18 Friday, November 21, 1980 If a drop of ink fell at the same time on your book and on your coat, clean first the book, and then the garment. —Safer Hasidim THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Degania, the First Kibutz, Celebrates Its 70th Year By MOSHE RON pioneers who worked in Levi Eshkol) and Kaddish Baratz, one of the leading Hadera founded the new ag- Looz (the late Knesset Mapai members in the His- ricultural settlement which Speaker). Both these set- tadrut. TEL AVIV — Israel is they called Degania after tlements stood up in heroic Kibutz secretary Yehies- celebrating the 70th an- the Hebrew word "dagan" defense during the War of kiel Dar told us about the EQUIPMENT CO. niversary of Degania, the meaning corn. Independence in 1948. early days of his kibutz. It first kvutza (kibutz). De- Urn Juni was a desol- The Syrians occupied the was proposed that nobody HOLIDAY PORTABLES gania, called the mother of ated area east of the Jor- the kvutza, was founded in dan River. The land was police fortress near the should marry during the WE GOT 'EM $ first five years so that there kibutz and Syrian tanks 1910 at the southern end of put on sale by rich Per- should be no children. How- broke through the perime- the Sea of Galilee, six miles sian land dealers. EXECUTIVE ever, soon a young girl from ter of the settlement. from Tiberias. The first settlers suffered CHAIRS The original name of the heavily, cut off from other Seventy defenders resisted Russia came to Degania and $695° heroically and pushed the one of the boys fell in love place was Urn Juni, the settlements because there Syrians back. with her. The marriage of place at which the Amoraim were no roads. The Be- OPEN SAT. Shmuel and Devora Dayan Shalom Hochbaum, a 231 W. 9 MILE RD., Ferndale Reb Tanchum and his son douins in the area made it produced Moshe Dayan. survivor of the Holocaust, 1 /4 BIk. West of Woodward Reb Yossi had lived. dangerous to go out into the Degania today has -280 548-6404 A group of courageous fields. However, in time the hurled a "Molotov Cocktail" cows, 480 tons of poultry, 75 at the Syrian tank which settlers • stood up to their broke through the fence and acres of orange groves, 450 difficulties and the place the tank burst into flames, acres of cotton, 400 acres of began to develop slowly. killing the Syrian soldiers bananas, 20 acres of palm Degania was an impor- inside. This tank remains as trees, 10 acres of avocado tant turning point in the a reminder near the gate of and 250 acres for other history of the labor move- Degania. , crops. ment in Eretz Yisrael, and a Ten men and two Among the industrial model for further settle- women were the first to ments. Today there are settle in Degania. Six of enterprises, Degania has a metal workshop pro- more than 250 agricultural the men were occupied ducing parts for agricul- settlements all over the preparing the land for tural machines. Degania country. agriculture, two guarded produces $6 million of One of the members of the settlement, the industrial exports each MICHIGAN DISTRIBUTOR OF Degania was the labor women cooked and did year. movement philsopher the washing. Today there Kibutz members have Aaron David Gordon, a are in Degania 293 mem- nicely furnished rooms with propagator of the idea of bers and 192 children. curtains and built-in cup- love of mankind and the Among the first children boards, easy chairs and TV SALES • SERVICE • CUSTOM LEASE PLANS soil. The "Gordonia" born in Degania were sets. Every member can pioneer movement ,created Moshe Dayan; Motti Hod, prepare tea and coffee in his in Poland, Romania and former commander of the other countries in Europe Israel air force; and Josef room and receive guests with cake. Some of the- was named after him. The rooms are air-conditioned. head of this movement for Each year 10 families go many years was Pinhas La- abroad. Ten private cars are von. at the disposal of the In the cemetery of De- NEW YORK — The He- gania we find the graves brew weekly, Hadoar, pub- families. Kibutz members of Josef Bussel (one of the lished by the Hebrew Lan- are studying at univer- founders of the kvutza guage and Culture Associa- sities. Degania has a who drowned in the Jor- tion, will mark its 60th an- luxurious cultural hall, a dan River); Otto War- niversary with a luncheon cinema seating 400 and a rich library. burg, former president of in New York, Dec. 15. Moshe Kipnis, 89, still the World Zionist Organ- A number of outstanding living in Degania, used to ization; Dr. Arthur Rup- Hebraists have been editors pin, founder coloniza- of Hadoar, which started off live in the same room with tion, A.D. Gordon and as the only Hebrew daily A. D. Gordon. He was an officer in the Turkish army. others. 