72 Friday, November 21, 1980 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS JPS Publishes 24 Friedman Holocaust Essays The late Philip Friedman, author of "Roads to Extinc- tions: Essays on the Holocaust" (Jewish Publi- cation Society), has been called the "father of the Jewish Holocaust litera- ture." A prominent histo- rian in his native Poland, Friedman devoted many years to the study of the modern history of the Jews in Eastern Europe. Under the impact of the tragic experiences of World War II, which he miracul- ously survived, he devoted himself to scholarly re- search on the history of the catastrophe, combining the immediacy of first-hand ex- perience with sound histori- cal methodology. He thus became the founder, in ef- fect, of a new discipline in Jewish studies — the his- tory of the Holocaust — which within recent years has burgeoned, gaining the attention of an increasing PHILIP FRIEDMAN number of researchers and the interest of a growing readership. The present volume, pub- lished jointly by the Jewish Publication Society of America and the Confer- ence on Jewish Social Studies, contains a selection of Philip Friedman's major Holocaust essays, composed during the 15 years preced- ing his death in 1960. Many of the 24 essays, translated from Polish, Yiddish, and Hebrew and carefully foot- noted, are not readily acces- sible elsewhere. Written with considera- ble restraint — all the more remarkable on the part of a Holocaust survivor whose personal ordeal included the loss of a wife and child — these chapters describe what actually happened in both historical and psychological terms. In his introduction to this volume, Prof. Salo Wittmayer Baron, the noted Jewish historian, writes, "Even now, some two decades after his death, Philip Friedman's scholarly contributions to the study of this vital aspect of Jewish and European history in the years 1939-1945 rank among the significant achievements of contem- Old Fortress Site Is Found TEL AVIV — An ancient fortified settlement on the road to Jerusalem from Emmaus (Latrun) which served as an important - strategic area and a mili- tary and civilian base for guarding access to Jerusalem has been dis- covered by Tel Aviv Univer- sity archeologists. The for- tified settlement, Hurvat Mazad, served over the course of centuries as a strategic point and a way station on the ancient road linking Jerusalem to Mediterranean Sea port, particularly Jaffa. The Tel Aviv University I team, headed by Dr. Moshe Fisher of the Archeology , Division of the Classical Studies Department, dis- covered a Hasmonean for- tress which, during the period of Alexander Janai (103-76 BCE), must have been important in warding off the Seleucid enemy. The 200-square-meter structure was surrounded by thick and strong walls (1 1/2 meters wide), its area divided be- tween living quarters and storage sections. On each side, a strong, square watch tower commanded a lookout of the entire area. The archeological finds - inside the fortress indi- cate that it was appar- ently occupied only by soldiers, and not by fam- ily units. Typical of mili- tary installations, very large amounts of storage jars were found, which were apparently used to store non-spoiling foods which required no cook- ing. The life style in the fortress appears to have been stark and minimal. An unusual and rare find was coins minted in lead rather than copper. The for- tress was probably gutted by fire during warfare and its walls forcibly destroyed. The area apparently underwent another stormy use during the war between the Jews and the Romans (66-70 CE). In that period a fortified farm was erected upon and next to the Has- monean ruins. The farm served both as a guard post on the Jerusalem Road and as an agricultural center. - It was apparently occu- pied by a large Jewish fam- ily and probably served as a sort of inn for friendly travellers. A bronze scale for weighing money indi- cates that the farm served as a commercial enterprise. Coins minted by the re- volt were imprinted with the caption, The Second Year of the Liberty of Zion" (Years 67-69 CE). Remains of, olives and fruits and vegetables are indications of its agricul- tural nature. They ap- pear to have developed an underground water system for utilizing winter rain water. Domestic and not strictly military life are also demonstrated by such finds as make-up, juglets of per- fume, cooking pots and utensils, housewares such as hand-mills, and ceramic vessels for food in food stor- age pits. The farm (about 100 square meters) was covered with ashes and broken vessels, an indica- tion of the destruction and abandonment which oc- curred during the great re- volt. This settlement is one link in a chain of settle- ments which served as an important axis between the sea and Jerusalem during the period of the revolt. During the Roman- Byzantine Period (Second- Seventh Centuries CE) the area was again used as a military installation but on a smaller scale. The Roman-Byzantine strategic method was different. They chose to forego massive for- tification and opted for smaller fortified look-out posts complemented by small patrol groups. The post was apparently occupied for a short period, but the use of Roman mile- stones on that ancient road to mark • the distances primarily for military pur- poses of planning food supplies and walking dis- tances for soldiers indicates that it was considered a strategic passageway dur- ing the Roman period as well. During the early Mos- lem period (700-800 CE) the ancient structures were still used and new structures were added to guard the road and a large underground pool that provided water for passersby. The settle- ment during that period does not particularly indicate strategic use. The archeological dig was made possible with the as- sistance of the Jewish Na- tional Fund, the Thyssen Foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany, and volunteers from Israel and abroad. porary Jewish historiog- raphy." The first section of this work, titled "Segregation and Brutal Discrimina- tion," deals in the systema- tic fashion with the pre- liminary steps taken by the Nazis after the outbreak of the war: the