22 Friday, August 29, 1980 Working for a better world through education — that's ORT, the vocational training program of the Jewish people. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Camel Milk Could Solve Desert Dehydration Problem BEERSHEVA — Dr. Re- uven Yagil, a veterinarian-physiologist at Ben-Gurion University's Center for Health Sciences, specializes in camels and believes that this animal could supply one of the an- swers in alleviating the problem of dehydration for those who work in desert regions. "We came to the conclu- sion that these animals — which are superbly adapted to the desert, which can survive weeks without drinking water, which can change every physiological mechanism in the body to survive the lack of water and the lack of good vegeta- tion — could be used in the areas of the world where people are dying today," Dr. Yagil explains. "We wanted to have a look and see what this animal can produce. "All other mammals," he continues, "except the camel, when exposed to heat, lack of water and lack of good fodder have a decline in milk produc- tion." So, precisely when the young animal needs more water and food, the mother is providing less. We examined the camels. Kept them without water for two weeks, while continuing to milk them, then letting them drink as much as they wanted for one hour. Normally, camels will produce milk that has about 80 percent water with 4.5 percent fat. These camels, kept without drinking water and before they have drunk, have 91 percent water in their milk and 1 percent fat, with an in- creased salt content as well. JWV Delegates Told Israel Battle for Survival in U.S., Not Israel NEW ORLEANS, La. (JTA) — The crucial battle for Israel's security may well be fought on the banks of the Potomac rather than loin WOMEN'S on the banks of the Jordan, AMERICAN ORT. warned Morris Amitay, chief American lobbyist for 355-9151 Call Israel, in his keynote ad- dress to the 85th annual na- tional convention of the Jewish War Veterans, which is being attended by 1,000 delegates. Amitay said: "The issue is not whether American Jews have the right to differ with Israeli government policy on settlements for instance, but whether they don't have more important things to do." Whatever the merits may =1%\ be of a particular policy of the Israeli government at a given time, "divisions in the American Jewish commu- nity are invariably seized upon by Israel's detractors and critics as a justification for their own anti-Israel ac- tions and statements," Amitay said. There is much that Jews can do uniquely as American citizens, he noted. We can encour- age the Congress to pass foreign aid legislation that is critical in bolster- ing Israel's faltering economy; we should be making the case for limit- ing the flow of sophisti- If we had to sit down and cated U.S. arms to Is- design what we would want rael's hostile neighliors; to give a child living in an we should be rebutting area that's hot and short of sophisticated Arab water, we would need a food propaganda in the that contained a lot of United States in an or- water, a lot of salt, little fat ganized, coherent way; and good nutritional value." we should become more This is- exactly what the involved in supporting camels produce under staunch Congressional friends of Israel who are harsh, arid conditions. facing election battles." Israel, Amitay said, is now in a grace period of sorts — provided by the up- NEW YORK — The Na- coming Presidential elec- tional Yiddish Book Ex- tion. The concentration of change, which is starting an Jewish votes in the crucial 29}73 Northwestern Hwy. /Southfield, MI 48034 1 (313) 356-2525 archive of unwanted Yid- industrial states needed for at.12 Mile Rd., FranklinPlaza dish volumes, is located at election has produced an Daily 10-6 - - PO Box 969, Amherst, easing of official pressure on Thurs. 10-8 MasterCharge Visa Israel." Mass. 01002. Amitay added: "This is surely a time for more rather than less political involvement. What remains _ to be seen is whether at this AI J crucial juncture the Ameri- c--(' A can Jewish community will be able to enlarge its influ- ence and be able to convince the public, the media, the Congress and ultinately the policy-makers that a strong, secure Israel, closely allied to the United States, is in the best interests of the • United States. "The advantage that Is- 25222 GREENFIELD AT 10 MILE, Pak Park rael has that its Arab enemies with their billions of petro-dollars and 'hired guns' in Washington will never have is six million American Jews concerned for Israel's well-being and Paperback and Hard Cover very much in the mainstream of American THOUSANDS OF BOOKS IN STOCK life." Other speakers at the Paperback and Hard Cvoer convention include former Israeli Premier \r FOR ALL AGES . . . TO READERS . . . TO