THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Bronfman Blunt on Israel-Dispora Tie Boris Smolar's `Between You . . . and Me' Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, JTA (Copyright 1981, JTA, Inc.) THE VIGOR OF "ORT": Jews have a tradition to wish their friends "to live till 120."This proverbial wish emanates from a legend that Moses died at the age of 120. If Moses lived to be 120, he must have been 80 years old when he led the Jews out of Egypt, since he spent 40 years with n in the Sinai desert. Eighty years of age, our sages say, indicates strength. "Ben Shmonim Ligvura." The ORT — which held the an- nual three-day national conference of its American ORT Federation last .weekend in New York City with the par- ticipation of 800 delegates reached the age of 80 more than 20 years ago and has since then been going from strength to strength with every year. The organization now enters its 101st year of existence with an enrollment of more than 100,000 students in its network of technical and vocational schools, of which more than, 65,000 students are in Israel. About 20 years ago, students in all ORT vocational schools in Israel numbered only 2,000. ORT is today one of the five oldest Jewish organiza- tions in the world that can boast of existence of more than 100 years. Crossing the threshold now into the second cen- tury of existence, it is vigorously conducting operations in 24 lands training many thousands of youno - and adult Jews in vocational and technical schools in about b 100 various skills, thus enabling them to stand economically on their own feet in the future. ORT has established for itself an enviable reputation not only among the Jews in the countries where it operates but also among the governments, including the United States. U.S. government agencies recognize ORT as the most outstanding and experienced private body in the world fit tb help in the training of underdeveloped nations formally under the American Technical Assistance Pro- gram for the Third World. Last year there were in operation at least 30 such development projects in which ORT spe- cialists were involved. ACHIVEMENTS IN ISRAEL: Major attention in the ORT program is being given Israel where the organiza- tion maintains 94 technical and vocational schools. They include 47 technical and vocational high schools, 21 factory or industrial schools, 11 post-secondary schools for techni- cians or practical engineering, and the ORT School of Engineering which is located at the campus of Hebrew University in Jerusalem and is conducted in partnership with the university. ORT also maintains apprenticeship centers in Israel and five schools in East Jerusalem attended by Arab students. The difference between the place of ORT in other coun- tries and its place in Israel today is that while in other countries it serves the Jewish community in Israel it serves the entire country. Its network of technical and vocational schools in Israel provides a steady flow of mechanics, tech- nicians, workers of every skill to man the industrial plants of the country, the ships, the airfields, the farms, the laboratories, the garages, the mines that underpin the na- tion's economy. Other programs train students in such skills as cosmetics, industrial chemistry, hotel waiters, carpenters, tailors, designers, typists, office secretaries, and in every possible field of employment. There is no skill in Israel which ORT does not teach. It has courses also for the handicapped. EYES ON U.S. JEWRY: ORT is strong operationally, but weak financially. This was reflected in the delibera- tions at the national conference of the American ORT Fed- eration in New York. The World ORT Union enters the year 1981 with a deficit of about $4 million in its budget and with commitments of $7 million more to be paid within two years. It has dificulties in paying salaries to its staff in Israel. The budget of the World ORT Union will run this year - in the neighborhood of $80 million of which some $50 mil- lion are being covered from locally generated income — tuition fees and government and municipal subsidies in countries where ORT operates. The remainder is expected to be covered mostly by American Jewry and by ORT groups in Canada, England, South Africa, Australia, Hol- land, the Scandinavian countries, Switzerland and West Germany. t Arabs Debating Anti-Israel Moves NEW YORK — The Mos- pied in 1967. It speaks of lem summit meeting in "freezing" Israeli member- Taif, Saudi Arabia was con- ship in the United Nations sidering a resolution this