64 Friday, March 6, 1981 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS A Christian Answers Christian Hostility to Israel By REV. FRANKLIN LITTELL National Institute on the Holocaust Many Jews have been of- fended by a recent series of "Christian" pronounce- ments which have set re- cords in insensitivity and unexamined religious anti-Semitism. A team called "the Near East Panel" travelled last spring to the Near East to put Israel on trial, and pro- duced a statement that could have been written without leaving the hostile offices in New York from which its presumptuous members emerged. Re- sponding; the General Board of the National Council of Churches issued a new position paper on the Near East which acclaimed the PLO as "the only or- ganized voice of the Palesti- nian people." As usual with such hos- tiles, they calmly ignored the 450,000 "Palestinians" who are peaceful citizens of Israel, preferring rather to defer to the terrorists and their program to destroy Is- rael. More serious, perhaps, since it showed blindness toward the political and genocidal tragedies of the 20th Century, the team directed no look at the process of assassina- tion, intimidation and other terrorist actions by which moderate Arab voices have been stilled and a tiny, disciplined band has usurped the center of the stage. Neglectful of the lessons of the Church Struggle and the Holocaust, they ignored the implications of the fact that by 1938 the NSDAP was the only organized voice" of the German people — and by 1940 was able to launch the genocidal acts which (like the PLO) its previous theory and prac- tice made predictable. The pressure which -led to the establishment of the Near East Panel came from a "churchman" who has re- cently been shown up, in documents made available through the Public Infor- mationAct, as a paid agent of dictator Qaddafi of Libya. But a body of "Christians" who never dealt with the fact that one of their mem- bers was a fascist Jew-killer from Romania, until a sit-in by Jewish students in the National Council of Churches offices made their shame public, will be able to pass -in silence over this scandal too. When I asked the head of one denomination what he thought of the embarrass- ment of Bishop Trifa's membership on the Na- tional Council of Churches' General Board, exposed by the action of the Jewish stu- dents, he still did not face the real issue. He responded in a flare of anger, "Well, those Jews didn't do them- selves any good the way they went about it!" has displayed the pro- An amiable man, nota- nouncements of "400 Chris- bly "even-handed" be- tian leaders" who, using a tween "Arabs" and Boston address, condemned "Jews" (and of course American aid to Israel and appropriately ignorant acclaimed the PLO. of both!), this denomina- A careful look at the list tional leader is unfortu- of "400 leaders" whose nately representative of names were attached to the sub-surface anti- the statement shows 90 Semitism of many of the percent of them to be to- leaders of Christendom. tally unknown — per- Having never studied the haps students or ordi- lessons of the Church nary members of congre- Struggle and the Holocaust, gations who signed in re- holding to the unexamined sponse to someone's theological and cultural passing plea. But that anti-Semitism of centuries was a minor falsehood in of false teaching in the the mass of lies which churches, when push comes they published in attack- to shove such denomina- ing Israel and , blessing tional and ecumenical lead- the PLO. There were some sig- ers are always on the wrong side of the issue at hand. natories of genuine status: a They are wrong on Israel's professor at Andover- past, present and future. Newton who has been They are wrong on what notorious for years for his Christians must do to be lectures against Israel's worthy of Jewish/Christian existence; a professor at Harvard well known for his dialogue and cooperation. Being American college infatuation with the Third graduates, they have of World"; Jesse Jackson, course nothing but con- known among other things tempt for the crude political for anti-Semitic public ut- anti-Semites. But like the terances in the Andy Young educated German chur- case; Dan Berrigan, who chmen before- 1933, they picked an Arab student as- have never x-rayed the can- sembly in Washington, D.C. cerous contempt which is for one of his most vicious the foundation of their expressions of anti- "Christian" triumphalism, Semitism; another Jesuit and arrogance often ex- priest, infamous for 20 pressed in bitter hostility to years for his single theme - Israel and to the Jews" (an -expressed in a flow of arti- abstraction they prefer to cles and letters to editors all use rather than "the Jewish over the country — denying Israel's right to exist ... and people"). More recently the press so on. But why are other Chris- tians silent, as I am con-' stantly asked in letters and telephone calls? The answer is: they are not! There are at least as many committed friends of Israel among genuine church leaders, even among so-called "lib- eral" Protestants, as there are hostiles. And among evangelical Protestants the pro-Israel people outrun the hostiles by 20 to 1. And they do speak out. But few of them are church bureaucrats: they are pastors of leading churches, superintendents and bishops who are out in the field doing the work of the church — not sitting in the offices at 475 Riverside Drive, where church -func- tionaries talk only to each other and play at Grand Politics. survival are more numer- ous than many think. But the popular press doesn't find their statements sensa- tional enough to carry. And many offices of the Chris- tian churches, ruled- by an older generation* still im- pervious to the lessons of the Church Struggle and the Holocaust, suppress re- ports of Christian tes- timonies and actions which are pro-Israel and pro- Jewish. But there is a nagging