—7—A ---7.- 4 ,,•>4 4. •:,... : 7•Alwee,01W,I4 1.•, •N:. ,..:•FAriF., .... , ••::... HIAS Grants Pay Tribute to Gurfein NEW YORK — Eight scholarships to assist in the academic training of de- serving Jewish students — four in Israel and four in the United States — have been established as a memorial to the late Judge Murray I. Gurfein by the Hebrew Im- migrant Aid Society (HIAS). Gurfein, who died last December, is best remem- bered for his_ 1971 decision to reject the Nixon Ad- ministration's attempt to bar the New York Times from publishing the "Pen- tagon Papers." 'a 1947, when a special. :ted Nations commission hearings on what was then Palestine, the Jewish Agency invited Judge Gur- fein to become an adviser on international law and he went to the Jerusalem ses- sions in that capacity. Gur- fein also served as president of HIAS for eight years. Talks Boycott Hurts Self-Rule JERUSALEM (ZINS) — Former Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan re- cently told an interviewer that self-rule in the ad- ministered territories based on the Camp David agree- ments has little chance of being realized as long as the Palestinians and Jordan boycott the autonomy talks. • THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Orthodox Seek New Settlers Soncino Humash on Tape from Jewish Braille Institute TEL AVIV — Yitzchak Hildesheimer, the newly elected coordinator of the World Union of Poale Agudath Israel, will arrive in the U.S. Wednesday to attract new immigrants to the settlements of Poale Agudath Israel in general and particularly to Yishuv Merom Zion now being es- tablished at Matityahu in the valley of Ayalon on the West Bank. Arabs Criticiie UN Translators NEW YORK (ZINS) — Arab delegates at the United Nations have com- plained about the quality of translations into Arabic. A UN official told an Arab delegation that if the 34 Arabic translators were not doing their job well the Arab states would have to provide better professionals for the job. Israelis Hold 4 on Drug .Charge TEL AVIV (JTA) — Two Austrian citizens and an Is- raeli couple living in Vie- nna were remanded in cus- tody for 10 days by a Tel Aviv magistrate on suspi- cion of drug smuggling. Police said the four brought heroin into Israel from Austria and returned with Israeli hashish for the Vienna drug market. To: The Jewish News 17515 W. 9 Mile Rd. Suite 865 Southfield, Mich. 48075 WEI JUST from Paste in old label 1 NEW YORK — A 117- hour recording of the Son- cino Humash for the use of the blind, the visually handicapped and the el- derly who are experiencing diminishing vision, has been completed by The Jewish Braille Institute of America. The Soncino edi- tion, including Haftorahs and Commentaries, is a prime resource of Jewish religious study. On 78 cassettes, the re- cording may be borrowed free of charge from the In- stitute's New York head- Einstein Subject of Spanish Book NEW YORK — A new book on the life of Albert Einstein, written in Spanish and published in Mexico, is the work of Ser- gio Nudelstejer, director of the American Jewish Committee's Central American Office in Mexico City. Titled "Albert Einstein: Un Hombre en Su Tiempo" and published by Costa- Amic Editores, S.A., the book looks not only at Eins- tein's accomplishments as the world's most renowned physicist but probes his interests and concerns in the areas of art, music and politics, and as a humanist. Meanwhile, Einstein's manuscript on "The Corn- patability of the Field Equation in the Unified Field Theory," which was discovered recently in an unopened safe at the Brook- lyn Jewish Center, was au- ctioned off for $31,000. The manuscript was purchased by a California physicist, who made his bid over the telephone. Einstein donated the manuscript to the center in 1934. L Please Allow Two Weeks quarters. It enables the user throughout the English- on JBI's services should be to listen to the Hebrew and speaking world, particu- directed to Gerald M. Kass, then the English versions of larly at those services at executive vice president, the Torah and the Haf- which the Torah scrolls the Jewish Braille Institute torahs. The Commentaries are read. • of America, Inc., 110 E. 30th are in English. Requests for information St., New York, N.Y., 10016. "This is a milestone in JBI's continuing work to help those who are blind, visually handicapped or ex- periencing visual loss to have access to the master- works ofJudaism," Dr. Jane Evans, JBI president, said. She paid tribute to Dr. Sol- omon Colodner, a promi- nent Jewish educator and Hebraist, who as a volun- teer did the actual recording of both the English and the Hebrew texts in the Insti- tute's Lamport Sound Studio. The Soncino Humash was edited by the late Dr. Dr. Solomon Colodner is shown holding the writ- Joseph H. Hertz, former ten version of the Soncino Humash, while rabbinical British chief rabbi. It is student Michael Levy holds some of the 78 cassette used in many synagogues tapes in the recorded version. are house calls a thing of the past?? Hassan Would Break Off Talks PARIS (ZINS) — King Hassan of Morocco told the French magazine Le Monde that he would break off negotiations with Israel if he were President Sadat of _Egypt. Hassan said Egypt has accomplished all of her ob- jectives: return of the Sinai Peninsula and its oil wells and open navigation of the Suez Canal. Hassan added that he has advised the Palestine Lib- eration Organization to abandon its demand that Is- rael relinquish all of the administered territories. Winter Rains Aided Israel NAME Friday, July 4, 1980 51 JERUSALEM (ZINS) - - A spokesman for Mekorot, Israel's major water company, said last winter's heavy rainfall helped alleviate Israel's water shortage. Some 460 million cubic meters of water was added to the Sea of Galilee, but of- ficials warned that Israel's water situation remains serious as ground water re- serves are still critically low. OF COURSE NOT! Let The Jewish News visit your home or that of a friend or relative each week. F 1 •1111111 •1111111•11111• 11M1M111•11• 1•11 MEN= en= so ie .. Nu so am me 11•0131•1111MIUNIMININIIIIIIN To: The Jewish News 17515 W. 9 Mile Rd., Suite 865 Southfield, Mich. 48075 Please send a year's gift subscription to: NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE OCCASION . ZIP I 1 FROM: enclosed II $15 enclosed L.......m.........011111111111111111111•11•31111111111111=1111•1 11111111