62 Friday, January 9, 1981 1 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Egypt and Israel By HERZL B. SHUR And there arose A Pharaoh who knew not Joseph" Who cast the Israelites Into a state of slavery and subjugation. Samuel Solomon Anton Ramselaar 9 Semitic Language Scholar Samuel B. Solomon. Promoter of Rabbi Bernstein Dies at 65 president and founder in Interfaith Ties 1957 of Dearborn Steel NEW YORK (JTA) — in the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan AMSTERDAM (JTA) — Rabbi Michael Bernstein, a Theological Seminary. Sales, died Dec. 30 at age 83. He became an associ- A native Detroiter, Mr. Msgr. Anton Ramselaar, for Yeshiva University profes- Solomon was a founding di- more than 30 years chair- sor for 33 years and profes- ate professor in the de- rector of Sinai Hospital of man of the Roman Catholic sor emeritus of Bible and partment of Semitic lan- Detroit. He was a member of Council for Christians and Semitic languages at the guages and literature at Today there hath arisen Perfection Lodge of the Ma- Jews in Holland, has died at Bernard Revel Graduate the Bernard Revel "A Pharaoh who knoweth Israel" sons, Moslem Shrine, Cong. age 81. School of Yeshiva Univer- Graduate School in 1949 And sees the opportunity Shaarey Zedek and active in He was active in promot- sity, died Dec. 29. He was shortly after receiving Through economic and cultural exchange his Doctor of Hebrew Lit- efforts on behalf of ing better understanding by 65. That can raise his people Yeshivath Beth Yehudah. Rabbi Bernstein was a erature degree at the Catholics of Jews and of Is- From the depths of poverty He leaves his wife, rael. He visited Israel many recognized authority in school, and was prom- To a state of proiperity Terese; a son, Phillip; a times. Semitic languages and lit- oted to full professor at For both Egypt Bernard Revel in 1972. ,daughter, Mrs. Mel (Val- And the state of Israel At Vatican Council II, erature, achieving exper- Before coming to teach at erie) Price of Stratford, tise in many different Semi- And his name is .,. . SADAT. Conn.; a brother, Harry of Msgr. Ramselaar made tic languages and dialects, Yeshiva University, he held great efforts to promote bet- Florida; a sister, Mrs. Abe specializing in Hebrew, rabbinic positions in Lynn, Mass., at the Inwood Jev (Rae) Merar of Philadel- ter relations by the Roman Aramaic and Syriac. Center, Manhattan, ar phia, Pa.; and six Catholic Church toward Rabbi Bernstein, who was Jews. He said the church acterization achieved to grandchildren. By DAVID LIFSON Mercaz HaTorah Yeshins. ordained as a rabbi in 1938, (Copyright 1981, JTA, Inc.) hilarious perfection by contained "absolute prej- Montreal, Canada. He udices" against Judaism began his teaching career at earned his BA degree in Don't; let anyone tell you Karol Latowicz. Martin Langer Yeshiva University in 1947 and Israel. Daliah has been that the Yiddish theatre is as an instructor of Talmud 1936 from Yeshiva College. Martin Langer, a self- languishing, for it's never widowed in an uncon- employed real estate been livelier and infecti- summated marriage Mrs. Weisman ously joyous as with the new when her groom died of a broker, died Jan. 3 at age Lieberman Dorothy musical "Wish Me Mazel heart attack at the altar. 67. Weisman, an active volun- Born in San Francisco, Toy" which has sung and Yankl's brother Pinyeh, a teer and classical pianist In later life, Mrs. Hauser danced its way into the knavish wheeler-dealer Calif., Mr. Langer was a involved in cultural LONDON — Hephzibah member of Bay City Lodge concentrated on social played with no subtlety Town Hall in NeW York and Menuhin Hauser, sister of endeavors, died Jan.1. :nto the affections of an by Solo-Moise Aron, con- of the Masons, Projectionist A native Detroiter, Mrs. renowned violinist Yehudi work. In the late 1960s, she . spires with them to have Union and the Musicians Weisman attended Wayne Menuhin and a recognized and her husband, a 3rithusiastic audience. The melodramatic plot is Daliah pose as the widow Guild. He was a concert vio- State University, where she pianist, died Jan. 1 at age sociologist and director of the Institute for Social Re- 11-to-familiar, but who of Captain Shimon linist. He leaves his wife, Kitty; studied music. She served 60. search and Center for yes when it serves so well Kaufman who was