Friday, August 8, 1980 1 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ARE TOT1CONFUSED su isliiirl3iiini- Arirs7 1" BLINDS-VERTICALS-WOVEN WOODS Delegates Face Jewish Concern for Israel (Continued from Page 1) Democrat who represents the Boro Park section of Brooklyn, home of one of the largest concentrations of Orthodox Jews in the world, has announced his support for Reagan because of the Republican's statements backing Israel. Support for Reagan can also be seen among a group of Jewish intellectuals who combine support of Israel with a need for a more hard-line foreign policy and beefed up defense. But perhaps even more worrisome to the President than an in- crease in the percentage of Jewish voters going to Reagan, perhaps even more than the 35 percent received by President Nixon against Sen. George McGovern of North Dakota in 1972, is that Jewish voters will back Rep. John Ander- son (R-111.), the indepen- dent candidate for the Presidency. Polls have shown he scores high among Jewish voters and he has been making a major appeal for the Jewish vote. The Jewish vote takes on great importance this year. The experts believe that for Carter to defeat Reagan he must win the major indus- trial states of the Northeast and Midwest. Jews make up an important part of the voters in these states, espe- cially in New York. Ander- 'son, if he receives a strong Jewish vote, could ensure that Reagan defeats Carter in those states, and might possibly carry the states himself. The Carter forces are well aware of this. Evidence could be seen when the Democratic Party's Plat- form Committee hammered out the platform that will be approved at next week's convention. The Carter people rol- led over the Kennedy backers on every issue. In fact, once the question of open or closed conven- tion is out of the way, Kennedy will make the economy and what to do about it the major issue of the convention. But on the Mideast, the Carter forces were willing to compromise. They agreed to allow the plank of the 1972 and 1976 platforms to stand. It states that the Democratic Party supports "the established status of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel with free access to all its holy places provided to all faiths. As a symbol of this stand, the U.S. Em- bassy should be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem." A qualifying third sen- tence which the Carter forces had originally de- manded be added was moved to another part of the long section on the Middle East. This reads: "It is rec- ognized that the Democratic Administration has to pro- ceed with special care and sensitivity resulting from its deep engagement in the delicate process of promot- ing a wider Kace for Israel." . STOP WORRYING I We have the professional "know How" and will give you expert advice on the most modern 1 concepts in window coverings plus 1 UNBEATABLE PRICES 1 I For Complete Service Call . 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Corner of Evergreen I em diplomats in Beirut re- portedly described the talks as a boost for the PLO chiefs campaign for international recognition for his organ- ization. The fact-finding mission follows a call by the EEC at its summit meeting in Venice in June for the PLO to participate in the Mideast peace talks. Thorn, who visited Israel last week, said he and Arafat discussed the PLO's attitude toward the Venice declaration. Thorn also was scheduled to visit Syria and Jordan. In Jerusalem Premier Menahem Begin had ad- vised the EEC to steer clear of the Middle East peace process and allow the Camp David proce- dure to develop unim- peded. The premier dismissed Thorn's suggestion that the participation of the Pales- tine Liberation Organiza- tion in the negotiations could be beneficial. Thorn was reiterating the Venice declaration which called for the PLO to be "associated" with the peace negotiations. The EEC's policy also came under heavy fire by President Yitzhak Navon at his meeting with Thorn. Thorn said the framework of the negotia- tions set at the Camp David talks was facing difficulties. Therefore, the European countries wanted to check whether Israel was willing to enter an alternative channel of negotiations. Thorn said he also wanted to learn whether Israel was willing to evacuate any ter- ritories occupied in 1967. (In Washington, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger told the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee that the EEC nations • are engaged in "dangerous es- capism" in trying to solve the Mideast crisis by ap- peasing such groups as the PLO.) Many a lash in the dark doth conscience give the wicked. ULTRA TASTE! . kNTAS . ... . 20 CIGARETTES Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous toYour Health.' I 1 1 a#e0e b l IC rneThod