THE JEWISH NEWS USPS 275 520i Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 1951 Member of American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers and National Editorial Association and Affiliate Member of National Newspaper Association and Capital Club. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Jewish News, 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $15 a year. CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Business Manager Editor and Publisher ALAN HITSKY News Editor HEIDI PRESS Associate News Editor DREW LIEBERWITZ Advertising Manager Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 12th day of Tevet, 5741, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Genesis 47:28-50:26. Prophetical portion, I Kings 2:1-12. Candle lighting, Friday, Dec. 19, 4:45 p.m. VOL. ',XXVIII. No. 16 Page Four Friday, Dec. 19. 1980 ISRAEL: GLOBAL FOOTBALL Israel has become the football on an interna- tional gridiron. Lots of indivisuals, self-selected teams, even nations, are taking turns at kicking her. It begins at the United Nations, which has abandoned the role of the peace-maker and has become the anti-Israel warmonger. It has spread among the nations, and only Uncle Sam dares veto the frequent stab-in-the-back. Some Jews have entered the arena as contributors to the confusion. All nations reject attempts by outsiders to inject themselves into their inter- nal affairs. Israel is the pigskin for kick-offs, no matter whether the aim is within Israel or wherever her image becomes visible. While the leading nations in the Middle East are scrambling for power and territory and are divided in their aims, the targeting of Israel continues. The UN hasn't time to make peace and is preoccupied with the search for a means of isolating Israel to a devastating degree. So hateful is the campaign that cartoonists, who have the power of policy-making, have joined in the rampage. Their chief scapegoat is Menahem Begin, and the manner in which he is often portrayed is reminiscent of the Stuermer days in Nazi Germay. These are neither exaggerations nor fan- tasies. The credibility acquired by the PLO is making Israel's road to peace nigh impossible, and the path toward security for the embattled area is strewn with thorns for the Israelis. Will there be an erosion of support for Israel in the U.S. Congress, especially in view of the revealed antagonism of Senator Charles Percy who is scheduled to head the Senate Foreign Relations Committee? Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan joined President-Elect Ronald Re- agan in disavowing Percy's endorsement of the PLO and its leader, the boaster of terrorism, Arafat, and his encouragement for the estab- lishment of another Arab state, a Palestinian one bordering on Israel. May it be true that Percy speaks for himself and that, as Moynihan declares, the Senate will not back him in sponsoring a PLO-controlled state. Percy may plead all he wants that the report of his backing of PLO and Arafat were taken out of context. His earlier assertions linked with the current indict him, and Moyni- han's repudiation should be judged as the basis for what may be a new battle for justice, with the U.S. Senate as the staged battleground. That this new turn of events involving American concern in the Middle East should have occurred on the eve of the inauguration of the next President of the United States is one of the most shocking blows aimed at Israel. With the U.S. still the world's only spark of courage in a world filled with antagonism towards a small nation in a very volatile area, it is deplorable and also frightful that an effort should be made to cast a shadow over the only bright light in the world darkened for inheritors of the memories of the Holocaust. The comfort to be derived by assurances from Senator Moynihan, by the confidence exuded from the Reagan ranks, by the friendships ex- pressed by many members of Congress, in a measure allay some of the fears of the immi- nence of a conflict which will challenge the steadfastness of devotion towards Israel's secu- rity. It is this need for steadfastness that becomes so vital for Israel and the Jewish people at this time. Once again there is the great need to pre- vent the divisiveness that can be more damag- ing than the extremest of hate-mongering di- rected at Israel. The moment there is evidenced even the minutest of cracks in the unity of the Jewish people and in the support that is tradi- tionally provided by people with a sense of jus- tice, as soon as it becomes evident that the one- ness of Jewry is not factural, then the case of justice will become collapsible. There are Jews, perhaps their number is growing, who are misled by unfortunate occur- rences in Israel. That Israeli forces should have to be called into action to quell rioting has be- come a cause for criticism