28 Friday, August 1, 1980 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS HIGH HOLIDAY SERVICES Is the Palestinian Woman Exploited? By DR. HARRIS SCHOENBERG (Copyright 1980, JTA, Inc.) McDonnell Towers Community Room complains that Arab men a woman-child . ." has not yet "met a man who show little regard for Ms. Tawil concludes: "I has really shaken off the old women. Personal freedom is am a Palestinian living conventions about women." 24300 Civic Center Drive, Southfield (Editor's note: Dr. Har- quite. alien to Arab tradi- under occupation. (But) I And she accuses the PLO ris Schoenberg, director tions of male supremacy, am (also) a woman living leaders of being "hypocriti- in a male-dominated cal about it all. At public of the UN office of Bnai she observes. Beyond the well- reactionary society that meetings they talk about Brith, has frequently written on the United Na- known deprivations of has made men into gods liberating women but they tions. He is working on a civil, political, economic and women into submis- really believe, and some of them say it openly, that a study of the Palestine and social rights which sive dolls." Soraya Antonius, former woman does her revolution- Liberation Organization Arab women suffer, Ms. call Rabbi Simon entitled "A Mandate of Tawil reveals that they editor of the "Middle East ary duty by ironing her are not supposed to gig- Forum," is also troubled by husband's shirts, cooking Terror.") Prominent Palestinian gle or laugh, so as to the plight of Palestinian his dinner and providing a feminists concede that Is- avoid a reputation for women under Arab jurisdic- cozy and restful ambiance rael treats Arab women bet- being frivolous. On best tion. "In their daily lives for the warrior." • Author Sahar Khalifa, ter than they are treated behavior is a woman who Palestinian women suffer IS HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THAT anywhere else in the Middle is quiet, obedient, and from the social harassment quoted in the February and legal discrimination 1980 issue of "The Middle East. Such leading Palesti- submissive. Men are responsible for imposed on their sisters in East" (London), warns that nian intellectuals as WE WILL BEGIN TAKING Raymonda Hawa Tawil and the behavior of their every Arab country," she Arab "women have learned some bitter lessons" from Sahar Khalifa openly ad- women. A man who fails to states. RESERVATIONS FOR Writing in the Spring liberation struggles. Re- mit, as Mrs. Khalifa is punish the "misdeeds" of his quoted as saying, that the daughter, sister or wife is 1979 issue of the "Journal of member, she says, "after status of women "is better considered derelict' and im- Palestine Studies," pub- they fought in Algeria," the lished by the Institute for women "were -sent back to here on the West Bank than moral. elsewhere in the region." The settlements policy of Palestine Studies and their kitchens." Such honestly in confes- Israel in the territories ob- Kuwait University, Ms. An- on Sunday, August 10 sing indirectly the absur- viously generates con- tonius, who believes that dity of Palestine Liberation troversy. But with regard to participation in PLO activi- Organization charges that women's rights, there can ties helps to liberate Pales- Israel and Zionism cause be no doubt. Under Israeli tinian women, nevertheless • the plight of Palestinian rule, Arab women have quotes Palestinian poetess 10 Mile & Greenfield, Smithfield women, charges that were achieved a degree of eman- May Sayigh, a vice Office Open: 6:30-8:30 P.M. Daily aired at what was officially cipation not otherwise president of the PLO affil- 10:00 A.M.-Noon Sundays FRIDAY, AUG. 8 titled the World Conference tolerated in the Middle iated General Union of of the United Nations De- East. Under Arab rule, the Palestinian Women, as say- 8 p.m.