( F P 2 Friday, September 12, 1980 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary By Philip Slotnovitz The Devotional Good Wish for Happy Years Rooted in Quest for Justice and the American Road of Fair Play That Must Also Assure Israel Security 5741: A Year to Test Mankind's Ability to Face Many Challenges and Tensions Anticipating a year filled with tensions, with anxieties resulting from the ac- cumulating problems, the year about to be welcomed may be among the most challenging of the century. This is a presidential year, and for Americans of all shades of opinion, all racial backgrounds, all religious affiliations, there are now the unanswerable questions relat- ing to another four years of American history amidst the hitherto unsolvable and the oncoming innumerable problems. From all quarters come requests for guidance: who to vote for? Party preferentials will undoubtedly predominate again, and on that basis this column repeats the admonition of some weeks ago: don't be too hasty in the temptation to bet against the incumbent. Advice-givers will no doubt be found at every corner of every city in the land and in an age of many tensions the voter will be confronted with partisanships and bitterness. At the same time, the prophet will loom high. That's how it works; that's how it'll be again. For the panic-stricken, because there is so much agony in the assertions that the candidates offer poor choice, there is the resort not to rumor but to an ongoing sentiment of inner conflicts. The fact is that there is a lesson in historic experience: the next President will be in the White House for four years. The country survived heads of state of differing qualities of character and abilities. The country survives the strongest and the weakest. Israel's Yerida Defined in the Contrasting Explanation of the Generations by Prof. Scholem Israel's problems are so staggering that they over- whelm the imagination. They are enough to cause panic in ranks unprepared by historic experience to defy dangers. The external problems, those relating to the conflicts with the Arabs, the hatreds generated in the United Na- tions, the difficulties with world powers, not excluding the United States, often emerge as frightening. The internal issues are equally oppressive — the political, the social, and especially the economic. Due primarily to the latter there is a Yerida. There are, reportedly, some 400,000 former Israelis who now live in the United States. The Yordim are cause for concern. It stands to reason that the economic agonies have contributed towards creat- ing Yordim, a defectors' exodus, as much as the obligations to serve in the army for many years as reservists and the many other pressing issues related to them. Prof. Gershom Scholem, a true pioneer who settled in Palestine in the early 1920s, a noted scholar who is now among the world's leading authorities on mysticism, was interviewed for the New York Review of Books by David Biale. He was asked how he evaluates the development of the Zionist movement since he first set foot in the Jewish National Home in 1923. He replied: The people who came to Palestine between 1923 and 1933 had made up their minds that they wanted to live among Jews and not in a ghetto. They wanted to be free men and women and work for the renaissance of the Jewish people. These people — and I was one of them — regarded them- selves as the vanguard of the Jewish people. In 1933, Hitler came to power and everything Some advice-offerers will be cautions and will play a safe game. Take as an example a New Year message by Rabbi Alfred Gottschalk, president of Hebrew Union College- Jewish Institute of Religion, who admonished: "Let us choose wisely and well, for the choice we make as individuals in the electoral process will profoundly affect our own lives, the future of America, of Israel — in whose fate all Jews are involved — and, indeed, the whole world." wnow, this is what one would call non-political, non-partisan, inderdenominational, bi-partisanship! No candidate can lose on this platform! Yet it does advise that people should study the issues and be acquainted witl - nation's needs. Such advice applies to the responsibilities people have to their families, to the community. Jews have the duty to be aware of the many needs that involve an assurance that people will be informed and that while protecting the approaches to a good life there also be an assurance that people will not condone the spread of distortions which lead to divisiveness among peoples. Let there be a loyalty to the humanism that makes Americans united for just rights and affirms the duty of Jews always to stand firm in support of such rights. In such a program there must develop fairness for Israel and rejection of the bigotries that divide people. In the quest for justice there is again rooted the devotional good wish for a Happy New Year. changed. Hitler proved that the Zionist analysis of the Jewish situation was right and the anti- Zionist analysis was wrong. But the majority of people who came after 1933 did not have the same idealistic convictions as those who had come be- fore and they came because they had no choice. These were a different type of people; they did not come to create a new Jewish society, but just to live in Israel because there was no other place for them to go. After 1948 there came a major influx of Jews from Islamic countries who were also refugees. They also did not come with the conscious pur- pose of rebuilding something; very few of them were even Zionists. This affected the climate of the country and created the social problems we are now faced with. Some of these problems are not solvable in our generation. The Jewish state, which had to be created as a result of the historical crises of our generation, now has to confront social problems which never existed before in Jewish history. For example, for the first time there is serious physi- cal violence between Jews, including cases of rape. There has also emerged a Jewish under- world which was virtually unknown in Europe. We now realize that there are two very different social groups among the Jewish people, the European or Ashkenazim and the Jews from Is- lamic countries. There has emerged a common stock of European Jews where there used to be German Jews and Romanian Jews; we all have the same grandparents and we have all experi- enced the Holocaust. But the Jews from the Arab countries have a very different background and often a different mentality. The Zionist movement actually paid very little attention to the Oriental Jews. All the great