THE JEWISH NEWS (USPS 275-5201 Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 1951 Copyright • , The Jewish News Publishing Co. Member of American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, National Editorial Association and National Newspaper Association and its Capital Club. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Jewish News, 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $15 a year. CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher ALAN HITSKY News Editor HEIDI PRESS Associate News Editor 4 DREW LIEBERWITZ Advertising Manager Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 21st day of Nisan, 5741, is the seventh day of Passover and the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Exodus 13:17-15:26, Numbers 28:19-25. Prophetical portion, II Samuel 22:1-51. Sunday, Eighth day of Passover Pentateuchal portion, Deuteronomy 15:19-16:17, Numbers 28:19-25. Prophetical portion, Isaiah 10:32-12:16. Candle lighting, Friday, April 24, 7:05 p.m. VOL. LXXIX, No. 8 Page Four Friday, April 24, 1981 DESECRATING TRUTH It is inconceivable, yet true. While the mass murderers are being tried, in German courts, by American tribunals, those who apparently would revive the Hitler spirit and would rein- troduce the Nazi ideology are denying the very existence of the Holocaust. The immensity of the tragedy is over- shadowed by the arrogance of condoning the barbarism. How else can history judge those who now glorify the Hitler image and trample upon the graves of the Nazi sufferers? To the credit of the hundreds of students and faculty members of the University of Michigan, the spreaders of the venom that aims at denying the very fact of the Eleven Million victims of Nazism, Six Million of them Jews, has been exposed to the conscience-stricken world with the facts about the horrors and their perpet- rators. The immorality of an effort in the ranks of the extremists among the crackpots of this genera- tion met with the resentment and contempt it earned in the protest that was sounded in Ann Arbor. Sadly for the decent elements who are outraged by the distorted minds, the bigots often get a platform for their rantings. In a recent New York Times Op-Ed Page arti- cle which was entitled "Forget the Holocaust?", Rabbi Howard Singer of West Hartford, Conn., presented a list of the confrontations experi- enced by Jews in this generation. He outlined the threats and indignities, the abuse of realities in the treatment of the tragedies im- posed on Jewry and the world in the 1930s and 1940s by the barbarism of the Germans under Hitler's domination, and he offered as a mes- sage to the decent people in the world the follow- ing: "There is the danger of a false universalism. Come now, say the enlightened ones, don't be narrow: Think of the Cambodians, the 'boat people,' the Vietnamese, the Biafrans. What can one say to that? It is degrading, even ghoulish, to seek to prove pre-eminence in suf- fering, but the Holocaust was unique. Its dead and maimed were not victims of war or famine or politics in the normal sense: They were 'proc- essed' by a bureaucratic killing machine. But didn't Poles also die in the machine? And Gyp- sies and homosexuals? True, others were caught in the machine, but Jews were the people for whom it was designed, the only people whose right to live was denied in principle. And the machine almost succeeded. `Two out of three European Jews were mur- dered, children and women included. In con- trast, battlefield losses for the Russians were one in 22; for the Germans, one in 25; for the British, one in 150. The Jews did not suffer as ordinary citizens of defeated countries; they were given 'special treatment' — extracted from their communities and sent away to be killed because they were Jews. I point this out not to belittle what others endured but only to keep the facts in the sharpest focus. It is not necessar- ily provincial to assert the uniqueness of one group's experience; it is sometimes the simple truth. " 'The world is weary of the past, Oh, might it die or rest at last!' wrote Shelley, in 'Hellas.' His wish is mine as well. Healthy humans can't live in the shadow of the crematoria, poisoning every sunny hour with bitterness. But the world won't let my memories die. The demons can't be exorcised. "The door to the past can't be closed." That there should be need for reminder of the terror, that humans motivated by hatreds should drag humanity back to the terrors of the Middle Ages is cause for new concern lest the ideology of the mass murderers of the Nazi era be repeated. Fortunately, encouraging faith, the revival of the Hitler insanities is meeting with refutation, with resistance, with the rejection that is so urgent in an age of revived bigotries. The stu- dents and faculty at the University of Michigan serve as a vanguard against the barbarians. They have many enemies to confront. Their hands must be upheld, their efforts assisted and strengthened, lest the bigots gain ground to the detriment of everything that is decent in this country and in the humanism of mankind. DEMONSTRATING AT 33 Scores of organizations have enrolled to demonstrate their kinship with Israel prepat- ory to