re- Mrs. Hauser was her on several committees of the as a vehicle for top singing ported killed in action step-children, • Sheldon Detroit Institute of Arts and brother's partner in their Human Rights, set up a Beckman, Mrs. Joseph :1- good songs, for broad during the recent Six- early musical careers. Their home for deprived persons (Joyce) Modess and Mrs. was a member of the Cran- and families in the de- Day War, and whose comedy, for virtuoso acting brook Art Academy and first records, in 1932, when by its impish leading lady name is identical with her Jeanette Spinner; eight Bloomfield Art Association. she was 12 and he was 16, pressed London dockland grandchildren and two Mary Soreanu, and for the deceased husband. She leaves a daughter, won the National Prix du area of Bethnal Green. She also was active in It is the sort of stock plot great-grandchildren. iveliest chorus girls. Mrs. Donald (Virginia) Disque in France. peace and disarmament Daliah, played by the ir- that helped a young Molly Rabbi Waldman Saunders of Brookline, causes. In 1977, she was repressibly dynamic La Picon endear herself to an Mass.; a brother, Morton D. Dorothy Willer made president of the NEW YORK — Rabbi Lieberman; two Soreanu, is the daughter of earlier generation. Dorothy S. Willer, former Morton Waldman, spiritual grandchildren and William co-owner of the Nut and Women's International the impoverished wash- League for Peace and Free- leader of the Jackson Byrnes. erwoman, Rivka, played Schmidt View Nibble Shop, died Dec. 30 at dom, which campaigns for Heights (N.Y.) Jewish Cen- broadly and with laugh- of Begin, Israel age 85. complete disarmament by ter, died Dec. 30 at age 39. provoking timing for her Born in Knox, Ind., Mrs. all nations. He had been rabbi of the Alan Jackson farcical role . by corn- Quoted in Paper Willer and her husband Jewish Center since 1972 medienne Reizl Bozyk, and Alan Kay Jackson, inter- owned the store from 1940 Max Kirschbaum HAMBURG (ZINS) — and had been serving at the the ne'er-do-well drunkard The West German weekly, national research consul- to 1948. She was a life Max A. Kirschbaum, re- Yankl Danziger, a char- Der Spiegel, has published time of his death as dean of tant assisting American member of Cong. Beth Is- the Cantors Institute of the firms to do business in rael in Ann Arbor and its tired former owner of excerpts from the secret Arab Sought Jewish Theological Semi- Europe, died Jan. 5 at age sisterhood. She also was a Kirschbaum's, a men's clo- NEW YORK — Kenyan document of the West Ger- nary of America. thing store, died Jan. 1 at life member of Hadassah. 50. police officials believe a man Foreign Ministry Rabbi Waldn-ian has been age 85. A native Detroiter, Mr. She leaves three sons, Jay which contain many re- well-known Arab terrorist Born in Rochester, -N.Y., a co-founder of the Jackson was responsible for the New marks by Chancellor Hel- Heights kehilla, represent- Jackson resided in Geneva, of Coral Springs, Fla , Mr. Kirschbaum lived Year's Eve bombing of the mut Schmidt about Israel ing a majority of Switzerland, at the time of Richard and Berton of many years in Detroit prior his death. He has been re- Wyoming, Mich.; two Norfolk Hotel in Nairobi in and its prime minister. synagogues. and secular siding in Geneva for the daughters, Mrs. Bernard to making his home in Chancellor Schmidt is which 16 persons were kil- in Jackson (Marcia) Epstein of Coral North Miami, Fla. He quoted as having said "it organizations- 25 years. led. Heights. Among other func- past He leaves his wife, Sissy; Gables, Fla., and Mrs. owned his business at Joy Police say Muhammad pains one to see how a single tions, the kehilla has been parents, Maurice (Joyce) Kartch of Road and Grand River for Akila, who is known to individual, Menahem 'Be- integrating Soviet Jewish a son, Gregory; his Harry L. New Providence, N.J.; a 25 years. He was a member Mrs. b gin, can lead a whole coun- Mr. and carry five passports, regis- newcomers. (Pauline) Jackson of Hun- brother, Herman Strifling of Julius Rosenwald Post, tered at the Jewish-owned try into bankruptcy and tington Woods; and two sis- of St. Louis, Mo.; a sister, American Legion. bring his people to disaster, Harvey Pollock landmark using a Maltese He leaves his wife, Helen; ters, Mrs. Herbert (Mar- Mrs. Bernice Weinberg of a people which for the first