2 Friday, March 13, 1981 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary Youth and Halakhic Concern: Inspiration Evidenced in Eruv Students of public opinion techniques, the concerned in matters involving the Halakha, whoever also relates to the pleadings for youth in identification in Jewish communal matters, were combined in the interest stimulated in the debate over Eruv proposals which were debated here at the stimulating meeting over the issue in the Young Israel environment in Oak Park on March 4. It was apparent from the pilpulistic discussions, and the earnest desire to avoid unnecessary entanglements, that there was an eager aim to arrive at a just as well as amicable solution of a problem involving the Orthodox rabbinate. Indeed, the division of opinion puzzled many, espe- cially in view of the facts presented that some 60 American Jewish communities have Eruvin: What mattered espe- cially, however, was that the youth in the community, those in the very dedicated and knowledgeable Young Is- rael movement, made the matter a cause for concern. They propagated the need for themselves and for their fellow citizens who are anxious not to be obstacled by Halakhic restrictions in their craving for the Sabbath solace, in their wish to participate in synagogue services on the Holy Day of Rest which beckons them to be part of their spiritual communal life. It was evident from the developing debates that if rabbis can differ they can klso be overruled in a public opinion poll, and the future deliberations over the need of avoiding restrictions on carrying taleisim or being pushed in wheelchairs if illness demands it, on the Sabbath, may yet be resolved here for those adhering to the restrictive Halakhic rules. The interest of the youth is what impresses the analysts of the Eruv debate. The Orthodox communal con- troversy points to a wholesome sentiment, especially when rabbis and laymen meet on equal ground and question each other. The result is much more than pilpul (subtle, casuistic argumentation): it is a craving for the democratic ideals that are emphasized in the Talmudic and Biblical ideals pursued by the knowledgeable and observant. It is an ideal to be encouraged and whatever the sub- sequent reactions to the emergent debate, the interest that arose as an emphasis in the devotional and the dedicated is to be highly commended. A Basic Lesson: Respect for Differing Views Peacefully Purued The debate over the Eruv suggests something that could be applied to other issues in Jewish communal ex- perience. Differences of opinion must never be bedevilled by violence. In some ranks this is yet to be learned. In the Williamsburg region of Brooklyn, N.Y., where *he Hasidim have their centers, there has been violence. The Satmar anti-Zionist extremists (they are the counter- part of the Neturei Karta) have attacked Lubavitch follow- ers bodily. There was bloodshed and the abusive tactics created a problem for the New York police forces. The arrival in New York last week of Grand Rabbi Yisucher Dov Rokeach of Belz, who heads the Belz commu- nity in Israel, was occasion for fright among the Lubavitcher. There were threats that the Belz followers would be molested. There actually was physical violence and a visiting rabbi needed police protection. This, fortunately, does not happen too often. But it has occurred. The Lubavitch are known as peaceful people who never force their views on anyone. Perhaps this is why they succeed with many. But they have a militant Jewish oppo- nent who does not hesitate to cause bodily harm. This is a problem for New York Jewish leadership — to strive to avert the disgrace that emanates from violence among people who do not know the value of respecting differences of opinion. That's the point: that differing views are vital to any form of pilpul. This is a principle that must continue to rule in Jewish disputes, no matter how extreme the differing approaches to Jewish issues. Concern for Russian Jewry: Inerasable, Undeniable Priority Russian Jewry's plight, concern for the Refusniks, the organized movement to assist those seeking exit visas for settlement in Israel, have been and remain matters of grave concern for American Jewry. Assistance for Jews applying for emigration from the USSR became so extensive that American Jews enlisted the aid of members of Congress and eventually secured financial assistance from the U.S. government in behalf of the emigres. The controversially depressive dispute is over the fail- ure of most of the emigres to fulfill the basis on which they secured visas — that of proceeding to Israel, and are instead defecting to other countries, especially the United States. But the adherence to the principle of assisting those desir- ing to leave the land where they are abused for their Jewishness continues as a basic principle for human rights. Democratizing the Ranks, Assuring the Cooperative Spirit Linking Rabbinate With Laity ... Record of American Jewish Aid for USSR Jewry ... the Notre Dame President's Comfort This is why the complaint that was 'uttered by Yosef Men- delevich, upon his arrival in Israel, that there is a lack of interest in the plight of Russian Jews, was unjustified. He was a hero for a day. The demonstrated welcome for him at Ben-Gurion Airport, the greeting by Prime Minister Menahem Begin, the cheers from the populace, the echoed rejoicing over his liberation throughout the world, indi- cated an inerasable interest. The progress that has been made in behalf of the movement to assist Russian Jews' emigration was well- defined in an editorial in the New York Times, which showed the extent of the rescue efforts. The Feb. 22 NYTimes editorial, "What Price a Soviet Jew?" lists many important facts, asserting: Without a word of explanation, the Soviet Union is again letting Jews leave in large num- bers. It may be only an illusion that Moscow regulates the flow of this human traffic with its expectations of American trade or other reward. But the record of a decade and the newest signal suggest such a correlation — a purposeful bar- tering with a people's fate. It cries out for Ameri- can authorities to investigate Moscow's price. The emigres' themselves have no consistent explanation for the oscillations in their extra permits. Though many are well versed in Soviet political affairs, they have been reduced to speculating about the work loads of the Soviet security police, the whims of regional party organizations, the climate of Soviet relations with Arab nations. But the most consistent correlation is with Soviet-American commerce. Most of the 250,000 Jewish emigrants since 1971 have been cleared for travel to Israel — yet two-thirds of them have ended up in America _ . And given the vociferous concern for them by American Jewish organiza- tions, by Congress and Presidential candidates, it is not unreasonable for the Kremlin to have concluded that the pace of emigration can be a valuable