THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 56 Friday, December 26, 1980 Rabbi RichardHertz s Roots of My Faith' Combines • Emphasis -- ,-, Views of World, Jewish Issues in Spiritual .,. Dr. Richard C. Hertz has a weekly platform at Tem- ple Beth El, on the pulpit as senior rabbi as well as in the synagogue bulletin. He has utilized it with distinction, as evidenced in his 215-page "Roots of My Faith: Reflec- tions on. the Jewish Scene Today." In fact, his reflections are also on the world scene. He responds to the basic human problems in his new book. In his preface to this book, in which he defines his "editorial role" in the tem- ple bulletin, he states: "What does it mean to be an American Jew in a large metropolitan Re- form congregation? How does one take Judaism seriously in the suburbs? "In reviewing the col- umns of the critical 1970s, discovered that my edito- rials followed a certain pat- tern of diversity yet unity of thought. Some were devoted to concerns for Israel and its welfare, others to Reform Judaism and its meaning for today's world. Still others, inspired by Holy Days, applied the message of the Jewish tradition to the issues of the day. Not a few dealt with controversial subjects on which I hold. DR. RICHARD C. HERTZ strong convictions. Finally, some were personal in deal- ing with the rabbi's role in today's synagogue world. "The one theme running through them, like a thread in a tapestry, is taking Judaism seriously. These sparks from the '70s are re- minders of our Jewish iden- tity and contain basic Jewish thought for these times. They are the roots of my faith." -- This is a proper self- analysis and a good sum- - mary of the many scores of brief articles which fill this volume, underscoring is- sues, ideas, vital problems that have challenged world Jewry and mankind. "I believe it is a mistake political discussions and Rabbi Hertz under- or whom others consider to insist on a single defini- one of the brief essays devotes to be a Jew. standably 2) A Jew is one who tion of the question, What is deals with the so-called numerous items to the progress made by Re- accepts the faith of a Jew? I believe a Jew is one "Jewish vote," in which who accepts the faith of he writes: "It is time to form Judaism and to the Judaism. Judaism as his own. But a drop the appeal to the 3) A Jevv is one who fol- special achievements at Jew may also be one who re- Jewish vote. Stop the Temple Beth El. He deals lows the Jewish way of gards the traditions and competing protestations extensively with the is- life. 4) A Jew may be a Jew teachings of the Jewish over Israel. Stop maki" sues affecting Israel and his advocacy of justice by virtue of birth or by people as his own — its Israel a political food ethics, its folkways, its lit- Enough already abt,..,c for the embattled state conversion. erature. That is a cultural the Jewish vote. Let's get 5) A Jew may be a Jew lends priority of interest -on with the debate over to many of the articles by his own decision to definition. "A still more practical the real issue." dealing with the Middle identify himself with the definition is the one in Jewish people. Rabbi Hertz also poses East. 6) A Jew may be a Jew common usage: a Jew is the question "Are the Jews Also understandably, Dr. by birth, by religion, by one who considers him- Hertz devotes at least three culture, by nationality or self a Jew or is so re- Tired of Being Liberals?" and he states: "No matter of his articles to the oft- by peoplehood. garded by others." who sits in the Oval Office of repeated questions of who is a Jew, what is a Jew, the "The term 'Jew' obviously It should be noted in this the White House, there is no Jew's duties to himself and means different things in connection that Rabbi Hertz reversal in the tradition his people. In this category different places. In Israel does not ignore a single Jewish involvement on he has one, "Who Is a Jew," the world 'Jew' involves Is- issue that has been on the eral -positions held jointiy in whiCh he lists the specific raeli political citizenship. calendar of Jewish con- with other groups whose -cerns, that he deals with the interests coincide with In the USSR it involves identifications: nces relating to the Jews." ethnic nationality. In the experiences their Russian Jews, "Discussion has raged USA it involves religious Whether it is the hunt for over the controversial deci- identification in something presence here and in Israel. , This is true- of matters re: Nazi criminals or the bus- sion of Israel's High Court of the way American eac- concerning Benjamin Shal- Catholics are American by lating to Church and State, ing problem, affirmative and the emphasis given to tion or the gun control, and lit's challenge to the tradi- citizenship and Catholic by Ecumenism, in a special a score of other matters of tional definition that a Jew religion. . portion of the book, is . interest to a modern corn- is one born of a Jewish munity, Dr. Hertz deals "However, in the USSR noteworthy. mother or a convert to The UN and the acrimony - with them. His volume is, the identification of Jews is Judaism. "I believe there can be neither political, as in Is- towards Israel is not ig- indeed, like a lexicon of more than one definition of rael, nor is it religious, as in • nored and Dr. Hertz deals vital information that can the word "Jew," like the fol- the USA; their identifica- effectively with the massive enlighten not only Jews but lowing: tion is of an ethnic char- animosity towards the the non-Jewish community as well. 1) A Jew is one who acter. They belong to the Jewish state. ---P•S• He is not a stranger to . considers himself a Jew Jewish minority group. 