64 Friday, January 23, 1981 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Rare Yiddish Films Distributed in West Germany Illustrate Changes and Universality of Jewish Life (Editor's note: The fol- lowing article by Eva- Elisabeth Fischer first appeared in Sued- deutsche Zeitung in No- vember and was re- printed by the German Tribune in December. It is re-printed by special arrangement with Dr. Josef Deutz, counsul general of the German Federal Republic in De- troit.) The novels of Philip Roth, and the writings and films of Woody Allen are strongly influenced and shaped by the trials and tribulations which their - Jewish grandparents endured, their melancholy and their humor, their experiences and their qualities. The older generation of East European Jewish ar- tists such as the painter Marc Chagall, photo- grapher Roman Vishniac and novelist Isaac Bashevis Singer testify directly to a culture and a language — Yiddish — which were both almost eradicated with chil- ling perfection by Hitler and his final solution. This tradition only sur- vives in songs and in some families. Luckily, we have one other important source on - the life of the shtetl, the East European Jewish community; films in Yid- dish produced for a Yiddish-speaking public by directors forced to emigrate from Europe. The cameras they used were simple and shooting often lasted -only two or three days. But before this weeks of hard work had gone into rehearsals. Some of the acting in these films is exceptional. The directors worked with famous actors from the re- nowned Jewish theater in New York's Second Avenue — stars such as the slyly comical Molly Picon and the expressive Maurice Schwartz. Most of the films were shot in the U.S. The work of Joseph Green is an excep- tion here. Green, an actor- director from Lodz in Po- land, brought his Vilna troupe to the U.S. in 1924 but made a point of spend- - ing several months in Po- land every year to recapture the authentic atmosphere of the shtetl. Another advantage of shooting in Poland was that the production costs were lower. About 30 of the 100 Yid- dish films distributed by the Joseph Seiden agency are still extant and 20 of them A scene from Joseph Green's "Purimspieler." have been completely re- earning enough money to becomes a famous artist. The banal stories of the stored and preserved. They pay the ship passage for the musical comedies are the are owned by the American rest. This meant that Jewish same as those of contempor- Jewish Historical Society. A selection of these films families were split up, just ary German film comedies was shown at the Pompi- like the families of many but yet they are completely different. dou Center in Paris, then foreign workers today. Here it is not fun for fun's In those days, the Jews in in Berlin and the Frankfurt Communal Cinema. They America lived like the sake but an escape from the are now being screened in Puerto Ricans live there to- grinding poverty of every- Munich. They are booked day: as the lowest class in day life, with humor and self-irony enriching the the social pyramid. out till June. Those left behind in mixture. After Munich, they will For example, we see a be shown in Duisburg, Europe dream about how Amsterdam, Austria, wonderful America must be father with a long white Freiburg, Berlin, Zurich while their brothers and beard sitting weeping on his fathers struggle to escape family's few possessions and Cologne. Despite restoration, the poverty by selling socks on piled in a wheelbarrow. The Camera then pans mis- sound and picture quality of the street, for instance. This is well recounted in chievously to a goat beside these films is still poor but as historical documents Joan Micklin Silver's film, him with an equally long these films are so valuable "Hester Street," made in beard. Weddings and holidays that these faults weigh 1974. This poverty provided the belong in every Yiddish lightly. These films can be di- impetus for another impor- vided into two categories. tant motive — that of On the one hand, tear- human solidarity and to- jerking melodramas of the getherness. The immig- The Tel Aviv evening 19th Century melodramatic rants shared their bread tradition — soap opera tales with newcomers or gave newspaper Maariv tells two with the appropriate musi- them a roof over their heads stories which reveal the cal background, enriched if they needed it. The belief human side of Prime Minis- with idyllic nature scenes as in a better life in America ter Menahem Begin: his friendliness, humor, senti- in "Ein Brivele der Mamen" remained unshaken. "In America everything mentality, and political re- and "Jidl mitn Fidl," both works." This is a sentence partee. They are re-told by Joseph Green. Then there were film ver- from "Ein Brivele der Ma- here, translated and anno- sions of books such as men." This film was made in tated by Louis Panush. Late last summer, after Sholom Aleichem's short 1938, a year before the story collection, "Tevye der German invasion of Poland. the decisive vote in the The film meant double Knesset on the "Jerusalem Milchige," and Anski's mys- tragedy and double hope for Law," Begin entered the tical drama "Dybbuk" with its deep roots in Hasidic those that saw the film, who members' cafeteria in a very were still