Zionist leaders were from Eastern Europe and they imagined that Israel would be a state of European Jews. The Holocaust changed all that; all these Jews were massacred. As David Ben- Gurion said: "Those Jews we hoped for are dead." So Hitler changed the whole climate of the country. For me and my generation, this was quite a disappointment although perhaps we should not have been disappointed. We never imagined what it would be like to have a state of over three million Jews. We thought of perhaps a million halutzim (pioneers), but instead, we have three million Jews trying to live in Israel and solve their social problems there. These are changing times. The eras of the first Aliyot, of the periods of the true pioneering, are no more. The Halutziyut of the creators of the first settlements in the Jewish National Home in Palestine is a memory and the Halutzim of old are not the people who go on Aliya today. Nevertheless, there are comparisons. New settlers have idealism which must not be denuded. At the same time, devotion and idealism are mandat- ory for the sabras, for the natives, for those who have witnessed the emergence of Israel. This is where Zionism idealism comes in, the devotion to fulfillment of an historical prophecy, the libertarian principle that gives dignity to Jewish living. There is the boasting that homelessness neared its end with the rebirth of the state of Israel. One of the great messages of freedom comes from the ancient homeland where Jews are re-established as human beings. Is this ideal to be destroyed? Those who live in Israel, those who settle there, must re-assert loyalty to the basic ideal of perpetuating the honor of a nation redeemed. Away with Yerida! Up with Aliya! Europe Has Become the Appeasers in the Middle East Dilemma By ARNO HERZBERG ZURICH (JTA) — The foreign ministers of the European Economic Com- munity (EEC) tried to es- cape the miserable summer weather by heading to Ven- ice for a summit meeting. Perhaps they blamed the bad weather on the Jews, as their predecessors did in the Middle Ages. In any case, they adopted a resolution which, in the final analysis, is tantamount to uncondi- tional surrender to the Palestine Liberation Organization for Europe and for Israel. Immediately after the declaration was adopted in Venice the headlines stated: "Israel est isolee"; "Israel isoliert"; and "Israel iso- lated in the world." Reading the editorials and the slanted news presented by almost all the French, Ger- man and Swiss. newspapers is f,a`d experience. Israel has become, next to South Africa, the whipping /-ooy of the nations. The editorials that agree with the Venice 4eclaration and the demands at the United Nations in the Gen- eral Assembly and in the Security Council that Israel evacuate all the so-called occupied territories justify their position by noting the absence of a strong Ameri- can leadership and point to the weakness and near paralysis of the Carter Ad- ministration. This, surely, is a flimsy excuse for the behavior of the West European na- tions which did not ear- lier support the Arabs in the Mideast conflict. In the fall of 1973 the EEC published a declaration which cited the principle that territories taken by force must be returned to the former inhabitants and called for Israel's confintrinont to the 1967 borders. r-rn- fie EEC did not bother itself with the Soviet Union which more than once seized territories by force, nor did they refer to the suppression of minorities and dissidents in the Soviet Union. Neither did they, for example, cite India which grabbed Portugal's colonies in the Indian Ocean. But these same nations feel no compunction about labelling Israel an occupier and the Arabs who have at- tacked Israel four times are viewed as the pitiful victims of "Israeli agression." It has reached the point where whatever Israel does or does not do is held against her. this evokes All memories of the Crusades in the Middle Ages, especially after reading editorials deal- ing with the proclama- tion by Israel's Knesset that united Jerusalem is that nation'. The editorials seem set to organize another Crusade to free Jerusalem from the infidels. The outcry, par- ticularly in the German and French press, was great. The Swiss newspapers which, for years, tried to be impartial on issues dealing with the Mideast, are be- ginning to reflect the influ- ence of Arab pressure. Europe has increasingly been relegated to a satellite status: first of America and now of the Arab world. The thought process this depen- dency has generated in- spires the awkward and spine-numbing posture of fence-sitting. The effort to retain their economic well- being and the frantic at- tempt to assure ongoing prosperity has led the Euro- pean nations to wallow in greed, selfishness and an ir- reverent zest for the good life. In Europe, the ideal of justice or even fair play has - - - - - peen scrapped in favor of an abject surrender to those who complain the loudest. This attitude has led to some strange behavior on the part of the Euro- pean powers in the Mideast conflict, in Af- ghanistan and in their participation in the Olympic Games in Mos- cow. The consequences of this can be highly dis- turbing. The German newspaper, Die Welt, reported that a journalist, Dr. Paul Martin, was indicted by a court in Cologne for "war monger- ing." He had discussed in his column the obvious situation that some day the industrial states of Europe and the United States might find it necessary to occupy the oil fields in Arab countries. The risk in doing that is so "great" that the volunteer fire brigade of Tulsa, Okla. would be suffi- cient to accomplish the mis- Qin'!" hn va2.,•11-1, AZ71./14,1 YV T+ IL• 16 1111 uiy possible to imagine a more blatant attempt to curb any voice that might arouse Arab displeasure. Meanwhile, the Arab propaganda barrage is going full blast. A presenta- tion of the Jewish cause is sorely lacking to counteract this. The International Herald Tribune, on its front page, printed an interview with PLO chief Yasir Arafat who tried to minimize the recent PLO resolution cal- ling for the annihilation of Israel. It was, he explained, only a draft resolu Even the Swiss newspk., rs appear to accept this view. King Hussein of Jor- dan, who has a great deal to lose from a PLO- dominated West Bank, cries about an "unavoid- able disaster." But no one is doing anything about it as oil is being poured on the fire. Tragically, too many people, including many American Jews are going about their business as usual. Fr„in this ; tde of the ocean, this inaction and in- difference is truly alarming.