COLLECTORS Yitzhak Rabin; Max Cle- W (9' The Perfect //don No piece of jewelry is so special as your wedding ring. And for that special time, we have a beautiful engagement set or wedding band that is just right for the two of you. Yiddish Books Exchange Starts Creativeknelers, GRAND N IN AT YESTERDAY'S PRICES 968-1510 WE BUY BOOKS land, chief administrator of the Veterans Adminis- tration; Robert Lipshutz, personal attorney to the President; Joseph Churba, director of the Center for International Security; Aaron Rosen- baum, national coor- dinator for the Jewish community for the Na- tional Unity Campaign; and representatives, re- spectively, for President Carter, Ronald Reagan and John Anderson. Meanwhile, Harris Stone, commander of the Jewish War Veterans, called on the United States to re- evaluate its role in what he termed the Organization of Petroleum. Exporting -Countries-coittrolled United Nations. Stone said that a strong Israel is essential to Ameri- ca's interests in the Mediterranean Sea and In- dian Ocean, especially in light of the growing Soviet menace to both areas. Pointing out that the United Nations, under Sec- retary General Kurt Wal- dheim, has succumbed to OPEC's blackmail by oil, he urged the United States to vote against further at- tempts in the UN to destroy Israel. In a related develop- ment, Thomas Stern, di- rector of government re- lations, Americans for Energy Independence, told the convention that "this nation can save two million barrels of im- ported oil per day" which "would free us from ar- bitrary fetters and chains which restrict our free- doms and make us hos- tages to events beyond our control." His recommendations in- cluded: • Continue to shift at present rate to smaller cars; a saving of 500,000 barrels by 1983. • Shift 25 percent of oil- fired plants to coal power plants; a saving of another 500,000 barrels. • Cut recreational travel by 40 percent; a saving of 300,000 barrels. • Convince 67 percent of commuters who now drive alone to shift to car pools or public transportation; a saving of 400,000 barrels. • Improve conservation in homes including space and hot water heating; a saving of one million barrels. Jerome Levinrad, na- tional executive director of the Jewish War Veterans, warned that ultra- conservative evangelical groups, not the Ku Klux Klan nor neo-Nazis, pose the gravest threat to the American Jewish commu- nity. He said that American Jews must be on the alert to the increasing strength of some of these groups. "Using the pulpit as a platform, they are imple- menting a multi-million dollar media campaign to shape America into a single political mold, namely their own brand of ultra- conservatism," he declared. Levinrad noted that such actions violate the spirit and tradition of the Ameri- can way of life and are a threat to all individuals and minority groups with be- liefs different from those of the ultra-conservative evangelical groups. Meanwhile r-delegates to the Jewish War Veterans convention took time out from their deliberations to hold a Torah study session. It was reported that the National Ladies Auxiliary of the Jewish War Veterans, meeting concurrently with the national JWV conven- tion, elected Evelyn Mer- monstein as national president. Study Reveals Importance of Jerusalem to Three Faiths By RABBI MARC TANENBAUM (A Seven Arts Feature) What role has Jerusalem actually played in the re- spective' histories and reli- gions of Jews, Christians, and Muslims? Several years ago, the House Foreign Affairs Sub- committee on the Near East held extensive hearings on that critical question, invit- ing a group of Christian, Muslim, and Jewish schol- ars and leaders, including this commentator, to tes- tify. Subsequently the U.S. Congress published that testimony under the title, "Jerusalem — The Future of the Holy City for Three Monotheisms." In stark contrast to the historic distortions and sheer PLO lies that dominated the recent UN debate on Jerusalem, the Congressional document makes many historic points, including the fol- lowing: While the Holy City gave birth to Judaism and Chris- tianity and has a particular relationship to Islam, the _ interests of the three reli- gions differ in both emph- ases and intensity. In Chris- tianity, the scholarly tes- timony reveals, holy places have been a constant attrac- tion for Christian pilgrims, but there is nowhere a de- sire of homeless Christians to return as settlers. For Islam, the spiritual homeland is Arabia. While in Jerusalem there stands the third holiest shrine for Muslims, the sacred "Kaaba" in Mecca is the center of the universe. By contrast, Judaism has nowhere established an- other independent national and spiritual center, and Jerusalem and Israel are in- tertwined far more inti- mately with the Jewish religion and- history.