12 October 11, 19N THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Unheeded Zionist Prophet Vladimir Jabotinsky By YITZHAQ BEN-AMI (Editor's note: The fol- lowing article by a disci- ple of Vladimir Jabotinsky is presented in advance of the Jabotinsky Centennial Dinner Nov. 11 in New York. Speaker at that dinner will be Jabotinsky protege Menahem Begin, prime minister of the state of Israel.) Back in the early 1930s, he was in his 50s. We were in our late teens or early 20s. He was one of a number of Zionist leaders we in Pales- tine knew from our child- hood. Weizmann, Us- sishkin, Sokolov, Ahad Ha'am, Berl Katznelson, Ben-Gurion, Ben-Zvi. We chose to follow Jabo — Vla- dimir `Zeev" Jabotinsky. We were students, work- ers, tradesmen in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Riga, , Warsaw, Vienna and Bucharest. We took him to our hearts. He became "Jabo" — our "old man," our teacher. Out of his teaching sprang the - Betar, the Irgun Tsvai Leumi, the Hebrew Revolution. Out of our ranks came the Raziels, the Ben-Yosefs, the Dov Gruners, the Begins. For most of us it was a short, personal association — 15 years, sometimes 10 or even less. Then we carried on, alone, without him. * * * On a visit to a Hebrew- language school somewhere in the Diaspora, a proud teacher presented his pupils to Jabotinsky. In answer to the teacher's questions as to what was the most precious thing to them, a student an- swered with the teacher's beaming approval, "Artzenu" (Our country — Eretz Israel). Jabotinsky patted the boy's head and asked: "What is even more pre- cious than our land of Is- rael?" The students and the teacher looked puz- zled. "Amenu — our people" said Jabotinsky softly. Jabotinsky appealed to and captured the hearts and minds of the youth and, in his last years, of the masses of the Diaspora, because he reduced the Hebrew renais- sance, above all, to its basic element — survival. Humanitarian Zionism meant, above all, the over- riding concern for the sur- vival of the millions of the Jewish proletariat of East- ern Europe. Firstly, physi- cally. Thereafter, in dig- nity, productively, re- generating a just society, nourishing itself from its own fountainhead of ethical teachings, of the Bible and the ensuing Jewish law. Strangely, few of Jabotinsky's critics and not all of his pupils looked for the bedrock of his thinking and teach- ings in the overriding precept of, above all, securing the survival of the disenfranchised Jewish masses. What few recognize is that Jabotinsky was a rationalist, a non-mystic. Although a romantic, poe- tic, want and humane be- ing, his analyses were rooted in cold reason. Next to survival, what mattered was the manner in which a nation survives and is re- born. In 1903, at age 23, Jabotinsky, already a re- nowned journalist, threw himself, body and soul, into Zionism. His first introduc- tion to Zionism was joining YITZHAQ BEN - AMI actively a students' self- defense group in Odessa. In those actions of the young man are to be found the roots of his other basic prin- ciples of faith: self-respect and self-reliance. Jabotinsky drew on his deep attachment and knowledge of the Italian re- naissance for guidelines to the Hebrew Risorgimente. The Hebrew Risorgimente was to follow the concept of "Italia fara da se — Italy will liberate itself!" The humiliating experience of the 1903 Kishinev pogroms only deepened his belief in a nation's self-reliance in ac- tivism and strength. Survi- val was to be coupled with dignity. first Jabotinsky's Zionist Congress was the sixth one, (1903), the last one for Herzl. There Herzl was attacked for negotiating with the Rus- sian interior minister, von Phleve, an avowed anti-Semite. Jabotinsky spoke about ethics and tactics, and defended Herzl's contacts with Phleve. This sensitive subject was to be raised again and again during Jabotinsky's politi- cal activity. Jabotinsky dealt with an aide to the murderer Petlura, but called for a world-wide boycott of Hitler (in 1933). The moral basis for He- brew rebirth in its land is unchallengeable. But Arab opposition is to be expected, as is the case with all native people who oppose any col- onizers — whether outright aliens or natives returning to their homeland, as in the case of the Jews