34 Friday, December 26, 1980 LARRY FREEDMAN Some believe all that par- ents, tutors, and kindred be- lieve. They take their prin- ciples by inheritance, and defend them as they would their estates, because they are born heirs to them. Arab Aid to Africa Has Many Drawbacks Fund and-other multilat- was welcomed. Sub- By SUSAN GITELSON eral agencies has been sequently, however, the Af- LONDON ---- The Insti- tute for Jewish Affairs re- used mainly for the ricans have been protesting industrialized countries, quietly and behind the ports that 1974-1979, Arab aid to Africa totaled $4 such as Italy and Great scenes. The desire not to be Britain, rather than to the billion. However, African states poorer developing coun- completely subservient say that the oil they im- tries. Moreover, Arab to the Arabs was evident ported in 1979 rose in price bilateral and multilateral in the fact that the Afri- aid rarely amounts to cans would not support by 42 percent. What have the Arab oil- more than 35-45 percent the Arab move to expel South of Maple 6720 ORCHARD LAKE RD. producers done to relieve of what has been prom- Israel from the UN and 17 black African countries WEST BLOOMFIELD PLAZA this distress? Not very ised. did not vote for the It is especially disconcert- much. According to Victor 626-4656 T. LeVine and Timothy W. ing to the African countries "Zionism as a form of ra- Luke in the "Arab-African that although the price of oil cism" resolution in 1975: has been mounting, the ac- five opposed it (Central FOR GOOD TASTE, Connection: Political and tual disbursements of aid African Republic, Ivory Economic Realities," the FELDBRO HAS IT! have been declining. The Coast, Liberia, Malawi African states have not re- ceived concessions or bene- amounts allocated for real and Swaziland), and 12 tFELDBRO HAS A COMPLETE SELECTION fited from other special ar- development assistance are abstained. Since 1975, the Arabs OF IMPORTED & DOMESTIC rangements for the oil that proportionately quite small. they buy. Furthermore,' Much of the aid has been for. have lost the automatic BEER & WINE! most of the Arab-OPEC aid mosques and other Muslim majorities they commanded including Mogen David & Manischewitz has gone to non-oil- religious purposes, such as a in 1973 and 1974, although producing Arab states or to recent Libyan gift of about they still have overwhelm- countries with a majority of $26 million to Gambia, ing support on Middle East ORCHARD LAKE ONLY FREE PARKING and as private gifts to politi- questions and the Palesti- Muslims. nians. The developing coun- OPEN 7 DAYS Ironically, much of the cal leaders. SUNDAY tries, meanwhile,.have been Another problem arises Arab aid given to the In- 9 to 5 PM Mon. thru Sat.. 8 to 6 p.m. ternational Monetary because the Arab countries registering their protests for the most part cannot. against the distorted provide markets for African enrichment of the oil- goods. Most African trade is producers. The Africans face the with the West. Their in- creased demand for West- challenge of trying to obtain ern goods, added to the as much development assis- growing cost of producing tance as possible, while at them due to the oil price the same time trying to in- rise, further worsens the crease their political inde- 6718 Orchard Lake Rd. 851-8020 terms of trade for the Afri- pendence. Egypt might can states which the Arabs serve as a model for them or 13905 W. 9 Mile Rd., Oak Park 399-9699 were supposed to be taking because, although it has the lead in improving. The been the Arab-African Arabs also lack the person- country most dependent nel and infrastructure to _upon subsidies from the administer their aid prop- Arab oil-producers, erly, although they have President Sadat nonethe- Shelled been trying to utilize less concluded the Camp facilities and people from David Agreements, signed a the major multilateral aid peace treaty andr_estab- alnuts half pieces agencies, such as the World lished diplomatic relations Bank and the UN De- with Israel, even at the cost Extra Fancy Red Delicious of being expelled from the velopment Program. When the Arabs took the Arab League, and other lead in-demands for a_New Arab groupings. Egypt then turned to the International Economic Order in 1973, and when OAU for greater support, they appeared to champion both at the Monrovia OAU U.S. No. 1 the cause of the developing Summit in 1979, where it countries, their leadership was moderately successful Orchestra and Eetertainmeet 647-2367 A THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS FELDBRO QUALITY MEATS HOLIDAY SALE SAM & SONS FRUIT MKT. For Top Quality and Lowest Prices All Year Round $ 89 W C 3 lb. APPLES $ 99 10 lb. bag 1 IDAHO POTATOES $259 lb. iniiiritel . d SBERG CHEESE 69 lb. MUENSTER CHEESE 19 COCKTAIL FRANKS 8 - 99C /2 gal. JUICE ORANGE ORCHARD LAKE STORE ONLY and at the UN General As- sembly, where it almost se- cured a majority to defeat a resolution condemning Camp David and attempts to promote Palestinian au- tonomy. The Arabs have a great deal of potential. aid to offer, but at a very high price. So far, they have not matched their tenfold increase in profits with an equal in 7, crease in aid. The recipient states in Africa, therefore; are striving to increase the amount of aid, while 'at the same time trying to main- tain their political indepen- dence. The tension between these two fundamental goals is likely to continue for a long time. vi i Council Disavows Cohen Statement on Women Rabbis NEW YORK — Rabbi Sol Roth, president of the Rab- binical Council of America (Orthodox), criticized Dr. Gershon Cohen, chancelor of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, re- garding his statement on the ordination of women in the modern Orthodox movement. According to Rabbi Roth, "The declaration of Dr. Co- hen, to the effect that the ordination of women in the modern Orthodox move- ment is only a matter of time, is unfortunate and misguided. Rabbi Roth also said that "Dr. Cohen is not a spokesman for Orthodoxy and the commitment of Or- thodox rabbis to the Halakha is such that it is inconceivable that such a radical departure from Jewish tradition would be permitted." The Bible goes equally to the cottage of the peasant, and the palace of the king. Child's Ideal of Illegal Aliya Captured in Calendar Painting Wisconsin Feinbergs oz Pkg 1 Potato Salad or Cole Slaw 49c F aygo Pop Mu bottle 40c ea. 3 for $ 1 19 lb. Specials good through January 1, 1981 BOTH STORES This prize-winning painting by 13-year-old Michal Siman-Tov of Holon (insert) (\ depicts her conception of an illegal refugee boat reaching the shores of Eretz Yisrael by night, prior to the establishment of the state of Israel. The painting is in the United Israel Appeal-Keren Hayesod calendar for 5741 (1980-1981).