and condemnation. It is a tragic and upsetting situation, yet time may prove that without the action generated, Is- rael's security might be very seriously under- mined in the very heart of the land fighting for existence. With 600,000 Arabs sharing citizen- ship in Israel, many can be motivated by- the blood-thicker-than-water truism which al- ways has the element of fifth-columnism. These and many other matters must be considered while viewing the regrettable events in Israel. Yet there cannot, there must not, be an ignor- ing of the basic fact of Israel always on the defensive and under compulsion of fighting for existence and just rights. In support of such conditions it is the human factor that is called into being, demanding unified action never to permit the undermining of Israel's position. De- struction of unity can only be judged as betrayal of common decency and the aim for an assur- ance of human rights for a nation isolated and surrounded by enemies. The unity of Jewry and its- friends is vital to the civilized needs in a world condition that would otherwise drag mankind into medieval barbarism. REMEMBERING WALLENBERG "Better late than not at all" applies well to the efforts to secure the release of the eminent hero in the rescue efforts of Nazi victims in Hungary, Raoul Wallenberg. He was never forgotten, although the at- tempts to secure the release of the courageous rescuer of tens of thousands were unsuccessful. Now, thanks to the activities of Annette Lan- tos, and the support she enlisted, the task has assumed global importance. Books are being written about one of the most eminent of the heroes in the resistance to Hit- lerism. Films are in the making and documen- taries are being prepared. Will these efforts, the demonstrations in his name, the appeals to the conscience of the world, serve the purpose? One fact remains incontrovertible: the name Raoul Wallenberg will not be forgotten; the re- spect for his labors will be remembered, Raoul Wallenberg is a name that will be imperishable in Jewish and world history. Holocaust Themes Several Children's Books Authored by Peggy Mann Peggy Maim gained popularity for several important works. Her biography of Golda Meir was a best seller. Then she acquired addi- tional fame for her biography of Ralph Bunche, which was published in 1975 by Coward, McCann and Geoghegan. Her "Golda: The Life of Israel's Prime Minister" first appeared as a hard cover book in 1972, as a Coward, McCann and Geoghegan publication. Since then it has been reissued as a paperback by Simon and Schuster Pocket Books. In both, Miss Maim was a best seller author. Distinguishing her as well are her children's books. Based on one of her widely-acclaimed books dealing with the Holocaust and the rescue difficul- ties, she wrote "The Secret Ship" (Doubleday). It is now among the widely-recommended works for youth to become acquainted with the horrors of the Nazi era and the escapes and the urgencies of rescue efforts, many of which had failed. In 1975, MacMillan published a 32-page booklet for children by Miss Mann. It was entitled the Last Road to Safety," also from The Last Es- cape." Illustrated by George Stay- rinos, this also became sort of a textbook for Jewish schools as a guide PE GG1( MANN to an understanding of the rescue need, the tragedies and the failures. Miss Mann's latest book is "Gizelle, Save the Children," to be published in January by Everest House. It is the story of Gizelle Hersch and her three sisters and how they survived the horrores of Auschwitz. The book, co-authored by Miss Hersch, offers a searing condemnation of the July 1938 conference in the French resort town Evian-les Ba,ins. Miss Mann utilized her speech at the Detroit Jewish Book Fr recall that failure in rescue efforts, the ill-fated Evian Confere., Peggy Mann has authored 32 books. She has also written numer- ous short stories and articles for most of the major U.S. magazi- Her books and short stories have been widely reprinted abroad, she has written for radio and television. Her first novel was "A Room in Paris" (Doubleday). She adapted the novel as a network televison drama starring John Cassevetes. She is the only writer to have had two of her children's books dramatized on network television in a single year. The Street of the Flower Boxes" (NBC) received a Peabody Award. "My Dad Lives in a Downtown Hotel" (ABC) was nominated for an Emmy as the best children's drama of the year. Peggy Mann's collective theme is, in the main, to keep memory alive about the Holocaust, emphasizing the "Remember" and "Never Forget" theme as tribute to the victims of Nazism. Her reconstruction of the numerous attempts to rescue the Jewish masses in Hitler- dominated areas and the failures, her expose of neo-Nazism and of escapees from punishment, have given special status to her literary accomplishments.