returning to the land of Israel. Jabotinsky wrote (in the late 1930s): "There are 38 million Arabs . . . they oc- cupy an (arable) area as large as half of Europe .. . One every square mile .. . there are no more than 16 Arabs . . . Eretz Israel is only 170th the size of the vast area on which the Arabs have settled .. . `There are between 15 and 16 million Jews in the world. Half of them today lead, in plain terms, the life of a homeless hunted dog ... ". . When a homeless Jewish people demands Eretz Israel for itself, it is regarded as 'Unethical' be- cause the local population finds it unpleasant. There is room for such an ethic among cannibals . . . the earth does not belong to those who have too much land. To take a piece of land from an over-endowed na- tion, • in order to provide a home for a wandering na- tion, is an act of justice . •. ." He put it bluntly: "One of the two things is true: either Zionism is morally good or it is morally bad. This prob- lem should have been solved before we became Zionists ,, • • • • A lot has happened since the above was writ- ten but the fundamentals have not changed. Now, a Palestinian-Arab na- tionalism has been de- veloped and a Palestinian-Arab state has come into being in Eastern Palestine — Jor- dan. And Jabotinsky's views of the 1920s would have undoubtedly led to the same basic conclu- sions today — if the Palestinian-Arab entity is not ready to sit down at the negotiating table and work towards peace, then for the time being the Palestinian-Jewish entity will have to go it alone. But in the 1930s, what Jabotinsky taught was pure heresy. His deductive thinking was clear: For sur- vival, the nation needs a land; the only land it is his- torically and morally entitled to is Eretz Israel; in the process of achieving it, it may clash with the native population; to defend itself from such an attack and se- cure its future, it must be physically strong. This is what Jabotinsky called: "learning to shoot ." It caused alarm in Zionist ranks. It smacked of militarism or worse. Jabotinsky put it point blank. Is it all right for the Zionist leadership to call upon the British adminis- tration to defend the Yishuv with British weapons and lives? But is it wrong for the Jewish youth to devote it- self and proudly acquire the are of self-defense? In his classical article, "On the Hearth" (1935), Jabotinsky wrote-, "One does not depend on the enemy's righteousness, but only on making it physi- cally impossible for him to kill our people and to burn our houses .. . "I would . . . concede that it is very sad for us Jews at a time like this to be forced to learn to shoot . . . it is futile to argue against the com- pulsion of an historical reality ... That is the les- son of the past . . . and the project for (the future) 9! Jabotinsky's message to the new Hebrew generation was explicit — you cannot survive in this imperfect world of ours unless you are strong. From this view he did not deviate since he first expressed his views at the seventh Zionist Congress (1905): "Politics is power. This power we do not pos- sess. Zionism must endeavor to become a power It was the driving power behind the formation of the Jewish battalions in the British Army in the First World War. He organized the Hagana in 1920 and the British clamped him in jail for it. He founded the Betar and gave the Jewish youth the chance to acquire -the elements of military train- ing. In 1937, he became sup- reme commander of the Irgun Zvai Leumi, and in August 1939, he laid out the plan for the first armed He- brew revolt in almost 2,000 years. While Jabotinsky for- mulated the policies of political Zionism, defined goals and labored on the diplomatic level, paral- lelly, since the mid-1930s to his last days, he encouraged the Betar and the Irgun to build the physical power to back diplomatic action. In the 1920s and early 1930s, Jabotinsky urged in- creased Jewish immigra- tion to Palestine. This was mostly rooted in political considerations, esbecially because of the phenomenal growth of the Arab popula- tion of Palestine, , and the urgent need to achieve a Jewish majority and He- brew sovereignty. The advent of Hitler to struggling for emigration, he, a man of science, has to admit that Palestine could not take