question- left: Why is the Jewish press equally remiss in reporting pro-Israel and pro-Jewish statements and actions by Christian lead ers? The popular press is in- terested only in sensation, and gladly publishes big stories that offend and ig- nores actions of reconcilia- tion. The church press, where controlled by anti- Semites, simply suppresses statements like the "Notre Dame Statement" of January 1981 and the New Jersey Churchman's Statement of February 1981. More than that: there have been in the last 12 months a dozen state- ments from impressive groups of Christian lead- ers, leaders who are struggling to articulate a post-Auschwitz Chris- tianity of integrity and But what purpose is credibility, statements excellent on Israel and served when loyal Jews are the Holocaust and other left by the Jewish press with matters fundamental to the impression that there Christian-Jewish rela- are no Christians speaking tions and to Jewish sur- up against the anti- vival. Why are these '.Semites, no Christian statements not better statements that are pro- Jewish comparable to the known? Christians who love Is- anti-Semitic statements of rael and stand for Jewish the NCCC and the "400?" Warning Issued on Possibility of New Un-American Committee By ROBERT E. SEGAL (A Seven Arts Feature) We stand at a fascinating nexus of history marking the departure from the American scene of David E. Lilienthal and the likely rise of new and ominous power of Sens. Strom Thurmond (N.C.) and Jeremiah Denton (Alabama). Mr. Lilienthal's death re- calls his heroic response to redbaiters of the later 1940s and early 1950s. He died.at a time when Sen. Thurmond projects a subcommittee on security and terrorism for the Senate Judiciary Com- mittee with freshman Sen. Denton proposed as head of this new unit on un- American activities under Judiciary Chairman Thur- mond's direction. What Mr. Lilienthal said in his trying time when Tennessee Sen. Kenneth D. McKellar asked him if he carried in his head a bluep- rint for Soviet revolution should be noted carefully by younger Americans born after political headhunters like McKellar and Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy tried to destroy the reputations of honorable people. McKellar's question to Mr. Lillienthal was raised when that distinguished public servant's nomina- tion to chair the Atomic Energy Commission was being challenged by some who regarded themselves as super- patriots. Said Mr. Lil- lienthal: This I do carry in my head, Senator . . . One of the tenets of democracy . . . is a . . . repugnance to any- one who would steal from a human being that which is most precious to him -- his good name — either by im- puting things to him by in- uendo or by insinuation. And it is especially an un- happy circumstance that occasionally that is done in the name of democracy. This, I think, can tear our country apart and destroy it if we carry it further.. . . This I deeply believe." ultra- the is It Is_ President Reagan's brilliant young director of the U.S. Office of Manage- ment and Budget — David Stockman — to be targeted by Sen. Thurmond as un- American, now that we know the Michigan State Police "Red Squad" placed Stockman's name in its file because he was a paid staff member of Vietnam Sum- mer, an anti-war group? It will be largely up to DAVID LILIENTHAL Mr. Reagan and to other Heritage older Americans who conservative Foundation which has know why McCarthyism lately proposed rebirth of a has found its unsavory Congressional un- way into post-war dic- American activities com- tionaries to help stay the mittee. As this nation, still knives and clubs of new smarting from the scars of character assassins who Vietnam and suffering the may now arise to hound humiliation inflicted by Americans because of Iran's madmen, appears their opinions. Note the dictionary defi- ready to turn to efforts to internalize a threat — nition: "McCarthyism: the Communism — which is practice of making accusa- overwhelmingly external, tions of disloyalty, espe- how shall the ambiguous cially of pro-Communist ac- term, "un-American" be in- tivity, often unsupported or terpreted? Are the scien- based on doubtful evidence; tists who caution against the attempt to restrict indi- nuclear genocide subver- vidual dissent or political criticism by claiming that it sive? is pro-Communistic or un- patriotic." Who then are in the dangerous circle of the new un-Americans? And why do we never hear such terms as un-French or un-Swedish or un-Canadian? Let a few essential facts be recalled especially for the guidance of younger citi- zens of this nation conceived in revolution and cherish- was found guilty after full ing the freedoms secured by investigation or trial. the Bill of Rights: that in The anti-Communist the mid-1940s, some 35 utterances and action of major "loyalty investiga- the mid-20th Century tions" were conducted by were often pathological. Congress; that along the Reasonable men agree way every registered Demo- with Harry Truman who crat was charged with re- concluded that the House sponsibility for "the unim- Committee on Un- peded growth of the Com- American Activities was munist conspiracy in the the most un-American U.S."; that Dean Acheson, thing in America." secretary of state, was ac- We have better ways of cused in the course of Con- gressional witch hunting of keeping our nation secure "being on Stalin's payroll"; than by indulging in Con- and that not one of the hun- gressional headline hunt- dreds of Americans branded ing and warfare against in- by Joe McCarthy as State nocent and often distin- Department subversives guished men and women. Special Visitor at Weizmann World-famous heart surgeon Christian Barnard of South Africa, right, is shown at a recent Weizmann Institute of Science seminar with Weizmann President Prof. Michael Sela. Dr. Barnard said re- search on immunology at Weizmann Institute was ex- tremely advanced.