imposition of the yellow badge, segrega- tion of the Jews from their neighbors, assignation of a special Polish "reservation" to those forcibly brought from other lands. This sec- tion also includes a chapter on a little-known aspect of the Holocaust experience, "The Karaites under Nazi Rule," as well as detailed accounts of events in Po- land, Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and the Ukraine. The second section, "Ex- termination," describes not only the murderous methods employed by the Germans in such locales as the author's native LwOw -- the subject of the most ex- tended treatment in this book — but also the crimi- nal "scientific" experiments performed on the Jewish prisoners in the death camps. Other chapters deal with the Judenrate, the sup- posedly autonomous but in fact German-appointed Jewish councils. One essay discusses the fate of the Gypsies, described as "the Nazi genocide of an Aryan people." DR. SALO W. BARON The third section ad- dresses the enormous methodological prob- lems confronting resear- chers of the Holocaust and offers a survey of the initial research done in the field. Finally, in an Appendix, the author sets forth an "Outline of Program for Holocaust Research." This comprehensive program was initially prepared by the author for his own use, as a plan for research to be conducted in the new field of Holocaust studies. He sub- sequently elaborated this program and submitted it to an international congress in 1950. It is here published for the first time. Referring to the "Out- line," Prof. Baron notes, "The plan was so carefully conceived that, even three decades later, it may still prove helpful in fostering additional investigations." Prof. Baron concludes "The best the author's numerous admirers, co-workers, and successors can do to per- petuate his memory is to as- sist in the implementation of some of his as yet un- realized plans and in the continuation of the work so auspiciously begun by him." Philip Friedman (1901- 1960) received his PhD fro the University of Vieyinc. and later taught Jewish his- tory in Poland. From 1944- 1946 he was founder and di- rector of Poland's Central Historical Commission; in 1947 he became director of research for the Centre de Documentation Juive Con- temporaine in Paris. He came to the U.S. in 1948 at the invitation of Columbia University, where he was a research fellow and lecturer. He also headed the Jewish Teachers' Seminary in New York, and taught at the Herzliah Teachers' Seminary. He was the author of numerous major historical studies that have appeared in Polish, German, Hebrew and Yiddish, two English- language works, "Martyrs and Fighters: The Epic of the Warsaw Ghetto" and "Their Brothers' Keepers," and (with Jacob Robinson) the monumental "Guide to Research in Jewish History under Nazi Impact." Raoul Wallenberg Prison Mate Insists Swedish Hero Still Alive Avraham Kalinski of Nahariya, Israel, who vis- ited here briefly last week, insists that Swedish hero, Raoul Wallenberg is alive. Kalinski was arrested in Russia in 1950 and was transferred from prison to prison. He states that it is Soviet policy not to keep anyone in a single jail too long. In three prisons, Kalinski says, his prison mates in- cluded Wallenberg. He insists that Wallen- berg's health was good, that he was in his full senses and while he was on occasion treated less kindly than other pris- oners he was not seri- ously affected by his im- prisonment. Kalinski believes that continued efforts for his re- lease can be successful now. He says that in contacts with Swedish government officials he has come to be- lieve that now that Sweden is not under Socialist domi- nation there will be a greater readiness by Swe- den to press upon the USSR to secure Wallenberg's re- lease. Kalinski related his ex- periences to the Forward, to Russian and other news- papers before his Detroit visit. Kalinski called attention to a more recent report that Wallenberg was seen alive in a Russian prison in 1979. The reference to Jan Kap- lan, with whose family Kalinski had conferred to get later reports on Wallen- berg, is described in the No- vember Atlantic in an arti- cle entitled "The Wallen- berg Mystery" by Kati Mar- ton. This is the reference to Jan Kaplan in the Kati Marton article: "In 1979 the long dor- mant case was forced open again. This time a Tel Aviv dentist was the unlikely connection. Dr. Anna Bilder had never' heard of Raoul Wallen- berg until she received a telephone call from her father, a Moscow Jew re- cently released from a Soviet prison camp. Jan Kaplan, a former administrator of an operatic conservatory in Moscow, was jailed in 1975 on charges of black marketeer- ing, following his request for an exit visa to Israel. He was freed 18 months later for health reasons. "Kaplan told his daugh- ter it is possible to survive life in Gulag. 'In fact,' Kap- lan went on, met a Swede in the Butyrki prison in Moscow who has survived 30 years.' "For nearly two years Anna Bilder had no further word from her father. Then, in July 1979, Anna's mother smuggled a letter to her daughter in Israel. " 'My deaf Anna,' Mrs. Kaplan wrote, the same thing has happened again to your father. For the past year and a half he has been imprisoned . . . I had lost all hope after having been sum- moned to the Lubyanka by the KGB, where I was told all this happened be- cause °La letter concern- Swiss or a Swede named Wallenberg whom your father knew in the prison infirmary. " 'Your father had writ- ten to you about this Wal- lenberg and tried to get it to you through some tourists he met in the synagogue _ . Since then, your father been in Lefortovo and Lubyanka and I have now lost all hope of ever-seeing him again.' "The letter resulted in an official request from the Swedish Foreign Ministry to interview Jan Kaplan, wherever he may be. It was the first official Swedish communication on the sub- ject of Raoul Wallenberg in 14 years. It has thus far eli- cited the same response as most other efforts on his be- half: silence." (Swedish Foreign Minis- ter Ola Ullsten will raise the Wallenberg case in his Madrid speech at the Hel- sinki Agreement follow-up conference.) cz7,