64 Friday, January 30, 1981 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Sir Isaiah Berlin's 'Personal Impressions' Portray World's Leading Literary and Political Notables Sir Isaiah Berlin has a major role as historian, literary critic, academician. He was knighted in recogni- tion of his masterful style and his literary creations. He retains recognition, first acquired in England and now attained on a world scale, as a master biog- rapher. He proves it again in "Personal Impressions" (Viking Press) in which he masterfully describes the roles of 13 personalities: Winston .Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Chaim Weizmann, Lewis B. Namier, Felix Frankfurter, Richard Pares, Hubert SIR ISAIAH BERLIN Henderson, J.L. Austin; ways lived in close contact John Petrov Plamenatz, with the life of the Jewish Maurice Bowra, Auberon masses, and his optimism Herbert, Aldous Huxley, had its source in the belief Albert Einstein and a group which they shared — that of Russian writers. their cause was just, their Sir Isaiah Berlin sufferings could not last authored many notewor- forever, that somewhere on thy biographical earth a corner must exist, in sketches. The one on which their claim to human Chaim Weizmann in his rights — their deepest de- new book portrays the sires and hopes — would Zionist leader he had find satisfaction at last. known for many years. In "Neither he nor they this essay he pays honor would accept the propo- to a Zionist who was rec- sition that the mass of ognized as a statesman, mankind could remain as Berlin declares in the forever indifferent to the following: cry for justice and equal- "He was not a religiously ity even on the part of the Orthodox Jew, but he lived weakest and most the full life of a Jew. He had wretched minority on no love for clericalism, but earth. Men must them- he possessed an affectionate selves work and fight to familiarity with every de- secure their basic rights. tail of the rich, traditional This was the first pre- life of the devout and obser- requisite. vant Jewish communities, "Then, if these claims as it was lived in his child- were recognized as valid in hood, in the villages and the great court of justice small towns of eastern that was the public con- Europe. science of mankind, they "I cannot speak of his would, soon or late, obtain religious beliefs; I can only their due. Neither force nor testify to his profound cunning could help. Only natural piety. I was present faith and work, founded on on more than one occasion, real needs. 'Miracles do towards the end of his life, happen,' he said to me once, when he celebrated the `but one has to work very Seder service of the hard for them.' Passover with a moving "He believed that he dignity and nobility, like would succeed — he never the Jewish patriarch that doubted it — because he-felt he had become. the pressure of millions be- "In this sense he had al- hind him. He believed that what so many desired so passionately and so justifi- ably could not for ever be denied; that moral force, if it was competently organized, always defeated mere mate- rial power. "It was this serene and absolute conviction that made it possible for him to create the strange illusion among the statesmen of the world that he was himself a world statesman, represent- ing a government in exile, behind which stood a large, coherent, powerful, articu- late community. Nothing was — in the literal sense — DR. CHAIM WEIZMANN less true, and both sides knew it well. And yet both sides behaved — negotiated — as if it were true, as if they were equals. If he did not cause the embarrassment that suppliants so often engender, it was because he was very dignified, and quite free. "He could be very in- timidating; he uttered, in his day, some very memora- ble insults. Ministers were known to shrink nervously from the mere prospect of an approaching visit from this formidable emissary of a non-existent power, be- cause they feared that the interview might prove al- together too much of a moral experience: and that no matter how well briefed by their officials, they would end, for reasons which they themselves could not subsequently ex- plain or understand, by making some crucial con- cession to their inexorable guest. "But whatever the nature of the extraordinary magic that he exercised, the one element signally absent from it was pathos. Chaim Weizmann was the first to- tally free Jew of the modern world, and the state of Israel was constructed, whether or not it knows it, in his image. No man has ever had a com- parable monument built to him in his own lifetime." Dr. Weizmann's confron- tations with opponents in the Zionist movement is noted by Berlin. The per- sonal analysis of the first president of Israel is analyzed by Berlin as fol- lows: "When biographers come to consider his dis- agreements with the founder of the movement, Theoddr Herzl, his duels with Justice Louis Bran- deis, and with the leader of the extreme right-wing Zionists, Vladimir Jabotinsky; or, for that matter, his differences with such genuine sup- porters of his own mod- erate policies as (Nahum) Sokolov, or (David) Ben-Gurion, and many lesser figures, they will— they inevitably must — ask how much of this was due to personal ambition, love of pdwer, under- estimation of opponents, impatient autocracy of temper; and how much was principle, devotion to ideas, rational convic- tion of what was right or expedient. "When this question is posed, I do not believe that it will find any very clear an- swer: perhaps no answer at all. For in his case, as in that of virtually every states- man, personal motives were inextricably connected with — at the lowest — concep- tions of political expediency and, at the highest, a pure and disinterested public ideal." Berlin's "Personal Im- pressions" pays honor to an other eminent personality of this century, the noted historian Lewis B. Namier. Namier is described by Be- rlin as "one of