them in. All he was asking was for two million 1/4 youth to be given the chance to immigrate and be saved. And the rest? "They will pass," Weizmann declared. "They were dust, economic and moral dust in a cruel world." To admit that the dream of Zionism could not meet the problem of physical existence of the Diaspora must have been a deep emo , tional trauma for Weiz- VLADIMIR JABOTINSKY mann. But, the truth was power in the early 1930s that Cultural-Socialist changed the political scene Zionism never aimed at radically. solving the problem of the in Europe Jabotinsky saw an increas- physical existence of the ingly growing threat to Jewish masses. what he called "the zone of As the vise was closing on Jewish distress," overlap- Europe's Jews, the fact that ping the areas of the old the British shut the doors of Pale, from the Baltic Palestine was for the through Eastern and Cen- Zionist - Pacifist - Socialist tral to South eastern leadership an obstacle that Europe and the Black Sea. could not be overcome. Millions of Jews were now Dr. Weizmann stated to exposed to grave danger, the commission that possibly destruction. Palestine could not ab- With the Nazi regime es- sorb six million Jews. In tablished in Germany in fact, Weizmann publi- 1933, the ideological evolu- cally consigned four mil- tion of Jabotinsky contin- lion European Jews "to ued. He grimly forewarned dust." The British (in his article "Germany" in policies, over the coming February 1933 of the un- eight years, upped it to precedented Nazi platform six! which meant a declaration At the same time, of war on the Jewish people. Jabotinsky, who predicted From that date on- that the Peel Commission ward, Jabotinsky carried recommendation for a on his campaign of warn- mini-Jewish state in the ing and predicting de- Plains of Palestine would struction to the East- come to naught, commenced Central European Dias- his own evolution towards pora, where millions of breaking the impasse with Jews resided. His call for Britain, through means evacuation (1935) — mass other than passive ac- emigration from the ceptance of British whims. zone of Jewish dis- Of course, the seeds for tress," was assaulted by military activism were the Zionist-Jewish estab- there all along. Jabotinsky, lishment world-wide. who called for proud self- In 1935, the New Zionist reliance, who incisively de- which fined the moral basis of the Organization headed, return to Zion, who told the Jabotinsky launched a program to move youth to "learn to shoot" a million Jews, over 10 and now saw the Dark Ages years, in Palestine. sweep once again over the Even this was unaccept- Jewish danger zone, was able to the Zionist estab- only one step away from the lishment. As late as 1948, final one, an attempt to Ben-Gurion still referred to change the course of Jewish Jabotinsky as a "Dohek history by armed action. Haketz" ("The one who Jabotinsky knew that the rushes the arrival of the Italian Risorgimento did Messiah . ."). not achieve Italian freedom Jabotinsky saw the writ- through a spiritual renais- ing on the wall and had no sance alone. Probing alternative but to rush slowly, he raised the subject things . . . In contrast, for with a group of Irgun lead- my generation active in the ers who visited him in Irgun in Palestine in the Egypt -in July 1937. (Be- mid 1930s, Jabotinsky was cause of his "militancy," the trailing events. British banned Jabotinsk - The year 1937 was a in 1929, from enteric momentous year in the Palestine.) evolution of Zionism. For the first time, he Both Chaim Weizmann raised questions of the and Zeev Jabotinsky potential manpower for were nearing their mo- military action against ments of truth. Weizmann the British Administra- at last admitted that, con- tion of Palestine, the trary to his long held be- reaction to be expected liefs and policies, from the establishment Zionism failed to provide (Jewish Agency/World the Jews of Europe with Zionist Organization/ the haven they needed. Histradrut). He declared before the If it came to military ac- British Peel Commission of tion, he would approve such Inquiry (January 1937) action only if he would par- that, although six million ticipate in person. European Jews (what an (Continued on Page 54) ironic coincidence) were `