the observance of the 33rd anniversary of the state of Israel, on May 10. A planned parade is only one of the symbols to be in evidence on that day as a message to the Israelis that there is concern for their status, that whatever may threaten their existence also is a matter affecting the attitudes of fellow Jews everywhere. Yom Ha'Atzmaut, as the day marking Israel's rebirth, invites solidarity in Jewish ranks to assure the continuing progress of the redeemed state. It is an occasion for emphasizing the friend- ship between Israel and the United States and the partnership between the two nations in their related aims to guarantee that democratic principles will be protected in the best interests of Israelis and Americans and in the hope that an emerging Middle East peace should not be long delayed. While Israel, Jewry and their friends will be acclaiming "33" as a symbol of libertarian ideals and aspirations, it is important that this spirit should find response from democratic forces everywhere. The dangers to these ideals have grown. The need to battle for fair play and just human considerations has become a sacred duty for the civilized in an era of increasing villainy. The East-West conflicts certainly have stood in the way of human accords. Hopefully, therefore, the Israeli acclaim for liberty at age 33 will be an inspiration for lovers and defenders of liberty. With such aspirations it is to be anticipated that Israel's friends will have many supporters on the nation's 33rd an- niversary. Tyrone Guthrie Sympathies for Shylock, 'Tenth Man' Tyrone Guthrie is among the leaders in the interpretative and theatrical producer role of the Shakespearean art. He has been com- mended and also criticized. He was the target of the resentment that was expressed when "The Merchant of Venice" was staged in Strat- ford, Ont., about 15 years ago. He remains a defender of staging the Shylock story, his conten- tion being that Shylock is to be admired when compared with the villainy of the Christians in Shakespeare's story. This is reechoed in recollections of Tyrone Guthrie in "Astonish Us in the Morning" (Wayne State University Press), which contains a series of interviews with reminiscences about the eminent master with some 30 of the very prominent masters of the stagecraft. Alfred Rossi, author of "Ashtonish Us in the Morning: Tyrone Guthrie Remembered," has one special reference to the eminent stage director's approach to the Shylock theme. In the interview with William Hutt there is an emphasis on Guthrie's sympathetic attitude toward Shylock. The question Rossi posed and the Hatt reply are: "If you could tell me one thing that was the secret of Guthrie's success, what do you think it might be?" "Well, I think it was Guthrie's approach to life, really*, perhaps even to the universe. He saw the whole world in sharp contrast. In observing the world, he saw that there can be no darkness unless there is light. There can be no white unless there is black, there can be no good unless there is evil. And in all of his productions, when he wished to create an effect, he would lead the audience the other way first and then bring in the effect that he wanted to create. "To give you a specific example of this I hark back to 'The Mer- chant of Venice' and the trial scene. As I said before, when Shylock made his exit the entire court booed and hissed and in fact some of them literally spit on Shylock. Now it was a Christian court that was trying this man. "And after Shylock had made his exit, and everybody booed and roared and spit and baited this Jew, there was a sudden hush, and one person on stage started to cry. Which meant, of course, that there was a sudden shame from the Christian element, and a realization of how they had treated this man. And this was the effect he wanted, this in fact made Shylock's exit for him, in spite of the fact that by this time Shylock was off stage and back in his dressing-room. That was Shylock's exit, that man crying. And this in fact was what he wanted his audience to do." Guthrie is described as having traveled frequently in his profes- sional role to Israel, and his attitude is defined as one of fascination with the country. In an interview with Michael Langham there is another ment of special Jewish interest. "I know that you were with him on the opening night of 'The Tenth Man' in New York. I wonder if he was attracted to. the play because he was influenced by the Habimah production of 'The Dyb- buk?' " "Probably. I know he regarded him time in Israel as a rich learning experience. It was a world he's never known before. And he felt a deep sense of debt. Directing 'The Tenth Man' was part of his paying it. And it was by no means a 'goy' attempt at a Jewish play. "He had dug right underneath it all and there was a warm, loving sense of unified purpose between him and the company, which in itself was remarkable — I'm sure he could not have pulled this off without the earlier experience of directing 'Oedipus' and 'The Merchant' for the Habimah. "Incidentally, it was typically Guthrie-esque that in the latter production the whole company was Jewish, excepting two Christians whom he chose to cast as Shylock and Jessica." rJ