the most dis- tinguished historians of our time, a man of fame and influence. His achieve- ments as an historian, still more his decisive influence on the English historical re- search and writing, as well as his extraordinary life, deserve full and detailed study." This is how the noted historian Namier is viewed by Berlin: "He was a child of a pos- itivistic, deflationary, anti-romantic age, and his deep natural romanticism came out in other — politi- cal directions. Dedicated historian that he was, he de- liberately confined himself to his atomic data. "He did indeed split up and reduce his material to tiny fragments, then he reintegrated them with a marvelous power of imaginative generaliza- tion ag great as that of any other historian of his time. He was not a narra- tive historian, and unde- restimated the impor- tance and the influence of ideas. "He admired individual greatness, and despised equality; mediocrity, stupidity. He worshipped political and personal lib- erty. His attitude to eco- nomic facts was at best am- bivalent: and he was a very half-hearted determinist in his writing of history, what- ever he may have said about it in his theoretical essays. "Materialism, excessive determinism, were criti- cisms leveled against him, but they fit better those his- torians who, using the method without the genius, tend towards pedantry and timidity, where he was_ boldly constructive, intui- tive and untrammelled." - Berlin's view of Felix Frankfurter is a mark of recognition of the late jurist's devotion to Zionism. Frankfurter is to be noted in this quotation from that sketch in Berlin's book: "That which has some- times been taken for snobbery in Felix Frankfurter — a pro- found possible misread- ing of his character — was, in fact, precisely this. "His feeling for England was subjected to strain dur- ing the troubles in Pales- tine: he was a stout-hearted Zionist, and his conversa- tions in Oxford on this topic with Reginald Coupland — FELIX FRANKFURTER the principal author of the Royal Commission's report, which to this day is the best account of the Palestine issue of its time — are still unrecorded. "Coupland frequently remarked that Frankfurter had taught him more on this subject than the officials in- structed to brief him and had doubtless made enemies by the courage and candor of his views." If the reader were to judge a single essay in the Isaiah Berlin book as meriting significance for the entire collection it would be the one on Albert Einstein. It is a deeply moving story of a genius and it also contains a remarkable definition of Zionism as elaborated upon by Einstein. The Berlin essay on Einstein draws upon the scientist's experi- ences as a Jew. It is em- phasized in the following: "But if the impact of Einstein's scientific thought on the general ideas of his time is in some doubt, there can be none about the relevance of his non-scientific views to one of the most positive political phenomena of our time. Einstein lent the prestige mondial of his great name, and in fact gave his heart, to the movement which created the state of Israel. "Men and nations owe a debt to those who help to transform their realistic self-image for the better. No Zionist with the least de- gree of self-esteem can re- fuse to pay him homage if the opportunity of doing so is offered to 'him. Einstein's support of the Zionist movement and his interest in the Hebrew University were lifelong. "He quarreled with Weizmann more than once; he was highly critical of the Hebrew University and, in particular,' of its first president; he deplored the shortcomings of Zionist pol- icy towards the Arabs; but he never abandoned his be- lief in the central principles of Zionism. "If young people (or others) today, whether Jews or gentiles, who, like the young Einstein, abhor nationalism and sec- tarianism and seek social justice and believe in uni- versal human values — if such people wish to know why he, a child of assimi- lated Bavarian Jews, sup- ported the return of the Jews to Palestine, Zionism, and the Jewish state, not uncritically nor without the anguish which any decent and sensitive man cannot but feel about acts done in the name of his people which seem to him wrong - - unwise, but neverthel steadily, to the end of his lite — if they wish to under- stand this, then they should read his writings on the sub- ject. "With his- customary lucidity and gift for penetrating to the central core of any issue, whether in science or in. life, Einstein said what _ ' had to be said with simplicity and truth. Let me recall some of the things he said and did, and in particular the pa, which led toward them. "He was born in Ulm, the child of irreligious parents. He was educated in Munich, where he seems to have encountered no discrimina- tion; if he reacted strongly against his school and suf- fered something approach- ing a nervous breakdown, this does not seem to have been due to anti-Jewish feeling. What he reacted against was, perhaps, the quasi-military discipline and nationalist fervor of German education in the 1980s. ' ALBERT EINSTEIN "He studied'intermit- tently in Milan and Zurich, taught in Zurich, obtained a post in the Patent Office in Bern, then held university chairs in Prague and Zurich, and in 1913 was persuaded by Nernst and Haber, as well as Planck, whose reputations were then at their peak, to accept a research post in Berlin. "I do not need to describe the ' atmosphere of Prussia on the eve of the First World War. In a letter writ- ten in 1929 to a German minister of state, Einstein said, 'When I came to Ger- many 15 years ago (that is, in 1914) I discovered for the first time that I was a Jew. I owed this discovery more to gentiles than Jews.' "Nevertheless, the influ- ence of some early German Zionists, in particular Kurt Blumenfeld, the apostle to the German Jews, played a significant part in this — and Einstein remained on terms of warm friendship (Continued on Page 5)