and increasing military aid week that would further iso- to the Palestine Liberation late Israel from the rest of Organization. the world. Another resolution called The resolution called for Arab pressure on Israel's for Arab sanctions against friends to induce Israel to Western countries that do withdraw from lands occu- business with Israel. Friday, January 30, 1981 23 JERUSALEM (JTA) — Edgar Bronfman, the newly elected president of the World Jewish Congress, spoke bluntly of Israel- Diaspora relations in his ac- ceptance speech at the WJC's seventh plenary ses- sion. He said that most Dias- pora Jews will not immig- rate to Israel and should not be made to feel guilty for that reason, and that Dias- pora Jews should not be ex- pected to support Israel blindly on every issue. The 51 year-old Canadian-born indus- trialist who heads the Seag- ram Liquor Corp. succeeded Philip Klutznick of Chicago as president of the WJC. He was acting president during the past year while Klutznick served as Secre- tary of Commerce in the Carter Administration and will now serve a full three- year term as president. Bronfman disclosed that the WJC has estab- lished an International Advisory Committee of businessmen, aca- demicians and statesmen one of whose first priorities is the further- ance of investment in Is- rael." Its European branch is headed by Baron Guy de Rothschild of Paris, the Is- raeli branch by Raphael Re- canati and the South American branch by Adolfo Bloch. The WJC president urged a new kind of aliya — in- vestments from the Dias- pora to help create a more economically viable and at- tractive Israel." Discussing the situation of Soviet Jewry, Bronfman said the Jews of the Tree world have two objectives. "The first priority is to try to get all the Jews out who want to leave, offer- ing Israel as a place where they can come if they so choose. Secondly, for those who want to remain in the Soviet Union we must work to see that they can lead lives as Jews with as much dignity as the con- fines of the Soviet system will allow." of a separate Palestinian state. The report also criticized the tight rein held by the Orthodox rabbinate in Israel. At the same time, a bitter dispute arose out of a reso- lution supporting Israel and the Camp David agree- ments which mentioned "recognition of the legiti- mate rights of the Palesti- nian people." When that phrase was deleted by a 3-2 margin, the resolution was unanimously approved. Shimon Peres, chairman of the Labor Party, warned of two major threats to sta- bility in the Middle East and the world as a whole. One is nuclear capability "in the hands of the most ir- responsible elements in the Mideast" and the other is the prospect of oil shortages within the Soviet Union that could propel it toward further aggression in the region, Peres told 500 the WJC delegates. "Within five to 10 years, a nuclear capability will be in the hands of the most irresponsible ele- ments in the Mideast, such as Libya's (Col. Muammar) Qaddafi, whom President Sadat of Egypt pronounced men- tally unbalanced, and the leaders of Iraq who went to war against Iran for glory," Peres said. Foreign Minister Yitzhak DON'T BUY A CONDOMINIUM UNTIL YOU TALK TO MARTY . . . (See Page 55) Dance... for the health of it for the beauty of it for the joy of it Jazz • Tap • Ballet Enroll now for the winter semester Robert Gatzke's Julie Adler Dance Studio 25286 Greenfield Oak Park 967-3939 " Bronfman urged "getting the facts straight" on worldwide outbreaks of anti-Semitism. "We must recognize that there is an alarming increase in world-wide violence and lawlessness . . . Jews are not the leading victims, but they, too, are victims," he said. He stressed that Jewish education should be a "major WJC priority" and proposed close cooperation with the World Zionist Organization "too see to it that each Jewish child gets a Jewish education." Two major developments coming out of the WJC ple- nary include the release of a two-year study by promi- nent American and Israeli Jews lashing out at Israeli foreign, domestic and reli- gious policies and the oppo- sition to the establishment Shamir, addressing another session of the WJC assem- bly, urged "the voices of conscience" in West Ger- many to block the Bonn government's proposed sale of arms to Saudi Arabia. VG( VGA!" "We Wilke It Ail Right here ... in our new production studios ... jewelry from your design, reproductions, or our drawing table ... eliminating ALL middlemen, we save you a bundle! - 1171r. 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