THE JEWISH NEWS USPS 275-520) Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 1951 Copyright J The Jewish News Publishing Co. Member of American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, National Editorial Association and National Newspaper Association and its Capital Club. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Jewish News, 17515 W. Nine Mile Rd., Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing.Oftices. Subscription $15 a year. CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager DREW LIEBERWITZ HEIDI PRESS Advertising Manager ' Associate News Editor PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher ALAN HITSKY News Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 14th day of Nisan, 5741, is Ereu Passover, and the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Leviticus 16:1-18:30. Prophetical portion, Malachai 3:4-24. Passover Scriptural Selections Sunday, Pentateuchal portion. Exodus 12:21-51, Numbers 28:16-25. Prophetical portion, Joshua 5:2-6:1, 27. Monday, Pentateuchal portion, Leviticus, 22:26-2.3:44, Numbers 28:16-25. Prophetical portion, 11 Kings 23:1-9, 21-25. Tuesday through April 24, Hol Hamoed Passover Candle lighting, Friday, April 17, 6:57 p.m Friday, April 17, 1981 Page Four VOL. LXXIV, No.7 OLD TEXT, REPEAT LESSONS Tomorrow night, in millions of Jewish homes throughout the world, an old text will be read again. Its lessons are ever-repeating. The Hagada is an ancient document that retains its currency. It is a never-ending story of the menace stemming from barbarism threatening slavery of submission, developing into redemption and rejection of suppres- sion. It is the tale of Passover, of the great lesson of freedom for the People Israel and, because of its universality, for all mankind. The Hagada has the message for all generations: trIkt, trIM x trey, nimy,4 -111) mnri t3In 7pt? 1:171 _ :t3n*??Vrin; rtx 1.11:tiki Litt tem..ziln .711.1 Tritis-ra$ •t:1717P In every generation let each man look on himself as if he came forth out of Egypt. As it is said: "And thou shalt tell thy son in that day, saying: It is because of that which the Lord did for me when I came forth out of Egypt" [Exod. 1 3 : 8] . It was not only our fathers that the Holy One, blessed be he,.re- deemed, but us as well did he redeem along with them. There is the sense of continuity on this declarative expression of family solidarity. -In it is rooted the faith and the hope that the traditions which have blessed the unity of the Jewish people, the strength that made the Jewish home a citadel of glory, will not be ruptured. Whatever the effects of environmental factors which invade the homes and thereby threaten the undermining of the solidarity that has provided so much comfort in the home, the traditional values retain their effectiveness. With the Seder as the rallying magnet for family coherence, the unity that is imbedded in the Passover spirit must gather momentum. It is this spirit that makes every Passover a medium of strength, a clarion call for retention of a strong, indestructible Jewish home that provides courage and dignity for the entire people. EXTRACTING FAMILY PLEDGE More often even than the Holy Days, when synagogues are filled and families therefore meet in unity as groups, the Passover Seder lures kin and kith for the observance of a traditional festival and for family reunions. The family is the symbol of Jewish unity and has been the medium of strength for peoplehood as well. The tradition of family reunification is strongest at the Sedorim. It would be foolhardy to deny that religious loyalties are losing ground among the youth, that the legacies of the Jewish people are less glorified and that the appeal for renewed power for perpetuating the heritage of Jewish values is more pressing now than it has been for some decades. The Passover Seder reunions lend themselves as renewed means of strengthening family ties and thereby adding to the loyalties vital for unity of peoplehood and devotion to the treasured values of the teachings, traditions and ethical guidelines for continuity of Jewish dedication. The Passover Seder is the means for Jewish family reunifications as well as dedications to dignified unity in peoplehood. As such, it will be observed the coming two nights to symbolize the joys inherent in the freedoms to be treated with respect and dignity. P a ssover1 961 ANOTHER STOCK-TAKING SEASON Passover is much more than the Festival of Freedom and of liberation from slavery. It is another of the New Year observances on the Jewish calendar. It is one of the several Jewish New Year observances. With Tishri commences the spiritual period. With Nisan, the month of the Passover, commences, according to tradition, the New Year for Kings and Festivals. It is therefore another occasion for stock- taking, for planning, for dedication to duties and readiness to confront all possible challenges that may affect the life of an entire people, the lives of individuals. There is never an end to challenge in Jewish experience. But there are occasions when difficulties mount, when obstructions call for courage, when dan- gers need to be surmounted. It could be judged unbelievable. Yet, the unexpected has taken place. The anti-Semitic virus has gained reproductive ground. Hatreds are mounting again. The human spirit has been scarred. This is not resort to fear. It is realism. Open the pages of any Jewish newspaper anywhere and there are repeated evidences of recurring vandalism, anti-Semitic sloganning, swastika-painting, cemetery desecrating. One newspaper recently carried a story the headline over which read: "Anti- Semitism Raises Its Head in Atlanta." For the name of that city there could be substituted scores of other centers where the vandalism is much more than pranks but stems from growing hatreds that are finding root in this land of the free. And because it is a land of the free it has given the right to function to assassins who threaten the lives of Presidents and their associates in government, and such insanities all-too-often become avenues fOr bigotry, with the Jew in many in- stances the target of the demented. In most instances, they are, as stated, the Jewish periodicals that call atten- tion to the revival of the ancient venom. For they are defined as "pranks." When they assume murderous aspects, the press becomes alerted, as in France. But t are duplicated in Great Britain and in the United States and in Latin American countries where Jews must confront the menace again in this modern age. Therefore, the necessity to be on the alert, to hope for an end to the barbarities, to be prepared for the worst. With vigilance, the dangers can and must be reduced. Then it will be a blessing not for Jews alone, but for all mankind. Many are the problems to be concerned with. Israel's enemies are arrogantly functioning. They should not be permitted to spread the lies against Jewry without challenge. The economic conditions which have created difficulties for many important movements and institutions cannot be ignored. Therefore, the Wailanthropic duties must be adhered to. The synagogue must be given the priorities needed to etain the spiritual values of Jewish life. The duties are many. The people are here to face up to them. Confronting them is the spirit with which the stock-taking should be honored this Passover and always.