has given the Pales- tine Liberation Organiza- tion office in Prague the status of an embassy, ac- cording to the International Council of Jews from Czechoslovakia. A new five-year _agree- ment was signed between the Czechs and the PLO in March. "Son of C. Trojan" CUSTOM FURNITURE CARPET CLEANING ON LOCATION FREE ESTIMATES Phone 576-1140 aydc wore kilts! 0.1110.1.000.. ill MINNISIONIC - . Although Jews have a tradition of maintaining their cultural heritage, they have the reputation of becoming an integral part of the community they live in. And Scotland is no exception. Glasgow prides itself on having the only Jewish pipe-band in the world. And one of the city's largest kilt-makers is Jewish. • Scotland's most famous product is fine Scotch whisky. And America's favorite -scotch is J&B. We carefully select the finest- scotches and blend them for smoothness and subtlety. The result is why we say that J&B whispers. No matter where your friends or guests come from, serve them J&B to make them feel at home. II A Hr aI3.7Ct whispers 86 Proof Blended Scotch Whisky. Z..) 1981 The Paddington Corp . NY GET Ratt„Cr7tabrialt FOR YOUR PRECIOUS FURS ... In our scientifically controlled COLD FUR STORAGE VAULTS. They'll be safe from HEAT, FIRE and THEFT. We also offer the finest custom cleaning, repairing and restyling at reasonable rates. Our Exciting Collection of 1981 FUR FASHIONS is ready for your inspection, all specially Pre-Season Priced Bible Sold Out LONDON — A new "ecumenical" translation of the Bible printed in Com- munist Czechoslovakia at the end of 1980 was im- mediately sold out, accord- ing to the International Council of Jews from Czechoslovakia. gration reform, has been significant. He has been honored for his schol- arship by the French, the Israelis and the Ameri- cans. In addition to his long association with Hebrew University, he has taught at the Sor- bonne and at Harvard. The public is invited at no charge. For information, call the American Friends of Hebrew University, 357-5266. W. C. Trojan Czechs Upgrade PLO Offices , Richardson Nomination Is Withdrawn, He Deplores 'Liberty Lobby' Prejudice NEW YORK (JTA) — for a high government post. who would rather counte- Warren Richardson's with- Did someone not care that nance another national dis- drawal from consideration 'Liberty Lobby' was anti- aster than brave the as a nominee for the office of Semitic? Why is Sen. screams of the pro-Zionist Assistant. Secretary of Schweiker. still defending _'free press' in America." Health and Human Serv- Richardson? There are just After Gejdenson's disclo- ices (HHS) because of his a few of the questions which sures and under fire from associations with the anti- must be answered." Jewish organizations and Semitic Liberty Lobby leave The ADL and the Ameri- various civil rights groups, many questions unan- can Jewish Committee Schweiker's office an- swered and "I _ don't think charged that "Liberty nounced last week that ( – The matter is closed," Lobby" was an anti-Semitic, Richardson's nomination iathan Perlmutter, na- anti-black organization and would be "reviewed." He tional director of the Anti- that Richardson's associa- remained a special assis- Defamation League of Bnai tion with it disqualified him tant to Schweiker, however. Brith, said. for the sub-Cabinet post. In his statement after Richardson, a special Rep. Sam Gejdenson (D- assistant to HHS Secretary Conn.) publicly disclosed withdrawing his name, Richardson said: "I con- Richard Schweiker and Richardson's activities for Schweiker's choice for the the "Liberty Lobby" a week demn unequivocally the post, withdrew his name ago and said that if anti-Jewish and racist ac- tions of the 'Liberty Lobby' last Friday, citing "political Schweiker did not withdraw his nomination, he would and some of its employees realism" as the reason. oppose and officers. I find morally He issued a statement at personally the same time condemning Richardson before the Se- repugnant their state- "unequivocally the anti- nate Finance Committee ments, publications and views — expressed and un- Jewish and racist actions of which must approve it. expressed — which are the Liberty Lobby" which Gejdenson noted that he served as general counsel during the period of anti-Jewish, anti-black or Richardson's association discriminatory in any way from 1969-1973. to any group by virtue of Schweiker, a former with the Liberty Lobby, race, color, creed or national Republican Senator from the far rightwing Pennsylvania, accepted Washington-based group origin. "I never at any time his withdrawal with re- was charging that Jewish personally subscribed to gret" and claimed that bankers financed world those views; nor did I as- "after careful review" communism and that _nspi- sist in any way their there was "no convincing Zionism was' a co preparation or dissemi- evidence" that racy to control the world. nation." Richardson was anti- Gejdenson called atten- Semitic or racist. Richardson's statement tion to an article that ap- But Perlmutter observed: peared under Richardson's attributed his working for "Something is wrong with a by-line on the Op-Ed page of Liberty Lobby to "a period of system in which a person of „ the New York Times in May financially stressed family Warren Richardson's back-. 1971 in which the author circumstances." He noted ground can reach a point - said "Liberty Lobby will not that he had resigned eight where he is recommended .tag along with the cowards years ago and regretted that Friday; May) 1981 :23 M LTER •°e/e/eile-m. DR. JOSHUA PRAWER OF HARVARD ROW DESIGNERS OF FINE FURS In Harvard Row Mall 21742 W. 11 Mile Rd. Southfield Mich. 48076 ph. 358-0850