28585 Telegraph Rd.,across from Tel-Twelve Mall published outside of Pales- In 1920, Kvutza Degania tine in November of 1921 At Degania he was an ag- Southfield, Mich. ricultural worker, and only B. was founded. Among the and became a weekly the when he became elderly did founders were Levi Shkol- Phone 353-1300 following year. Among nik (the late Prime Minister them were Mordecai Lip- he become the bookkeeper ■ son, Yom Tov Heller and Menahem Rabalow. Hillel Bavli, Daniel Persky and Chaim Nahman Bialik have been among the noted authors and poets whose works have appeared in the periodical. Dr. Gerson Cohen, chan- Drapery cleaning when properly done is an art, we at CUSTOM celor of the Jewish Theolog- ical Seminary will be guest DRAPERY CLEANERS practice most diligently, in our never of honor at the luncheon. The Jewish News Special Israel Correspondent BETTER BUSINESS 4995 exclusive Hebrew Weekly Marks Birthday TamaRoFF Buick-Honda •• • • • ••• • • • ••• *- • • • • • • • • • • • • a ••• •• • •• •• •••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • We Take The Worry Out Of DRAPERY CLEANING • • • • • • • • • • • • • DRAPERIES • BEDSPREADS • BLANKETS (Cleaned or Laundered) WINDOW SHADES LAMPSHADES PILLOWS VENETIAN BLINDS (Cleaned, retaped & re-corded) ylfoyuor ue'rxeistminogvdinrgapweeriecsantorfeitmaankoethaenr dwrined-ionw staolrl room. I We Remove & Install DRAPERY CLEANERS 891-1818 VISA' master charge Suburban Call Collect VISA & MASTERCHARGE • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • CALL TODAY FOR A PRIVATE APPOINTMENT • APPRAISALS: S15 FOR FIRST ITEM AND S5 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL ITEM • WE PURCHASE OLD GOLD AND DIAMOND JEWELRY Costly Elections JE RUSAL M (JTA) — • Israel 's Knesset elections , • still a year away, will cost • about 500 million Shekels, • presently the equivalent of • $8 million, according to Dr. • Michael Bar-Zohar, chair- • man of the Labor Party's • campaign committee. He • said his figure reflected the effects of inflation. "Son of C. Trojan" CUSTOM FURNITURE & CARPET CLEANING ON LOCATION [KU Phone 576-1140 Diamond and Gold prices are changing daily. If your jewelry is not appraised at todays replacement prices, you may lose hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Protect yourself... Have your precious jewelry appraised today by Tapper's Jewelry. • Bernard Zlotowitz, director • of the New York Federation • of Reform Synagogues re- • cently flew 2,500 miles to • conduct High Holiday serv- • ices at Panama City's Cong. • Kol Shearith Israel. The • century-old synagogue has • no regular rabbi. • • • • • Trojan You Don't Need Your Jewelry Appraised... Until You Lose It • • ending quest to improve our service to you by seeking better • • systems and methods. Panama Service • • Don't take good drapery cleaning for granted. We at CUSTOM • by NY Rabbi • DRAPERY CLEANERS make good cleaning happen. • NEW YORK — Rabbi • • • • • • • • • • of the kibutz. When Gordon was invited to a Zionist meeting in London in 1921, Gordon told Kipnis, "I have nothing to say there, but I will go in order to visit the city of London." A year later Gordon died. Menahem Ussishkin visited Degania in 1921. He wanted to talk to Gor- don; Gordon was busy working in the field and he continued workir while talking to L sishkin. The income of Degania is based on 30 percent agricul- ture and 70 percent from in- dustry in which more than half of the kibutz members are employed. There is a shortage of manpower and Degania is capable of ab- sorbing another 80 families. At Degania, young pioneers from all over are trained for new kibutz settlements on the Golan Heights. More than 15,000 people took part in the Degania jubilee celebrations. Israel's President Yitzhak Navon said, "Degania at 70 looks very young. The Israel Prize was awarded to you, but in reality, you have awarded the state with the Prize of Israel. Degania is the most beautiful place that the Jewish people have built up during the last 100 years, in values, morals, labor and vision." Tapper's, the source. 26400 West Twelve Mile Road In Southfield's Racquetime Mall Northeast corner o r 17 Moe R Northwes!em H•A ■ 357-5578 HOURS Mon Tues . Wec Fr, Sa! 10 6 Thur 10-9 4110 Mitiritifft4VAIMMit