IRE RINI! JEWISH NEWS ONLY ONCE A YEAR ALL WINDOW COVERINGS Bialik House Caretaker Has Unfinished Work By MOSHE RON The Jewish News Special Israel Correspondent TEL AVIV — The custo- dian of Bialik House in Tel Aviv is Moshe Ungerfeld, an ardent partisan of the poet Haim Nahman Bialik. The house is in the center of the city, on Bialik Street, and was once . one of the nob- lest houses. Bialik and his wife Mania lived in it until his death. In 1938, the Tel Aviv Municipality decided to i.rn the house into a fuseum for school children, students and tourists. Ungerfeld has turned 80 and is no longer capable of administering the Bialk house. There are many complaints about it. The Municipality has already --"Friday, October 10, MO 13 self is built in the Euro- and a cup of tea. Ungerfeld met Bialik 42 pean style of the 1920s mixed with Eastern years ago. Mania brought him from Vienna where he influence. Inside the house there is was a student of philosophy. much to see. Ungerfeld He wrote several books on saved the cups out of which the philosophical subjects Bialik drank his tea. In and decided to assist Bialik. glass cases Bialik's gold Ungerfeld has kept sev- watch, pen and tea service eral of Bialik's writings are displayed. In the hidden because he thought kitchen, all of the utensils they were not for publica- used by Mania Bialik re- tion. After Bialik's death, it main in their place. was planned to place books Ungerfeld does not per- from Bialik's rich collection mit anything to be moved. among outstanding public He does not understand that libraries. Ungerfeld fought the house has to undergo ex- this proposal and succeeded tensive repairs. The books in keeping all the precious are getting old and decayed. books in the house. The Tel Aviv Municipal- They have been on the shelves for 42 years and ity is trying to repair the they are only dusted from house. They do not want the •precious collection of books, time to time. Ungerfeld lives in a sub- the original paintings of urb of Tel Aviv. Every day Reuven Rubin and others to he comes to the city on two be lost or damaged. However it is not cer- buses in order to receive vis- itors to Bialik House and tain whether Ungerfeld numbers, but non-Jewish give tours and explana- will be able to continue spouses have actively in- tions. He has little strength his work. The poet Anda Amir- volved themselves, when and patience left. He is liv- permitted, in the life of the ing in the past, seeing him- Pinkerfeld, who is responsi- synagogue." self in his fantasy as a ble for the "Woman's The UAHC official ex- young man who follows in House" of Mania Bialik, pressed the view that Or- the footstaps of his master says that the Tel Aviv Municipality decided a long thodox and Conservative Bialik. synagogues face the same "I have no private life, time ago that, as long as problem — how to deal with no home, no wife and no Moshe Ungerfeld is alive, the non-Jewish spouses of children," he said. "This he will not leave Bialik Jewish members — but that house is my whole life. I House. This house is his life to his knowledge no similar eat only once a day; my and as long as he can, he survey had been under- meal consists of two should continue to adminis- taken by them. slices of bread, an onion ter the house. hinted to Ungerfeld that it might be wise to hand over the administration to a younger person: Ungerfeld refused. He said that he had dedicated his life to Bialik. He has no family. He was attached to Bialik all his life. In Bialik he saw the reviver of the Hebrew word of Eretz Yis- rael. He has saved every lit- tle scrap of paper on which Bialik had written a few words. Bialik House was built in 1924. Time has left its traces. Some of the walls have cracks, the paint has faded away. A young, energetic person is needed to restore some of the original splendor of the house. The house it- 45 0/ BLINDS—VERTICALS—WOVENWOODS—DRAPES o opfri creetli lis l t OFFER GOOD TILL 10-31-80 Ili ■ 5 0 % with pr- measurements oP FOR QUALITY SERVICE CALL: '559-8209 Reform Accept Non-Jewish Spouses for Membership NEW YORK — Growing numbers of non-Jewish spouses in mixed-married couples are being accepted as members of Reform synagogues and enjoy full congregational privileges, according to a survey by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Responses to the survey were received from 138 Re- form synagogues, 18 per- cent of those polled. The survey was undertaken in response to requests by Re- form congregations for guidance in formulating membership criteria for mixed-married couples, ac- cording to Rabbi Sanford Seltzer, UAHC director of planning and research, who conducted the survey. "It had formerly been presumed that synagogue affiliation was a preroga- tive limited to Jews, whether they be Jews by birth, or `gerim' (converts), Jews by choice," Rabbi Selt- zer explained, adding: "In recent years, how- ever, the situation has changed radically. Not only have mixed-married couples sought synagogue membership in ever greater "investment dressing... because your best investment is you: At Executive Custom Shirtmakers, Inc. we use the finest fabrics and expert craftsmanship to design each shirt especially for you. Because after all, you're worth the investment. Executive Custom Shirtmakers, Inc. 207 S. 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