THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS WIZO Institutions Have Aided Israel for 60 Years By JANET MENDELSOHN World Zionist Press Service JERUSALEM — Thou- sands of Jews streamed out of Iran when the Ayatollah Khomeini arrived, and today many of the younger ones have been well ab- sorbed in residential schools throughout Israel. "When the first planeloads arrived in Israel, Hadassim did not have a spare bed," recalls 15-year- old Ilana, a student at the residential youth village ear Natanya. "We moved ut of our dormitory and doubled up so they could A WIZO staff member at the baby home in Beit HaKerem, Jerusalem. have a place to sleep until new buildings were com- pleted." The Hadassim Children and Youth Village is ex- perienced in absorbing im- migrants. Initiated for that purpose 32 years ago by WIZO, the Women's Inter- national Zionist Organiza- tion, Hadassim's first pupils were refugees from Europe's Holocaust, among them children rescued from the ship "Exodus." Now, 32 years later, an interna- tional array of pupils still pass through the gates of Hadassim (as well as other Teadher Wins OCARC Award Michelle Sherline, a spe- cial education teacher at Norup Middle School in Berkley, was recently named "teacher of the year" for Oakland County by the Oakland County Associa- tion of Retarded Citizens. OCARC recognizes one teacher yearly "for achievements, dedication and teaching excellence in special education." Ms. Sherline also teaches at Far Conservatory of Per- forming Arts for the Handi- capped in Birmingham and a Special Olympics coach. ik hanks to Kenya TEL AVIV — Magen David Adorn, Israel's emer- gency medical and blood service, has donated two ambulances to the people of Kenya in appreciation for Kenya's assistance to Israel during the Entebbe, Uganda rescue mission in 1976. Henrietta Szold founded Hadassah, the largest women's Zionist organiza- tion, in 1912. WIZO institutions) on their way to becoming productive Israeli citizens. Hadassim is only one of the many educational in- stitutions run by WIZO. An organization encompassing 250,000 volunteers from 50 countries, (excluding only the U.S., where Hadassah does similar work), WIZO has branched out into all realms of Israeli society. Training and nurturing Is- raelis from their first toddl- ing steps to their retire- ment, WIZO today has 660 functioning institutions and services in Israel. The enormous scope in WIZO activities in Israel represent 60 years of volun- tary womenpower. Founded in London in 1920, this movement of women today has a membership spread from Austria to Zimbabwe. Initiated with plans to as- sist the women and children of a Palestine just emerging out of the first World War, women the world over joined to support WIZO's work. Adapting their activities to the changing needs of the country, WIZO volunteers endeavored to advance the woman and family while re- sponding to the demands of the Israeli society. Care of babies and small children was one of the ear- liest priorities and today 11,000 infants under the age of five attend WIZO's network of day care centers, homes and kindergartens. Educating and encourag- ing older children is another vital task of WIZO, and 22,000 Israeli students and new immigrants participate in a school, training pro- gram or clubs. Since WIZO was established in 1920, the organization has spread throughout the world, and increased support has enabled projects to multiply to fruition in Israel, provid- ing help for all of her com- munities. The establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 brought redoubled efforts of the WIZO chain. As the bor- ders were opened to refu- gees and waves of immigra- tion continued, WIZO's endeavors became increas- ingly vital. In the years immediately after state- hood was proclaimed, WIZO institutions welcomed the homeless and strove to alle- viate poverty, illiteracy and backwardness in the Jewish state. Even after 32 years of statehood, there is more to do than ever before in this small country which has multiplied four-fold since its establishment. Thousands of Israeli women now benefit from extensive courses in home industries as well as vocational educa- tion in WIZO centers throughout the country. - Israel's minority com- munities are also well re- presented, and centers exist in 11 towns and villages populated by Israeli Arabs, Druze, Bedouins and Cir- cassi a ns. In local clubs, these women can broaden their horizons through courses, lectures and tours while remaining loyal to their strictest traditions. Horizons were also wide- ned for an international contingent of WIZO dele- gates meeting in Israel in November for the 18th World WIZO conference and the 60th anniversary of the organization. Hundreds of women saw just how prod- uctive their work has been. President Yitzhak Navon told them that "hundreds of thousands of Israelis — and Israel's society in general — have been profoundly and most positively influenced by the initiative of a few women Zionists in London 60 years ago." Perhaps a visit to any of the 660 institutions sup- ported by WIZO may prove to be even more heartwarm- ing than any words. The look of an active child's face; a glimpse of a woman busily occupied in learning a new skill; the laughter of Rus- sian and Iranian students mingling on a school cam- pus . . . these best illus- trate the story of WIZO. Friday, April 11, 1981 Anti-Cult Line MIAMI BEACH — The Jews for Jews organization under the direction of Rabbi Rubin R. Dobin has estab- lished a "hot line" to provide information to families on how to combat missionaries and cults. The hot line number is (305) 865-1885. Cunning is the dwarf of wisdom. The closeness of being together in thankful celebration. The peace, the warmth of sharing The grace of the Seder table. - 51 This is the happiness Chatham wishes you and your family! A HAPPY PASSOVER