-12 cade for Women in more intelligent fear, they ing: TICKETS AVAILABLE AT $25.00 "The PLO Charter talks Copenhagen, July 14-30, is would return to subjuga- of the equality of men and refreshing, and in the caes tion. 24061 Coolidge, Oak Park — 398-1177 of Ms. Tawil, lends credibil- As Ms. Tawil puts it: "As women and the elevation of MADNESS SALE ity to her expressed desire to a Palestinian, my woman's role in the revolu- her nationalist attachment is tion. Elevation! Even the accommodate yearnings strong, and it gives me a word (tarqia) is wrong and nationalist within the framework of sense of belonging. But as a suggests that they're going peace with Israel. woman, I could not feel that to teach her to play the Telephone Answering Systems Ms. Tawil explains her I belong to this society that piano or do watercolors or (04:5111 predicament as both a threatened to dehumanize something equally elevat- nationalist and a feminist me into a sex object. I felt ing! In fact neither equality 29901 Middlebelt Road in her recent book, "My like a stranger, persecuted nor elevation have been Home, My Prison" (Holt, and misunderstood. I did brought about and there is Farmington Hills, Mich. 48018 Rhinehart & Winston). She not want to remain a salve, no single organized pro- gram to implement." (Phone 851-5100) EXECUTIVE AUTHORIZED DEALER Palestinian activist Urn Samir notes, according to Sales & Service By RABBI SAMUEL FOX people come closest to the Ms. Antonius, that after A complete line of (Copyright 1980, JTA, Inc.) Almighty. 1948 "in the camps the America's top quality The Membership Committee cordially in- There are mystic Palestinian became It is customary to recite telephone answering vites all prospective members to join in an the Book of "Shir ha- authorities who claim ultra-strict, even fanatic, systems. Shirim" (Song of Songs) be- that the recital of the Shir about the 'honor' of his Outdoor Kabbalat Shabbat Ma'ariv Serv- fore beginning the Friday ha-Shirim rescues a per- women." ice on FRIDAY,-AUGUST 8, 1980 AT 8:00 son from the pangs of Another activist, iden- evening service. P.M. This famous love song has hell. Jewish tradition tified only by the CIRCLE COMMUNICATIONS been subject to many in- claims that the punish- pseudonym Abir, adds that 24760 Romano, Warren ments and fires of hell among the Palestinians, she terpretations. If it is a song Rabby Efry Spectre and Cantor Larry Vie- of love, it is generally con- subside on the Sabbath. der will officiate. sidered that the love affair The Elected Leadership of Oak Park supports .. . The Sabbath becomes a is one that exists between day of love and compassion the Almighty and His cho- instead of a time of punish- Following the service, an Oneg Shabbat sen people. ment and revenge. The will be held. It is of course on the Sab- Sabbath is t h us begun with bath when the Jewish the spirit of love — both be- tween the Almighty and his chosen people as well as be- tween one person and his EVERYONE IS INVITED TO COME TO THE fellow person. Reservations $18 Senior Citizens $10 548-2666 YOUNG ISRAEL OF OAK-WOODS - ROSH HASHANA and YOM KIPPUR Coming To New Orleans Mall MID-NITE CODE-A-PHONE ADAT SHALOM SYNAGOGUE Beginning Sabbath Service 759-5400 DENNIS M. AARON 2nd ANNUAL YIDDISH MUSIC FESTIVAL Sponsored by The Workmen's Circle, J.T. Zukerman Culture Fund Co sponsored by The Jewish Community Council, Sholem Aleichem Institute /In co-operation with the City of Oak Park Disease Study Center Opens at Hebrew U. County Commissioner Oak Park — Royal Oak Twp. - SUNDAY; AUG. 3, 2:30 P.M. Oak Park Major Park The instrumental music for this occasion is made possible by funds supplies by the recording companies of America through the Music Performances Trust Fund. The grant for this perform- ance was obtained with the co-operation of Local 5, Delroit Federation of Musicians. Participating in the program: Cantor Chaim Najman, Cong. Shaarey Zedek Margelee Green-Ruby Sam Barnett's Orchestra Please bring chairs and blankets for your comfort FREE ADMISSION In the event of rain, the Festival will be held on Sunday, Aug. 17, at 3 p.m. at the Oak Park Major Parksite. JERUSALEM — The Sanford F. Kuvin Center for the study of Infectious and Tropical Diseases was opened recently at the He- brew University-Hadassah Medical School. The center, which carries out research on malaria, leishmaniasis, schis- tosomiasis, leprosy, Rift Valley Fever and other dis- eases, is an outgrowth of the university's parasitology department founded by the late Prof. Saul Adler in the 1920s. Mayor David H. Shepherd Mayor Pro Tem Charlotte M. Rothstein Councilman Marshall C. Disner SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS Nathan Peiss Donald Cohen Irving Rosen Ralph Davis Arnold Shif man Barbara Disner Thomas Violante Marilyn Mazell VOTE "AARON FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER" Paid for by Committee to Re-Elect Dennis M. Aaron 10150 Dartmouth, Oak Park, MI.