living in ghettoes, good mood. He came across tradition. just as poor but far more in the young and engaging For many Jews of the East European Diaspora danger than their parents spokesman of Mapam (the the saying "Next Year in 20 years previously. (The Labor faction much left of Jerusalem" came to mean action of the film takes Mapai, who probably voted against the "Law"), Amnon place in 1919.) "Next Year in America." Levi, sitting at one of the A successful career and America was the new promised land but families happiness in America are tables-with his girl friend. Begin asked him, "You were usually too poor to presented as the rewards for are not married yet? You patience and suffering, as in emigrate all together; usu- ally one member of the fam- Joseph Roth's novel "Hiob," are such a delightful couple. ily went first, in the hope of where Menuchim Singer Why are you waiting?" From the next table came the voice of Knesse- ter Shlomo Lorencz (a leader of the ultra- Orthodox Agudat Yis- rael): "Begin, you act as if you were God, blessed be his name; (like Him) you are a matchmaker." Begin , replied, "You are quite right. Many times I succeed in making matches. film. Images of ecstatic joy in the beggars' dance, close ups of the drunken faces of musicians. Michael Waszynski's film, "Dybbuk," stresses that a rich girl must have a rich groom. It is a film version of the old legend that the soul of a dead sinner (the dybbuk) enters a living person's body to escape from the wicked spirits. This film is the epitome of, all the elements of the Jewish film. The mystical plot is enacted against a background of natural events and natural descrip- tions, pious images from the prayer room interchange with boisterous wedding images. Hasidic romanticism of the 19th Century is cap- tured in 20th Century ex- pressionist images. Piety and faith dominate the lives of the Jews in the ghettoes. Faith means the preservation of the species, the only protection against a hostile environment. Re- jection of the faith is re- garded as a crime but not just out of narrow- mindedness — as when Tevye in Schwartz's film says his daughter is dead for him when he hears she has married a Christian. Betrayal of the faith meant betrayal of the only possession and security of a constantly-persecuted minority. Tevye, like many of his fellows, patiently accepts his fate with a shrug of the shoulders and a sacred say- ing or bitter proverb — as patient as the millions of Jews who were transported to the concentration camps. Persecution was an every- day experience for them, so everyday that they did not see it as meaning inevitable death. The second generation of immigrant Jews in the United States is now leav- ing the old traditions be- hind. Many have fought t way out of the Lower EaSi, Side and live in the com- parative comfort of the middle-class Bronx. Edgar G. Ulmer describes this process of Americaniza- tion and assimilation in his comedy "The American Marriage Broker." Hairstyles have changed, wigs have been replaced by permanent waves. Instead of black smocks the Jews wear elegant suits and. the life of the Polish market places now takes place in plush apartments. Yiddish is increasingly infiltrated with American English: they say "sure" now instead of "emmes." And these changes are of course not just outward. The strict morality has been re- placed by a free one; faith is no longer the be-all and end-all. Material values have come to the fore. The weal- thier Jew adapts to the eco- nomic laws of the United States and, like film hero Nathan Silver and his Insti- tute for Human Relations, founds trusts. Attachment to the mother and Menschlichkeit remain — as Philip Roth's novels and Woody Allen's films prove. Human Side of Menahem Begin I am a good matchmaker. But unlike the profession- als, I have one rule: I do not ask or take a fee." Begin sat down next to Knesseter Shlomo Lorencz and told him this story. "As you know I was hospitalized with a heart condition .. . "In the hospital, they showed me, via a wonderful machine that was imported from the U.S., a photo of my heart. It looked as if it were alive'. I must say that my heart is photogenic. "I asked myself: What is a heart after all? According to this photo — just a pump. And if it stops for a minute, it is the end of man." Knesseter Lorencz re- plied good naturedly: "When I visited you the other day to offer my congratulations on your birthday, I brought for you the 'Book of Faith and Trust' by the Hazon Ish (Abraham Isaiah Karelitz, a Talmudic scholar and author, 1878-1953). In it, he also describes the action of man's heart. "You are entering- the age of 68. In the Gematria ( the numeral value of letters), 68 — samekh het — is equiv- alent to the Hebrew word "hayim — het, yod, yod, mem — life. You are begin- ning life. You are young." Begin began to reminisce. "When I was 25 years old, I shouldered a heavy respon- sibility. At the age of 31, I was appointed the com- mander of eEtzer (Irgun Zevai Leumi, the National Military Organization, arm of the Revisioinist Move- ment, 1937). Already then everybody called me 'The Old Man.' "In those days I as myself a question: W .' will I look like at the age. of 50? Now that I am 67, I am told (by you) that I am young. Thank you." MENAHEM BEGIN