passport. a daughter, Mrs. Bernard Harvey M. Pollock, a On Wednesday, a Kenyan time in its new history has manufacturer's representa- jorie) Levin of Huntington Dunedin, Fla.; 11 grand- (Ruth) Levin; a brother, Dr. Woods and Mrs. Robert children and seven great- its own state. And in a more spokesman said a Moroccan William Kerwin; three sis- tive for photographic member of the Popular crucial sense, Israel's prime supplies, died Jan. 2 at age (Ruth) Newman of Jackson grandchildren. Interment ters, Mrs. Ann Lyness, Mrs. Heights, N.Y. "Services 2 Ann Arbor. Front for the Liberation of minister can even bring us 54. Helen Levy and Mrs. p.m. Sunday at Ira Kauf- Palestine, Mohammad Abd to a new world war. Eleanor Bralver of Sher- Born in Detroit, Mr. Pol- Meyer Littky The weekly also recalls man Chapel. al-Hamid, was being sought man Oaks, Calif.; six lock was a member of Schmidt's statements Meyer. Littky, retired grandchildren and t 1- -e in the case. Phoenecia Lodge of the Ma- Israel TV Series that Germany, through owner of Meyer Printing great-grandchildren The Palestinian Libera- sons, Aries Grotto and Co., died Jan. 3 at age 75. tion Organization in Beirut its murders, is responsi- Association of Security In- on Modern Interment Detroit. Born in Poland, Mr. denied responsibility for the ble for the establishment vestigators. Zionism Begins of the Jewish, state of Is- Littky lived 65 years in the Dr. S. M. Croll blast. He leaves his Fife, Mar- rael, and that the West U.S. He was the past JERUSALEM (JNI) — cia; two sons, David and German government is Dr. Samuel M. Croll. a Kollel Wins The first in a 19-part series president of Pisgah Lodge of Michael of Rochester, N.Y.; also responsible for the Bnai Brith and of its bowl- dentist and a founder of the on the history of modern and a brother, Dwight of OP Tax Case fact that the Palestinians Zionism was telecast in Is- ing league. He was Bnai Alpha Omega Dental The Michigan Court of are suffering so much. Of Sherman Oaks, Calif. Brith chairman of the Fraternity, died Jan.. 't rael Tuesday. Appeals ruled Wednesday course, the West Ger- Friends Meet The weekly broadcasts, to Presidents Brunch for the age 75. that the city of Oak Park maiis must now help the Born in Wipdsor, Ont., JERUSALEM — Some conclude on Israel's Inde- Jewish National Fund and a Dr. Croll was graduated cannot tax six homes owned Palestinians toward member of the board of the 150 leaders of 50 friendship pendence Day, will. be by the Kollel Institute for self-determination and shown each Tuesday during Bnai Brith Council District from the University of Advanced . Religious independence, Schmidt associations between Israel "family" viewing hours. 6 through 1980. Michi g an Dental School in and other countries met last Studies. said. He is survived by his wife, 1928. 'z'He was a member of Educational TV will also sc- month at President Yitzhak Cong. Bnai Jacob bought Cong. Shaarey Zedek. Navon's residence at the in- reen the series each Wed- Sarah; a son, Robert; two the homes for rabbis and Merger Put Off He leaves his wife, daughters, Mrs. Seymour nesday afternoon for chil- iative of the World Zionist their families associated (Ruth) Hertz of Reseda, Gladys; a son, David; four dren. The BBC and a Ger- KUWAIT — Syria and ! Organization's foreign af- with the kollel. Oak Park man station have expressed Calif., and Mrs. Harold brothers, Sen. David A. of had said that only one home Libya have suspended talks fairs department. Toronto, Ont., Dr.. Leo J., In addition to Navon, the interest in purchasing the (Phyllis) Fellows; two Dr. Maurice and Cecil of was exempt from taxes aimed at merging the two brothers, Max of Boca Ra- series, and the Jewish under Michigan's "Parson- leftist Arab nations because gathering was attended by Agency may distribute the ton, Fla., and Dr. Herman of Windsor; a sister, Mrs. age law" but the court said of sharp differences be- Foreign Minister Yitzhak program to Jewish organ- Encino, Calif.; and nine David (Evelyn) Zack; and the law s:tated that "any" tween their leaders, accord- . Shamir and WZO Executive fot gran(16 isidren. izatiOirts worldwide. 6 i• )! I C-140 e . Nic4119. • t.i;r1gtob.Hilwaititiii4v1.gp'apEsi. ' chai;rirical-C4 Ledri; Duizir•C ) 'c pargofa d. is exe'riipf. ;: Yiddish Musical Storms NY 410 Menuhin's Pianist Sister Hephzibah Hauser Dies . • .