'On the Banks of the Suez' Tells Story of the Yom Kippur War By ALLEN A. WARSEN "During the Yom Kippur War, I commanded an ar- mored division that fought on the Egyptian front. At the outset of this war we were taken by surprise, and the mistakes we made cost - us dearly. We lost many of our soldiers early in the battle. "In spite of these unfortu- nate conditions at the start, we managed to hold our own, we were able to recover quickly and launch a coun- terattack. When we were fi- nally stopped, 18 days later, _ our forces were 40 kilomet- ers (25 miles) from Damas- cus, Syria, and 100 kilomet- ers (62 miles) froin Cairo, Egypt. "It is understandable, therefore, that at the end of the fighting, I felt that our army had excelled in this war. I sensed that the morale among the rank and file was also high." The above passage is from the "Introduction" of Avraham (Bren) Adan's memoir "On the Bank of the Suez" (Presidio Press). Adan commences his war memoir by describing a meeting of the Israeli miii- tary commanders at Gen- eral Headquarters on the morning of Oct. 6, 1973 at which the director of mili- tary intelligence, Maj. Gen. Eli Zei'ira, reported, "The underlying assessment of Israeli Intelligence was that the armed forces of the Arab nations were still unpre- pared for war; hence the probability of war seemed very low." The same day, the Egyp- tians and Syrians launched their surprise attacks. Adan, the commander of the Sinai Armored Division that constructed the so- called Bar-Lev Line in 1968, describes graphically the Egyptian surprise crossing of the Suez Canal and the enormous casualties the Is- raelis suffered. He also recounts the situation on the Syrian front that was very seri- ous at the beginning of the war. But, there, the Israeli armed forces quickly recovered, reor- ganized, consolidated their ranks, and coun- terattacked. Before long, they destroyed 1,200 out of the 1,800 Syrian tanks, and drove the enemy al- most to the city limits of Damascus. It was not surprising, therefore, that the Syrians demanded that the Egyp- tians intensify and widen their offensive on their front in order to prevent the Is- raeli Defense Forces from concentrating "its main ef- forts (especially the air force) on the Syrian front." Similarly, the situation of the Israelis on the Egyptian front soon improved. There, in a single day, the Israelis knocked out 400 tanks and downed ma.Ay giant helicop- ters and planes. Curiously, during an Is- raeli deceptive maneuver, Shazli, the Egyptian chief of staff, was "one of the first to flee." Remarkably, despite the minefields, heavy shellings and Katyusha rockets, the Israelis crossed the Suez Canal, causing the enemy to flee and scatter in all direc- tions. Within hours, re- ports Adan, the Israeli forces advanced "on the road, westward, deep into Egypt." Notwithstanding, the many casualties their ar- mies suffered, the Syrian and Egyptian presidents declined suggestions by Soviet Premier Kosygin and the British ambassador for a cease-fire, even though they told Sadat "that the Americans had brought pressure to bear on Israel until it had, unwillingly, agreed to a cease-fire at the t re- present position. Sada plied angrily: 'Egypt will riot agree to a cease-fire while its forces are advanc- ing.' Nevertheless, a few days later, Sadat "reluctantly" consented to a cease-fire. He justified his decision by blaming not only the Is- raelis but also the Ameri- cans for the Egyptian mili- tary reversals. The Egyptians, however, violated the cease-fire as soon as it went into effect. Adan, the military strategist and -tactician, who remembers and de- scribes vividly the battles he commanded, also re- members and portrays Some of the men who fought side-by-side with him. The following story is about one of them: - "The most colorful member of the group was my driver, Big Moussa, who lived in a kibutz in the Negev. He liked to hunt and would bring his rifle to every exercise so he could go out and bring us some game for our bonfires at night. He always had everything with him you could think of: cooking oil, onions, salt, plates. He could even im- provise a field shower from captured equipment if we needed it. an officer while Moussa was just a sergeant who knew nothing of tactical doctrine. "After the fighting ended, while we were still in a state of cease-fire, Moussa — who was •already over 40 -- asked to attend a tank commanders' course. Per- mission was granted on condition that he continue to serve with the forward command group." While Adan commanded an armored division, his son Omer fought on the front AVRAHAM ADAN "He was a superb driver, lines; 18-year-old daughter one of those who make you Netta served in the Gaza feel that if the vehicle Strip; and 16-year-old wouldn't move under its daughter Talila together own power, he would push it with her classmates, dug where it had tog°. However, trenches each day from in order to preclude any early morning until noon. It should be pointed out such contingency he was helped by another that the Egyptians, by vio- kibutznik, Giora, a driver lating the cease-fire, forced the Israelis to intensify and a first-rate mechanic. "There were some in Is- their attacks. In add' rael who called the Yom they encircled the Egy i Kippur War the war of the Third Army, causing the -` fathers and the sons . . . enemy to ask for -a cease- Just a couple of kilometers fire. The Israelis, at first, re- in front of my forward com- fused to consent to one mand group, a young officer pressured by Secreta. f was fighting . . Moussa's State Kissinger, they grudgingly agreed to stop son . . . the fighting. Avraham Adan, born in "Sometimes when he had the opportunity in Israel, at age 17 joined the the evening, Moussa Palmach. During the War of would hop over for a Independence he com- visit, and when he re- manded an infantry com- turned he would relate pany and in the Yom Kip- C the arguments he had pur War, at first, served as had with his son. Moussa commander of an armored would question some of division on the 'Egyptian the orders he heard his front, and toward the end of son issue over the radio; the war assumed command his son would then see fit over the entire southern to remind him that he was front.