currency in dealings with the United States. Just look at the pattern since 13,000 Soviet Jews were unexpectedly allowed to leave in 1971: With the signing of SALT I, the first big wheat deal and the promise of more trade, the number rose in 1972 and 1973 to 32,000 and 35,000. Then came the Jackson-Vanik amend- ment, impeding trade unless Jews were allowed to leave freely, and the departures declined sharply, to 21,000 in 1974, 13,000 in 1975, 14,000 in 1976 and 17,000 in 1977. The amendment remains in force, but with progress toward SALT II and a further wheat deal, emigration rose again to 29,000 in 1978 and to a record total of 51,000 in 1979. Then came Afghanistan, the wheat em- bargo and other trade restrictions, and the 1980 figure fell to 21,000. Just coincidence? Perhaps. But if trade is not the explanation, there must be another. These patterns are not accidental in such a centralized society, where the Politburo often takes up the case of a single individual's emigration — and where the right of exodus for an entire ethnic group of two million must be a sore point in the authorities' dealings with other, larger minorities. At the end of the Carter Administration, fewer than 1,000 Jews a month were being allowed to leave. Then, at the appioach of President Reagan's inauguration in mid-January, the visa stampers suddenly began working overtime — not only in Moscow but in many Soviet cities. Departures soared again to a rate of 36,000 a year, though no one knows how long it will con- tinue. Someone high in the United States govern- ment ought to ask, and keep probing for the price in commerce. No one in Moscow is foolish enough to have thought that a tough-sounding new President would alter his basic diplomacy or military spending to purchase freedom for some Jews. But some signal is apparently in- tended. If there is a chance for an unacknowledged barter, of emigres in exchange for wheat or other products, the price ought to be shrewdly surmised. It is not enough to condemn those who would thus sell human beings if those in a posi- tion to buy their freedom fail to recognize the opportunity and responsibility. The emigration from the USSR was practically halted for a time. It seems to be renewing. The efforts to keep the migration moving will not subside. Perhaps the new emigres will choose to be more concerned with the stated reason for their flight — settlement in Israel — than their predecessors. Meanwhile, the human rights factor will not be disturbed. It will surely be appreciated to the degree that there is dekcation to it. By Philip Slornovitz Eminent Catholic Educator's Role for Undivided Jerusalem Retirement from the presidency of Notre Dame Uni- versity of the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh is of more than passing interest. The eminence of the educator who is retir- ing from a post he has held with distinction for 30 years lends significance to the Catholic role in many tasks for human rights, in ecumenism, in the ranks of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, for his interest in Israel and especially in Jewish rights in Jerusalem. Dr. Hesburgh was co-host 45n recently, with Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek, of thAnk Jerusalem Committee whi met at Notre Dame UnivelliF, sity, South Bend, Ind. The 23 noted theologians and other eminent personalities who form the committee issued a statement which has great importance at a time when prejudice affects the status of REV. HESBURGH the Holy City. The Rev. Hesburgh was among those who inspired the declaration of the Jerusalem Committee. It declares: A remarkable improvement in neighborly re- lations has already taken place in Jerusalem. A further extension of this development must be based on a continued substantial raising of the level of educational, cultural and social services, and economic opportunities for the city's Arab community. The meeting expressed special satisfaction with the full freedom of access to the sites holy to the three major religions and the unhindered worship at these sites, both clearly facilitated by the inde- pendent control of the holy places by representa- tives of the respective faiths. This is further demon- strated by the increasing numbers — over a million each year — of Christian, Jewish and Moslem pil- groms to the city, including more than 150,000 Arabs from countries not recognizing Israel. The group noted the achievements in the sensi- tive and sophisticated restoration and rehabilita- tion of historic and archeological sites as well as places of worship accomplished since the last committee meeting and was impressed by the at- tention which has been paid to the committee's ear- ner recommendations. The participants regard these as major contributionstoward enhancing the universal character of the city. The creation of parks, the formation of a green belt around the Old City walls and the sensitivity to nature in the urban environment have helped to create a vibrant city while preserving the historical mosaic of cultures that have sustained Jerusalem. At the impressive meeting of the 23 scholars of the Jerusalem Committee, Mayor Kollek made an important statement exposing the events which preceded the current free atmosphere in Jerusalem. He said: There is more tolerance in Jerusalem now than there has ever been. Under the 19 years of Jordanian rule Christians and Jews weren't allowed to visit their holy places; there was no free Christian education; 58 synagogues were destroyed. Now the holy places are meticulously taken care of; Arabs are allowed the citizenship they desire and the education system they want. Each religion administers its own holy places; there is free acess to the Arab countries, and everyone can participate in the local democratic elections. Dr. Hesburgh's concurrence with the justice-seeking humanists in defense of Israel's position in Jerusalem adds glory to an already distinguished career of the retiring president of a great university. His role will be remembered with the blessings for good years to encourage him to cc tinue his contributions to this nation and to mankind. Jacob Marcus the Humorist Dr. Jacob R. Marcus is not only an historian and ar- chivist of great distinction: he also has a splendid sense of humor. Here is how he accepted this commentator's greet- ing to him last week on his 85th birthday: A thousand thanks to you for the lovely writeup you gave me on the occasion of my 85th birthday. As you well know, I taught Hebrew here at the (Hebrew Union) College for many years and ac- cordingly, as a good Jew, I always read from right . to left. Under the circumstances, we are really celebrating my 58th birthday. This is welcome spirit in an age of gloom. Jake Marcus is always a welcome guest everywhere — his sense of humor emphasizes it and the hospitality for him is the blessing for those who are his hosts. More blessings to you, Jake, on your 85th! ` 41P • AP.