AJC Seeks Court Ruling Jackson Denies Rift With Begin WASHINGTON (JTA) — Sen. Henry Jackson (D- Wash.), whose support of Is- rael has been unquestioned in his long political career, has indicated annoyance with published spectulation that he did not mention Is- rael in his address to the Bnai Brith International convention because he is "angry" with Premier Menahem Begin. Under headlines such as liy Senator Jackson Was on Israel" and "Some r Thunder in Jackson's Silence," sections of the American Jewish press car- ried the report from their own Washington corre- spondent that began "How angry is" Jackson with Be- gin? The report noted he had spoken about U.S.-Soviet relations, Soviet Jewish emigration, Afghanistan, the strikes in Poland, and the energy crisis but "noth- ing about Israel." Jackson's office dis- missed the report as. an tt Mapam Begins Election Drive - TEL AVIV (JTA) — Mapam launched a two-fold election campaign last week aimed at toppling the Likud-led government in the 'next Knesset elections and assuring a continued Labor Alignment majority in the upcoming Histadrut elections. But, while speakers at the meeting of the party's Cen- tral Committee blasted the Begin regime they also had tough words for the Labor Party, their Alignment partners. The Knesset elections are more than a year away — barring events that may require early elections — but Mapam believes that the Labor Party must start cleaning house now to prepare for what Mapam Secretary Victor Shemtov said would be a struggle be- tween "superpowers." According to Shemtov, Labor must end its internal conflicts which provide ammunition to • its oppo- nents. The Labor Party must mobilize all of its re- sources for the election struggle and should not fear self-criticism for past mis- takes, Mapam leaders said. address, neither did Austra- lian Prime Minister Mal- colm Fraser whose creden- tials in support of Israel's government are similarly unquestioned. Fraser, whose address preceded Jackson's, also stressed the Soviet compo- nent in world affairs and human rights. received Jackson standing ovations before and after his speech to the Bnai Brith, Fosdick noted. He discussed the elements about which he SENATOR JACKSON invention" and as "ut- is the Senate's foremost terly ridiculous." expert — Soviet Jewish Dorothy Fosdick, a prin- emigration and the prob- cipal assistant to lems stemming from U.S. Jackson, said she told the dependence on Middle report's author that East oil. In an interview with The "You're inventing the whole thing. You don't Washington Star two months ago, Jackson have a story there." Jackson, Fosdick said, "is criticized the "timing" of Is- very close and very loyal to rael's establishment of new Begin" and that "person- settlements on the West ally, Scoop is a good friend of Bank but in the same inter- Begin." Jackson's nickname view he said "the settle- ments are not illegal," is "Scoop." Independent observers which is contrary to the noted that while Jackson Carter Administration's did not mention Israel in his position. • V Y PR' •-1"3": Cassette Dictating Transcribing- Machines the Wall Street Journal. The form asked would-be employees to state their religion. 342-780 SAVE UP TO 60% ON DIAMONDS • We Sell Diamonds Only • By Appointment Only Call Jerry Turken at - TM The New York Diamond Cutting . Company "The Diamond Cutters" - 3000 Town Center, Southfield. Michigan;_ 355.2300 Three things are good in small measure, and bad in large: Yeast, Salt and re- fusal. — Talmud ‘,. * ;• •-• ... C The New York Diamond Cutting Company. 1977. BALFOUR CELEBRATION Sponsored by: Zionist Organization of America Detroit District SUNDAY, OCT. 19 — 7:30 P.M. Ford Auditorium ' 569-1515 A SMART INVESTMENT 2600 2500 there's never been a better time to join 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 Peres Released from Hospital TEL AVIV (JTA) — Shi- • n Peres, leader of the r Party, was released I ti urn Tel Hashomer Hospi- tal Sept. 6 after spending a quiet and restful night. He was admitted to the hopsital after complaining of chest and abdominal pains. Doctors at the hopsital said he was suffering from indigestion and fatigue. Peres told reporters after leaving the hospital that he would resume his normal work schedule later in the week at the Labor Party headquarters. The NEW YORK American Jewish Comgress has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear an appeal of a ruling that permits foreign governments to recruit em- ployees in violation of a New York statute that bars discrimination on grounds of race and religions. The AJCongress is seek- ing a writ of certiorari from the high court in the case of American Jewish Congress v. N.Y. State Human Rights Appeal Board. The case involves a job application form distrib- uted by the United Arab Emirates University to per- sons responding to a faculty recruitment ad published in 21 Friday, September 26, 1980 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 900 Summer 1980 Spring 1980 Winter 1980 PRICES GOING UP SOON. In this (la) and age. ev•r ∎ on•'s lot:Acing 1 ..)t- a good III\ (•`,11111.•11. ,")01111211 . 11(1 1 . 1' vott x.111 v ■ atch ■ ctur mone) sotnellun).; for ou '1 . 11,11 in\ estment is here And I lainilll.111 to Ion1 111,111 11k)\\ 1,1111111k)11 111. 1 \ I••11 a 11C111.'1 • 11111(• d111'111)..1, our 1 : ■ 111 ( 1 ) 1,1(y. the atiordabl• sk)t..1,11 and Fitness (hilt in `. ---)otitivfit.•1t1 I aIu a (lip in our indt..)t)t - pool. eNercis• tHt the most tnk)d•rn equipment. jog .1t - ■ )tind the int.lo ■ 1r trat.k. takt n saun,l. rela d i n t . ‘ A Ill1 \ our I r wi ld, H I \ 111 1h(• 140111 .1 11 ,1 10t111 12C. ur Yk)ti now ,Anil more Ai 11,1111111km h•fk)re inuotion fees -1()O1 go up. \Ve*t . e still now at c\p,tino, rat(•, l iii hurl-\ 1001.t. thr, I 1,11,1111()n 1 ) 1,10: '.-)Ix'r tal 1,111 Ott( r acc•ptino, memberships. 1 . 1111`, 0111 you, .111(1 111C•I'l• 11(•\ il• 11•1•11 .1 111•11t 1 1 . 111\ t•,1111•111 1 ' 01' b••il 'WIWI . 11111C 10 1010 111,111 00\% HURRY! OFFER ENDS SOON! 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